*Acosta You're Done!*

Sorry bout that,

  1. The judge sided with the media he didn't want the following shit storm.
  2. Trump will appeal.
  3. This could take 6 years,..lol!
  4. And neither Sarah or Trump will ever call on him again, so anyway you look at it Acosta finds a dumpster.
  5. CNN should of just fired him,.lol!


CNN wont fire Acosta because Acosta did the job assigned to him. Thats what the liberal shills dont grasp... but those on our side should be able to.
Did we ever expect this entrenched power and wealth to go quietly? Of course not! But when you hear them yowling know you are hearing the thud of the stick beating them back into their holes.

I guess a judge will next order Trump to call on CNN in a certain order? :) Every time these liberals swear they are striking a blow for freedom we get another unelected judge giving us orders. Weird how that works isnt it?

Acosta has given his last CNN policy speech against our president.
Sorry bout that,

  1. The judge sided with the media he didn't want the following shit storm.
  2. Trump will appeal.
  3. This could take 6 years,..lol!
  4. And neither Sarah or Trump will ever call on him again, so anyway you look at it Acosta finds a dumpster.
  5. CNN should of just fired him,.lol!

If Sanders doesn't call on him, other journalists will cede their turns to him, and Acosta will make headlines, and Trump will look like a Snowflake.

No he wont though you expose your shallow game playing here. To make him look a certain way. You can shill for corporations all you want Ted Frazier but the only "look" you are winning is that of a floundering ruling elite.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg
Unless this was meant as satire, it appears you spoke too soon because as you know a federal judge has ordered your dictator wannabe so-called president's desecrated tRump House to immediately restore Mr. Acosta's press credentials. Have a nice day. Not!
the WH will spell out a "rules of engagement" and a "due process" for if you can't follow those rules. then if acosta does this again, we follow the process in place that all have agreed to and he'd be out.

if a reporter breaks the rules, 1 month loss of pass, again, 3 months. again, 1 year. up to their employer if they wan to reassign them at any given time and try again with a different reporter.

trump needs to follow due process and this is what the judge is saying, rightfully so. now if acosta does it again and process is followed, he's out. period.
I keep saying that we've been turned into a judicial oligarchy...Here's more proof.

No jurisdiction or legal precedent for the court to intervene, yet is has.
Incorrect. The judge was clear on what precedent applied.
Robert Sherrill v. H. Stuart Knight, Director, United States Secret Service, Etal., Appellants, 569 F.2d 124 (D.C. Cir. 1977)
If the application is denied, the journalist is informed, orally or in writing, that the denial is "for reasons relating to the security of the President and/or the members of his immediate family."

Acosta and CNN were told verbally exactly why his Press Pass had been revoked. Since there is no Constitutional Violation of Acosta's Rights - according to Judge Kelly, and according to your link all that the WH needs to do is to send an official letter informing Acosta / CNN that his Pass has been cancelled and why.

That could easily be remedied...

...but again, I think it would be much more fun to sit his ass in the back of the room and ever let him even see a microphone ever again.....unless he and CNN apologizes.
If Sanders doesn't call on him, other journalists will cede their turns to him, and Acosta will make headlines, and Trump will look like a Snowflake.

Looks like we have the definition of a "cabal" here.
"A judge issued an injunction on Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass, arguing that Acosta’s First Amendment rights trump the White House’s right to an orderly press room.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly was initially expected to make an announcement in the case on Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, but the announcement was delayed until Friday morning.

Kelly agreed with the White House that there is no First Amendment right to be on the White House grounds, but added that Acosta did not receive due process before his pass was revoked."

WHAT 'due process'?

The judge contradicted his own ruling:

'Judge Kelly further explained that Trump is not required to call on Acosta at press events but that Acosta’s First Amendment rights are more important than the White House being able to have orderly press conferences.'


Kelly issued a TEMP STAY, ordering the WH to re-issue Acosta his WH Press Badge again but this court case will go higher for a ruling on Acosta's Constitutional Rights being violated....

Acosta will end up losing his Press Pass permanently - Kelly has already declared THERE IS NO CONSITUTIONAL VIOLATION IN THIS CASE.

Kelly cited 'due process' - there is no legally defined 'due process' in this case. Acosta was a rude, insulting pr!ck who hijacked the Presser and threw a tantrum when he did not get his way. As a result he was duly punished by having his press pass revoked. 'Due Process' followed.


"Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again"

Bwuhahahaha...it's coming - you KNOW it is. Acosta will NEVER be allowed to ask another question again in a WH Press Conference! :p

CNN has just proven it is as STUPID as it is arrogant and lacking in civility. All they had to do - all Acosta had to do - was APOLOGIZE for being a rude, insulting, disrespectful prick and for hijacking the presser and throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sued the President to FORCE him to 'bow down to them'. Yeah, that's going to backfire SO badly! As opined, Acosta is going to be allowed back into the WH, will be assigned a seat in the back of the room - right behind 'Fox& Hound' agazine - and will never be allowed to ask a question again!

I can't wait! :p

Judge: White House Has To Reinstate Jim Acosta’s Press Pass
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
"A judge issued an injunction on Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass, arguing that Acosta’s First Amendment rights trump the White House’s right to an orderly press room.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly was initially expected to make an announcement in the case on Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, but the announcement was delayed until Friday morning.

Kelly agreed with the White House that there is no First Amendment right to be on the White House grounds, but added that Acosta did not receive due process before his pass was revoked."

WHAT 'due process'?

The judge contradicted his own ruling:

'Judge Kelly further explained that Trump is not required to call on Acosta at press events but that Acosta’s First Amendment rights are more important than the White House being able to have orderly press conferences.'


Kelly issued a TEMP STAY, ordering the WH to re-issue Acosta his WH Press Badge again but this court case will go higher for a ruling on Acosta's Constitutional Rights being violated....

Acosta will end up losing his Press Pass permanently - Kelly has already declared THERE IS NO CONSITUTIONAL VIOLATION IN THIS CASE.

Kelly cited 'due process' - there is no legally defined 'due process' in this case. Acosta was a rude, insulting pr!ck who hijacked the Presser and threw a tantrum when he did not get his way. As a result he was duly punished by having his press pass revoked. 'Due Process' followed.


"Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again"

Bwuhahahaha...it's coming - you KNOW it is. Acosta will NEVER be allowed to ask another question again in a WH Press Conference! :p

CNN has just proven it is as STUPID as it is arrogant and lacking in civility. All they had to do - all Acosta had to do - was APOLOGIZE for being a rude, insulting, disrespectful prick and for hijacking the presser and throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sued the President to FORCE him to 'bow down to them'. Yeah, that's going to backfire SO badly! As opined, Acosta is going to be allowed back into the WH, will be assigned a seat in the back of the room - right behind 'Fox& Hound' agazine - and will never be allowed to ask a question again!

I can't wait! :p

Judge: White House Has To Reinstate Jim Acosta’s Press Pass
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
Unless President Trump drops the case, it will go a long time.


the Judge would not have issued a temporary restraining order, if there was not a likelihood that CNN and the news media, would win.
"A judge issued an injunction on Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass, arguing that Acosta’s First Amendment rights trump the White House’s right to an orderly press room.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly was initially expected to make an announcement in the case on Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, but the announcement was delayed until Friday morning.

Kelly agreed with the White House that there is no First Amendment right to be on the White House grounds, but added that Acosta did not receive due process before his pass was revoked."

WHAT 'due process'?

The judge contradicted his own ruling:

'Judge Kelly further explained that Trump is not required to call on Acosta at press events but that Acosta’s First Amendment rights are more important than the White House being able to have orderly press conferences.'


Kelly issued a TEMP STAY, ordering the WH to re-issue Acosta his WH Press Badge again but this court case will go higher for a ruling on Acosta's Constitutional Rights being violated....

Acosta will end up losing his Press Pass permanently - Kelly has already declared THERE IS NO CONSITUTIONAL VIOLATION IN THIS CASE.

Kelly cited 'due process' - there is no legally defined 'due process' in this case. Acosta was a rude, insulting pr!ck who hijacked the Presser and threw a tantrum when he did not get his way. As a result he was duly punished by having his press pass revoked. 'Due Process' followed.


"Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again"

Bwuhahahaha...it's coming - you KNOW it is. Acosta will NEVER be allowed to ask another question again in a WH Press Conference! :p

CNN has just proven it is as STUPID as it is arrogant and lacking in civility. All they had to do - all Acosta had to do - was APOLOGIZE for being a rude, insulting, disrespectful prick and for hijacking the presser and throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sued the President to FORCE him to 'bow down to them'. Yeah, that's going to backfire SO badly! As opined, Acosta is going to be allowed back into the WH, will be assigned a seat in the back of the room - right behind 'Fox& Hound' agazine - and will never be allowed to ask a question again!

I can't wait! :p

Judge: White House Has To Reinstate Jim Acosta’s Press Pass
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg
Well? How'd that work out for you? :abgg2q.jpg:

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