*Acosta You're Done!*

it is only worth a week's suspension. sorry guys; no pussy grabbing. all talk and no action is what our First Amendment protects.

a news chief may need to resort to strategy to elicit the information since pussy grabbing is no longer allowed.
The main problem isn't Jim Acosta but rather Jeff Zucker, president of CNN. Acosta wouldn't dare be an a-hole on the job unless his boss wanted him to be an a-hole.

he's an a-hole for bringing-up legitimate questions and concerns?? :bs1:
the entire scenario created by teflon don is an EMBARRASSMENT to the presidency...

...not at all about some guy raising a question FOR THE PEOPLE, just doing his JOB.
Acosta was just doing his job...attacking the American people while in the pay of a huge multinational corporation.
i was a journalist in college. it in fact was my minor.

what acosta is / was doing is not "journalism" so i don't think he can benefit from that "right". he was antagonizing the president to get ATTA BOYS from the CNN audience and his "tough" questions were not questions, they were him TELLING the president HIS opinion of it and mad the president didn't see it that way.

people need to stop with the "he was doing his job" crap cause unless he's now officially an antagonist / junk shock writer (of which he really is) then no - he's not doing the job of a true journalist.

some people will simply twist any standard to fit their views and it's fucking insane.

Agreed. CNN considers itself the preeminent branch of government and Acosta was giving a policy speech on their behalf.
trump got pissy about it, as he always does, went for the mic, acosta pushed her arm away and suddenly we've set off nukes in a china shop vs. some adults are simply acting like 4th graders mad at recess.

people have gone friggin insane.

acosta at this point should be granted access again and a set of rules of engagement needs to be in place he needs to sign and maybe all journalists need to sign to show they've read and understand the rules. if he acts up again, he loses it for a month. again after that; 3 strikes and you're out for a year.

i've never seen ANY "journalist" act the way he does. most i've ever known are fair minded people doing their job so i HATE the whole *the media is your enemy* stance the president touts. it *is* destructive and a horrible way to deal with the fanatics. in the end it's just some jacked up symbiotic relationship between CNN and Trumpy Bear.

annoying as hell and i wish both sides would realize recess is over and grow up.
Have past Presidents acted like Trump, telling reporters that he is not going to answer their question and telling them to sit down and stop asking?
I don't know. Maybe they have. I don't watch the daily pressers.
No president has ever been treated like President Trump.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg
Wanna bet, pyro?
the entire scenario created by teflon don is an EMBARRASSMENT to the presidency...

...not at all about some guy raising a question FOR THE PEOPLE, just doing his JOB.

No it isn't, it's a fucking embarrassment that people like you too stupid to ask the right questions. Acosta violated established decorum and the President has every right to ban the twit.
donny wants alternative facts "decorum" but the people have questions and concerns.

it's in that amendment right before your precious 2nd...
The main problem isn't Jim Acosta but rather Jeff Zucker, president of CNN. Acosta wouldn't dare be an a-hole on the job unless his boss wanted him to be an a-hole.

he's an a-hole for bringing-up legitimate questions and concerns?? :bs1:

He's not an a-hole for bringing them up but rather for his style which produced a total failure in getting the president to address them. It was a Q&A event and Acosta began with presenting his own view of matters when the purpose was to gather Trump's. Acosta was not there to become the story, but easily provided Trump with the opportunity to focus on the media and not the issue at hand.
style? :bs1: trump's style is what caused the problem. acosta was professional and appropriate.
baby donny couldn't calm down and face the question like a grown up.
Trump and the GOP have set Acosta up for life. They've made his career.
not really. when the need for tabloid trash dies, like all fads do, acosta will be remembered as the kind of tabloid trash and their champion.

that branding will carry through to anyone trying to do "real" journalism in todays extremely difficult climate towards journalists. they'll remember how his antics made their job more difficult than it already was or had to be.
Only right wingers will think that.

He's the Sam Donaldson of his generation.
Only because the rest of them are such timid pussies.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I think Acosta will get sued soon.
  2. For assault!
  3. He may do jail time, me thinks.
  4. Remember Trump is a counter puncher.
  5. Watch this shit!

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