ACLU: Trump Travel Ban Would Be Legal If Hillary Did It


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Wow, keep talking...

May 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Of course it would.

As ACLU Co-founder Roger Nash Baldwin once wrote, "When that power of the working class is once achieved, as it has been only in the Soviet Union, I am for maintaining it by any means whatever."

Law is only process. The only real absolute right is left-wing power.

Meanwhile the ACLU lawyer arguing against President Trump's travel pause admitted that the only real issue with it is... Trump.

ACLU Lawyer Omar Jadwat, arguing against President Trump’s travel ban before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday, admitted that the same exact travel ban “could be” constitutional if it were enacted by Hillary Clinton.


The exchange between Jadwat and Niemeyer is really a dialogue between two different cultures. One is a culture of law and ideas. The other is snarky, but devoid of reason. One has standards, the other only agendas.

ACLU: Trump Travel Ban Would be Legal If Hillary Did It
The Democrat party should be classified as a subversive group. It's members rounded up, and charged with sedition.
It is true that Trump spoke of a Muslim ban during his campaign. So now any liberal judge can and will use that against him and rule any EO tthey don't like that affects Muslims unconstitutional due to violating the religion clause of the 1st amendment.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will set the lower courts straight on this.
It is true that Trump spoke of a Muslim ban during his campaign. So now any liberal judge can and will use that against him and rule any EO tthey don't like that affects Muslims unconstitutional due to violating the religion clause of the 1st amendment.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will set the lower courts straight on this.

The victimhood continues! :boohoo: :crybaby: :disbelief: :dunno: :frown: :fu: You own DC; act like it! :eusa_naughty: :cuckoo: :dunno:
It is true that Trump spoke of a Muslim ban during his campaign. So now any liberal judge can and will use that against him and rule any EO tthey don't like that affects Muslims unconstitutional due to violating the religion clause of the 1st amendment.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will set the lower courts straight on this.
And it's a bullshit argument anyway. From the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society:

The Lautenberg Amendment, first enacted in 1990 as part of the U.S. foreign operations budget to facilitate resettlement of Jews from the former Soviet Union, allowed HIAS to bring tens of thousands to safety. As the worldwide refugee situation changed, the Lautenberg Amendment was expanded to include persecuted religious minorities in other countries, such as Jews, Christians, and Baha’is from Iran.
May 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

In some ways this is more important than anything that the former FBI Director said or didn't say about Hillary Clinton.

Comey responded that out of 2,000-plus “violent extremist investigations … about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.” So 15 percent of the FBI’s terrorism cases are refugees – far more than their share of the immigrant population, let alone the general population.


America can't afford Islamic refugees.

15% of the FBI's Terror Investigations are of Refugees
OMG here we go again with a partial win for Trump...


SCOTUS curbs lower courts’ encroachments on presidential national security powers.
June 27, 2017

Joseph Klein

The Supreme Court has restored a measure of sanity to the judiciary. On Monday, it overruled significant portions of the decisions of two of the country's most liberal federal appeals courts, enjoining the implementation of President Donald Trump's 90 day suspension of travel from six terrorist prone countries and 120 day suspension on the entry of all refugees.

The Supreme Court handed the president a partial victory, but a victory nonetheless. His second executive order temporarily suspending travel from Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Syria, pending an executive department review of current vetting procedures, has now been cleared to go into effect immediately, except as to visitors with "a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States." It is expected to actually take effect within 72 hours from the date of the Supreme Court's decision.


All in all, the Supreme Court’s decision to allow President Trump’s travel suspension order to go forward immediately for the most part vindicated the principle of separation of powers and served the best interests of the nation in helping to protect the country’s security.

High Court Overrules Leftist Judicial Insanity

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