Act Blue is sponsoring the sex camp for 8 year olds

Some of us have been part of these right wing cults and their teaching of sexual mores.

One of my friends teaches at a religious school in Nebraska. These girls are doing things that would make a Church Street hooker blush, in order to keep their precious hymens intact for their wedding night. Anything goes except "normal" sex. You've perverted morality and twisted it so that your children don't have a clue about their bodies.

That's the unintended consequences of your misogynistic treatment of women, and attaching your anti-women ideas of "morality" on your children.

Your posts constantly and continually inform the reader that you have absolutely no clue on the topic you're discussing.
At 8 years old? Let them be kids.

Wonder if this would entry into child porn arenas?

I was 9 when the captain of the high school football time tried to assault me. I ran away then, and I ran away every time he came into my parent's restaurant after that.

What do you think is an appropriate age to tell kids about inappropriate touching? While they're getting a rape kit?
I was 9 when the captain of the high school football time tried to assault me. I ran away then, and I ran away every time he came into my parent's restaurant after that.

What do you think is an appropriate age to tell kids about inappropriate touching? While they're getting a rape kit?

That isn't what this is about. These people are normalizing such behavior that you had to run away from.
Your posts constantly and continually inform the reader that you have absolutely no clue on the topic you're discussing.

And yet you have posted nothing to refute anything I've said. You simply fling your monkey shit at me and call me names.

Are you backing the claim that these people are teaching 8 year olds how to masterbate, get abortions and how to have sex on drugs?
I looked for the ages at which they accept. I could not find that.

In one video, one of the teachers open encourages teaching toddlers as soon as they are able to speak though. . . SO, it is not beyond the realm of possibility.

You would have to personally contact them to see how old your child has to be for instruction, but, given what I saw in the video, and that it can occur privately over the web, I would not be surprised if they would accept children even younger for this type of instruction. IMO? I think they are just interested in getting paid. And? That is the subject matter they deal in.
That isn't what this is about. These people are normalizing such behavior that you had to run away from.

No it isn't. In fact the opposite is true. I ran away from that behaviour 60 years ago. You act like these things never happened before the left, or the media or whoever YOU believed normalized this behaviour, changed American behaviour. This has been happening since the dawn of time. It's only been recently that men were punished for such behaviour.

Furthermore, there are numerous incidences where abusers of young girls are let off the hook because the child behaved "seductively" or gave some form of consent. In other words, if someone has previously "groomed" and abused the child, she's fair game. It's only abuse if the child was of "previously chaste character".

White males normalized this behaviour - from all political spectrums. This is no different that sexual harassment of coworkers, or any other form of sexual abuse that men seem to feel entitled to inflict on women. It's toxic male culture and it's be around since the beginning of time. It's only since women started objecting to this shit, that people started to realize just how bad it's been for women and girls growing up.

One in four will be raped or abused. Stop blaming leftists for this, or non-Christians. The Christian right has some of the most misogynistic anti-women policies in the World. The name Christian Taliban is NOT a stretch at all.
They best tread lightly.......some of their 'teachings' may delve in to child pornography law territory.
And yet you have posted nothing to refute anything I've said. You simply fling your monkey shit at me and call me names.

None of those links back up your lies, liar.
I looked for the ages at which they accept. I could not find that.

In one video, one of the teachers open encourages teaching toddlers as soon as they are able to speak though. . . SO, it is not beyond the realm of possibility.

You would have to personally contact them to see how old your child has to be for instruction, but, given what I saw in the video, and that it can occur privately over the web, I would not be surprised if they would accept children even younger for this type of instruction. IMO? I think they are just interested in getting paid. And? That is the subject matter they deal in.
Sounds like we are light on facts here. Best not to make assumptions then
I was 9 when the captain of the high school football time tried to assault me. I ran away then, and I ran away every time he came into my parent's restaurant after that.

What do you think is an appropriate age to tell kids about inappropriate touching? While they're getting a rape kit?
That would be what a parent should be instilling into their children, not some jack leg group of women teaching kids how to jack off at that age.
Yes they do. Are there any other words in your vocabulary other than "liar", FuckBoi?

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 3 more fingers pointing back at YOU.
Nope. They don't. Let me remind you of your LIES, LIAR.

One of my friends teaches at a religious school in Nebraska. These girls are doing things that would make a Church Street hooker blush, in order to keep their precious hymens intact for their wedding night. Anything goes except "normal" sex. You've perverted morality and twisted it so that your children don't have a clue about their bodies.

That's the unintended consequences of your misogynistic treatment of women, and attaching your anti-women ideas of "morality" on your children.

None of your links show what you claim, you lying KKKanadian fuckwit. Why don't you worry about cleaning up your shithole fascist dictator run shithole country and stop worrying about your betters in the US.
Why in the heck your republicans were against this when it first started in 2012, I don't know, it didn't seem appropriate then, all during tramp presidency it has already been there, now your making a scene due to Joe Biden being in office, and you hate Joe Biden.

Sexy Sex Ed fills a vital gap in reproductive education as a creative, cultural healing solution in rural Appalachia. The workshop series began in 2012 when participants of the Stay Together Appalachian Youth (STAY) Project asked for more sex ed and gender conversations at their annual summer gathering. Word spread quickly and creator Tanya Turner began to receive steady requests for workshops. After the 2016 presidential election, this worked took on new urgency. Through dry calling and community partnerships, Turner shared Sexy Sex Ed with hundreds more participants each year, from after school drop-in centers and rural community colleges to church gymnasiums.

hate Joe Biden so it impacts judgment.

while you rant on about Trump hate unfettered with bias.

got it.
The political message and side you support does, and I'm sure you do as well, hence your post full of lies aimed at people of faith. You've torn down the glass house, you reap what you sow, and what you're seeing today is what the left has sown for decades in the degradation of morals and values in our society.
We aren’t the ones who consider women to be mere vessels. Your “morals” and “values” once consigned to death those who did not fit in with them. Civil rights for me but not thee.

That is not a world I would consider good.

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