ACLU opposes outsourced law enforcement

What so many here are missing is the root cause of this organized crime ring, which is the seizure laws. This county has brought in private help for a share of the take. The goal is to rob as many citizens at gun point as possible. This goes on nation wide. The involvement of private contractors is just an expansion of the already existing criminal enterprise.
No surprise that partisan hacks can take a subject that theoretically both parties could easily agree on and defend, and still find a way to fight about it.
Oklahoma authorities have no legal basis for allowing private corporations pose as LEO.

Prisons should not be privatized.

Guard unions should not be allowed to lobby legislatures.

exactly, there is no legal basis and prisons should not be privatized

why shouldn't guard unions be allowed to lobby? other unions do.

Because of the conflict of interest: they lobby for more jail time for convictions.
The more towns, cities, counties and even states that have financial problems, the more we are likely to see these types of schemes.

If law enforcement (or corrections, as has been brought up) is to make use of private companies, it should be with no profits attached. This is the worst place for government to be interested in making money, as it is the most likely to lead to abuses of citizens' rights, and likely to be some of the worst such abuses.
No surprise that partisan hacks can take a subject that theoretically both parties could easily agree on and defend, and still find a way to fight about it.

Oldguy is partisan democrat first - being an American is a FARRR distant second.

Want this kind of crap to stop, outlaw seizure laws. No "law enforcement" agency should ever profit from their activities - nor could any government or government agency.

I would compare American law enforcement to the Mafia, but that's not fair

to the Mafia..
Privatization in LEO, child care, elder care and so forth does not save tax payer money, and it puts those in care of corporations of having to beg those who torture them for relief.
Oklahoma authorities have no legal basis for allowing private corporations pose as LEO.

Prisons should not be privatized.

Guard unions should not be allowed to lobby legislatures.

exactly, there is no legal basis and prisons should not be privatized

why shouldn't guard unions be allowed to lobby? other unions do.

Because of the conflict of interest: they lobby for more jail time for convictions.

you do realize that is not what they lobby for...if anyone does that, it would be the police unions.

cite me where guard unions lobby for that. i think you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
you do realize that is not what they lobby for...if anyone does that, it would be the police unions.

cite me where guard unions lobby for that. i think you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

There can never, ever be a profit in law enforcement or incarceration if we have any hope of a free and just society.

As it is, if the police come to my door, I view them the same way I would any other home invasion robbers.
exactly, there is no legal basis and prisons should not be privatized

why shouldn't guard unions be allowed to lobby? other unions do.

Because of the conflict of interest: they lobby for more jail time for convictions.

you do realize that is not what they lobby for...if anyone does that, it would be the police unions.

cite me where guard unions lobby for that. i think you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

And you have no idea, Yurt, whether it is true or not, do you? :lol: Should have asked bigreb about it.

Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards' Unions ...

2012 - California's Prison Guard Union-How a 'Model' Union Rose to ... a tough-on-crime agenda that included longer prison sentences and ... Both groups endorse candidates, make campaign contributions, and lobby legislators.
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Because of the conflict of interest: they lobby for more jail time for convictions.

you do realize that is not what they lobby for...if anyone does that, it would be the police unions.

cite me where guard unions lobby for that. i think you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

And you have no idea, Yurt, whether it is true or not, do you? :lol: Should have asked bigreb about it.

Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards' Unions ...

2012 - California's Prison Guard Union-How a 'Model' Union Rose to ... a tough-on-crime agenda that included longer prison sentences and ... Both groups endorse candidates, make campaign contributions, and lobby legislators.

Undue Influence: the power of Police and Prison Guards' Unions | National Radio Project

sorry bub...but opinion doesn't count. their lobby efforts are focused on jobs, benefits...not prison sentences...occasionally they join with victim's rights groups...but that is not their agenda to increase prison sentences.

you truly are clueless and should read more of your link because it proves i'm correct.

but i want to note that jake only gives a link when he thinks he found something to prove him right. all other times he never gives a link...

true story
The link proves me right and Yurt wrong. Prison guard unions want longer sentences, pretending to be tough on crime, to ensure job security, Yurt would do that.
click on the link and it says:

And their advocacy for better pay, more power, and more jobs has been a major factor in the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

when they have advocated for longer prison sentences, it is when they have helped VICTIM's rights groups...they don't exist to lobby for longer prison terms.

jake hates victims.
Union Of the Snake: How California's Prison Guards Subvert ... The California Prison Guards Union won't let anything stand in its way. ... crisis by approving some of the most stringent sentencing measures in the nation, ... union raises about $23 million a year, and spends about $8 million of it on lobbying.,d.cGE&fp=6acc75de4afeeb84&biw=1333&bih=553

The Scam of the California Prison Guards Union - TalkLeft: The ...
The Scam of the California Prison Guards Union - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime

May 26, 2004 - ... pure political muscle, there is no lobby quite as strong as the prison lobby. Consider what the prison guard's union has helped to accomplish in the last 20 years. ... people go to prison for longer and longer for doing less and less. ... an abnormally high rate of death sentences, something like 60-70%.
Yurt continues to solidify is position as a far right reactionary. He supports, as a right wing statist progressive reactionary, the right of unions to lobby to incarcerate prisoners for longer than for less.

Yes, I know it is confusing, but imagine the inside of butt hurt Yurt's weird mind. that jake has resorted to his fall're a far right reactionary...despite never proving one single belief of mine in the thread i created for him to prove i am

i know i won this argument and jake knows it because all he has is his lame false ad hom that he doesn't have the stones to back up...

it is not a far right reactionary position to support guard unions in helping VICTIMS obtain longer sentences. that is a position of the BOTH the left and the right.

jake has proven once again he has no character and no substance to his arguments
Since Yurt has been beat down on why prison guard unions lobby (for longer sentences for lesser crimes to improve their job security) he whines "now that jake has resorted to his fall're a far right reactionary".

Yurt, who has been stalking me in several threads because he has a man crush on me, will now run off to the mods and cry. that jake has resorted to his fall're a far right reactionary...despite never proving one single belief of mine in the thread i created for him to prove i am

i know i won this argument and jake knows it because all he has is his lame false ad hom that he doesn't have the stones to back up...

it is not a far right reactionary position to support guard unions in helping VICTIMS obtain longer sentences. that is a position of the BOTH the left and the right.

jake has proven once again he has no character and no substance to his arguments

Jakematters is a troll. You cannot expect a rational discussion from him. He is here on the behest of George Soros and the MoveOn.Org team - not to be rational nor to discuss, purely to spread far left propaganda.
So we see Yurt has nothing of worth to counter the prison guard unions who lobby for increased sentences for lesser crimes, and Uncensored is right there with him.

They are reactionary trolls who are fun to tease but that is about it.
click on the link and it says:

And their advocacy for better pay, more power, and more jobs has been a major factor in the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

when they have advocated for longer prison sentences, it is when they have helped VICTIM's rights groups...they don't exist to lobby for longer prison terms.

jake hates victims.

click on the link and it says:

And their advocacy for better pay, more power, and more jobs has been a major factor in the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

when they have advocated for longer prison sentences, it is when they have helped VICTIM's rights groups...they don't exist to lobby for longer prison terms.

jake hates victims.

So we see Yurt has leaves out the part about the prison guard unions who lobby for increased sentences for lesser crimes, and Yurt the reactionary troll now some how wants to support the unions from the left and the victims from the right. Selective editing, as you do, Yurt, comes back to bite you in your ass.

All of the links posted before this undermines Yurt's nonsense.
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