*Acosta You're Done!*

And I thought he was just fat.
He is.

the entire scenario created by teflon don is an EMBARRASSMENT to the presidency...

...not at all about some guy raising a question FOR THE PEOPLE, just doing his JOB.
He's no Teflon don. That would be someone who skates despite the efforts of law enforcement. Agent Orange has only skated so far because of his Congressional co-conspirators and enablers not doing their Constitutional duty.
Acosta was just doing his job...attacking the American people while in the pay of a huge multinational corporation.
i was a journalist in college. it in fact was my minor.

what acosta is / was doing is not "journalism" so i don't think he can benefit from that "right". he was antagonizing the president to get ATTA BOYS from the CNN audience and his "tough" questions were not questions, they were him TELLING the president HIS opinion of it and mad the president didn't see it that way.

people need to stop with the "he was doing his job" crap cause unless he's now officially an antagonist / junk shock writer (of which he really is) then no - he's not doing the job of a true journalist.

some people will simply twist any standard to fit their views and it's fucking insane.

Agreed. CNN considers itself the preeminent branch of government and Acosta was giving a policy speech on their behalf.
trump got pissy about it, as he always does, went for the mic, acosta pushed her arm away and suddenly we've set off nukes in a china shop vs. some adults are simply acting like 4th graders mad at recess.

people have gone friggin insane.

acosta at this point should be granted access again and a set of rules of engagement needs to be in place he needs to sign and maybe all journalists need to sign to show they've read and understand the rules. if he acts up again, he loses it for a month. again after that; 3 strikes and you're out for a year.

i've never seen ANY "journalist" act the way he does. most i've ever known are fair minded people doing their job so i HATE the whole *the media is your enemy* stance the president touts. it *is* destructive and a horrible way to deal with the fanatics. in the end it's just some jacked up symbiotic relationship between CNN and Trumpy Bear.

annoying as hell and i wish both sides would realize recess is over and grow up.
Have past Presidents acted like Trump, telling reporters that he is not going to answer their question and telling them to sit down and stop asking?
I don't know. Maybe they have. I don't watch the daily pressers.
No president has ever been treated like President Trump.
No president* has treated American citizens and military like shit the way Trump has.
He's not an a-hole for bringing them up but rather for his style which produced a total failure in getting the president to address them. It was a Q&A event and Acosta began with presenting his own view of matters when the purpose was to gather Trump's. Acosta was not there to become the story, but easily provided Trump with the opportunity to focus on the media and not the issue at hand.

The media has been driven, by TDS, to expose themselves as partisan hacks. They used to pretend but they know its over now., They have been beaten and exposed so thoroughly that their reputation really cant suffer any more than it has...so in their minds whats left to lose? Besides they have a legion of servile liberal Hillaryites who will follow corporate media and money against an elected President any day of the week. All they ask is for marching orders and a few talking points to mindlessly repeat...and maybe a pat on the head by an airheaded celebrity.

Acosta's exposure is another win for Americans, And America's President, and a defeat for the globalist news media and ruling class. All their money and power...and Trump said "get out of the people's house".

The winning continues nonstop.
i support freedom of the press....even when its that idiot alex jones..what i dont support is propaganda and the continual accusations without merit made by people in power....
The main problem isn't Jim Acosta but rather Jeff Zucker, president of CNN. Acosta wouldn't dare be an a-hole on the job unless his boss wanted him to be an a-hole.
Who is forcing Agent Orange or Heifer Huckabee to call on Acosta?

Nobody, it is simple to see that Acosta is low hanging fruit for whenever the administration wants to score points with their base by attacking the media.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I think Acosta will get sued soon.
  2. For assault!
  3. He may do jail time, me thinks.
  4. Remember Trump is a counter puncher.
  5. Watch this shit!
Why would Acosta get sued for assault? Even the White House, whose initial evidence was a doctored video from InfoWars, has dropped that in their response to CNN’s lawsuit.
i support freedom of the press....even when its that idiot alex jones..what i dont support is propaganda and the continual accusations without merit made by people in power....
i support it too.

acosta is not respecting his position that comes with said freedom. in fact, hes using that heartstring ploy to excuse his being an ass.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg
/----/ Hey Libtards...
One day Acosta should send Trump a big freakin' Thank You card for all this drama.

and that is all he wants and is after. trump just needs to ban him for "x" amount of time and shut up. anything else feeds acostas base and puts blood in the water.
The administration as thus far given no less than 3 excuses for why they revoked Acosta’s hard pass....

1. For putting hands on the woman trying to take the mic from him.

2. For not giving up the mic when requested.

3. For being disruptive.

That they can’t make up their mind and even resorted to posting an edited video obtained from InfoWars reveals how weak the ground under them really is. I think CNN will prevail in their lawsuit and Acosta will return to the White House but Trump will prevail in the long run because he’ll never call on Acosta to ask a question.
you mean three truths.
No president has ever been treated like President Trump.

no president has ever deserved to be treated like that until they did.
Not quite. Shitstain obama deserved to be dragged behind a pick up truck.
And let's all notice who called this post a "winner"......and anyone wonder why the Right has a reputation as being racist?
so 3 people define the entire right?

then you are the antifa.

i mean, we only need a few to define the whole..
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. I think Acosta will get sued soon.
  2. For assault!
  3. He may do jail time, me thinks.
  4. Remember Trump is a counter puncher.
  5. Watch this shit!
Why would Acosta get sued for assault? Even the White House, whose initial evidence was a doctored video from InfoWars, has dropped that in their response to CNN’s lawsuit.

  1. The girl can hire a lawyer.
  2. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
  3. Trump can pay for the lawyer.

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