Act Blue is sponsoring the sex camp for 8 year olds

What happened in Canada was horrific.

It also happened in the USA. There is no difference. You just haven't had the reckoning yet. If you know any adult Native American, you know someone who was similarly abused.

Both of our countries have done very badly by our aboriginal populations and I wish I could say we're doing better by them now. I'm not sure that's anywhere close to true. Conditions on Reservations are not great, and in far to many cases, outright squalid, with no safe drinking water or electricity.

I'm really disappointed Trudeau hasn't done better in this regard. Yes, he finally funded the search, but it took him 6 years to start this search since the recommendation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015, and has not held any Public Enquiry on missing and murdered Indigenous Women - another national scandal which he promised to deal with in both election campaigns.

Your entire post is a lie, where the hell do you people come up with your garbage? :cuckoo: If you have to lie to make your point, you really should examine your position on the topic, and where that position was derived from, but that would take maturity and intelligence.

I grew up in a Christian household, nobody that I've known throughout my entire life has ever supported child marriage. They have been teaching how not to get pregnant and about STD's for decades, my own mother educated me on both of those topics.

Stoning women who had sex outside of marriage?? And you expect to be taken seriously?? :laughing0301:

Yeah, now we celebrate teen sex and children outside of marriage everywhere on media, social and otherwise, that's working out really well. What are the teen pregnancy rates today compared to 20-30 years ago??
Well good for you. I’ve never promoted human beings as just sexual objects either, so you might want to think about your glass house house.
As I recall it is your side that still supports child marriage, forbids teaching children of reproductive age how NOT to get pregnant or get STD’s then condemns them as sluts when they do.

Your religious dogma called for stoning women who had sex outside of marriage, it created some of the most vile institutions to punish unwed mothers and inflict that same stigma on their children. Your religious dogma blamed the woman for transgression while the man remained blameless. So…seriously, just take your religious dogma and stuff it because all it seems to be doing is increasing rates of teen pregnancy and STD’s.
Have a war on our territory and/or economic depression and we all may see that first hand again.
Your entire post is a lie, where the hell do you people come up with your garbage? :cuckoo: If you have to lie to make your point, you really should examine your position on the topic, and where that position was derived from, but that would take maturity and intelligence.

I grew up in a Christian household, nobody that I've known throughout my entire life has ever supported child marriage. They have been teaching how not to get pregnant and about STD's for decades, my own mother educated me on both of those topics.

Stoning women who had sex outside of marriage?? And you expect to be taken seriously?? :laughing0301:

Yeah, now we celebrate teen sex and children outside of marriage everywhere on media, social and otherwise, that's working out really well. What are the teen pregnancy rates today compared to 20-30 years ago??

Some of us have been part of these right wing cults and their teaching of sexual mores.

One of my friends teaches at a religious school in Nebraska. These girls are doing things that would make a Church Street hooker blush, in order to keep their precious hymens intact for their wedding night. Anything goes except "normal" sex. You've perverted morality and twisted it so that your children don't have a clue about their bodies.

That's the unintended consequences of your misogynistic treatment of women, and attaching your anti-women ideas of "morality" on your children.
How did you find out about it? Just curious because it and the internet seems to have become a prime conduit for predators.

We have surprise phone inspections, he happened to get nabbed on one.

It's unbelievable how often predators get at our daughters, scary too. They're pretty saavy though and so are their friends. They actually mess with their heads at times.

Snapchat, Kik and Facebook are the main ones to keep a careful eye on
We have surprise phone inspections, he happened to get nabbed on one.

It's unbelievable how often predators get at our daughters, scary too. They're pretty saavy though and so are their friends. They actually mess with their heads at times.

Snapchat, Kik and Facebook are the main ones to keep a careful eye on
I guess the best you can do as parents is monitor and educate, but how scary! These are not dumb people, they are sophisticated and manipulative. I read something about how the would pick out children who were already troubled, broken families, socially isolated, etc and work on those vulnerabilities to gain their trust, convince them that only the predator could be trusted, until it was too late. I oppose the death penalty, but that is one type of criminal I wouldn’t mind seeing it for.
I guess the best you can do as parents is monitor and educate, but how scary! These are not dumb people, they are sophisticated and manipulative. I read something about how the would pick out children who were already troubled, broken families, socially isolated, etc and work on those vulnerabilities to gain their trust, convince them that only the predator could be trusted, until it was too late. I oppose the death penalty, but that is one type of criminal I wouldn’t mind seeing it for.

Molest a child and you should be shot. I'll never waiver from that stance
As I recall it is your side that still supports child marriage, forbids teaching children of reproductive age how NOT to get pregnant or get STD’s then condemns them as sluts when they do.

Your religious dogma called for stoning women who had sex outside of marriage, it created some of the most vile institutions to punish unwed mothers and inflict that same stigma on their children. Your religious dogma blamed the woman for transgression while the man remained blameless. So…seriously, just take your religious dogma and stuff it because all it seems to be doing is increasing rates of teen pregnancy and STD’s.
Is that what you want for women?
I only warn. Human history is used by people for their agendas. I use it for actual nastiness when things are not good. We are a spoiled lot and soft. There is a war on women in poorer areas. That is because there is a war on men in those areas and other areas.
Some of us have been part of these right wing cults and their teaching of sexual mores.

One of my friends teaches at a religious school in Nebraska. These girls are doing things that would make a Church Street hooker blush, in order to keep their precious hymens intact for their wedding night. Anything goes except "normal" sex. You've perverted morality and twisted it so that your children don't have a clue about their bodies.

That's the unintended consequences of your misogynistic treatment of women, and attaching your anti-women ideas of "morality" on your children.
It also happened in the USA. There is no difference. You just haven't had the reckoning yet. If you know any adult Native American, you know someone who was similarly abused.

Both of our countries have done very badly by our aboriginal populations and I wish I could say we're doing better by them now. I'm not sure that's anywhere close to true. Conditions on Reservations are not great, and in far to many cases, outright squalid, with no safe drinking water or electricity.

I'm really disappointed Trudeau hasn't done better in this regard. Yes, he finally funded the search, but it took him 6 years to start this search since the recommendation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015, and has not held any Public Enquiry on missing and murdered Indigenous Women - another national scandal which he promised to deal with in both election campaigns.

If a Liberal names something "Truth and Reconciliation" It will be all about lies, broken promises and bitterness.
Some of us have been part of these right wing cults and their teaching of sexual mores.

One of my friends teaches at a religious school in Nebraska. These girls are doing things that would make a Church Street hooker blush, in order to keep their precious hymens intact for their wedding night. Anything goes except "normal" sex. You've perverted morality and twisted it so that your children don't have a clue about their bodies.

That's the unintended consequences of your misogynistic treatment of women, and attaching your anti-women ideas of "morality" on your children.
The only misogynist cult I see on a regular basis is The Left's TransBullshit Cult where Men get to pretend they are women and kick the living shit out of women, and commit acts of violence against them in sporting events. Then you have the cult of death which is really a hatred of women cult where women are conned in to thinking murdering 60 Million of their children at the DemNazi Extermination Camps laughingly called "Planned Parenthood" is a good thing.

It's like a sick version of "The Dingo Ate My Baby" only with an Ocean of Blood, a Mountain of Sin, and a Lifetime of Trauma and Regret attached to it.

No one hates women, and hates The Family like The DemNazi Left Stormtroopers do.
Sexy Sex Ed is a workshop series that compels teenagers and people of all ages to openly discuss personal and political consent, sexual safety, and anatomy. Using visual & performance art, open dialogue, and popular education methods, Sexy Sex Ed fills a vital gap in reproductive education as a creative, cultural healing solution in rural Appalachia.

The group's website directs prospective donors to an ActBlue page that describes Sexy Sex Ed as "a workshop series that compels teenagers and people of all ages to openly discuss personal and political consent, sexual safety, and anatomy."
I totally agree with them.

Owner of 'Sexy Summer Camp' for teenagers says she has been forced into hiding after backlash over her encouragement of masturbation for toddlers and 'self-managed abortions'​

  • Sexy Sex Ed was founded in 2012 in Whitesburg, Kentucky, with the aim of giving young people in Appalachia the sexual education they said they lacked
  • On March 16 a journalist with the Manhattan Institute, Christopher Rufo - who specializes in culture wars - reported on their work
  • Rufo wrote that a 'Sexy Summer Camp' had lessons on 'sex liberation,' 'gender exploration,' 'BDSM,' 'being a sex worker' and 'self-managed abortions'
  • Young people attending the camp were also taught about 'sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs'
  • Now the team behind Sexy Sex Ed say 'our educators, and our funders have been flooded with hundreds of threatening messages across all platforms'
  • The website Jezebel reported that some of the team at Sexy Sex Ed say they are afraid to leave their homes amid death threats
  • Rufo replied: 'Criticism is legitimate and to be expected,' adding: 'The rush to play the victim is a way to avoid any meaningful discussion about the real issues'
  • 'Sexy Summer Camp' owner hiding after backlash over child masturbation

They best tread lightly.......some of their 'teachings' may delve in to child pornography law territory.
Well good for you. I’ve never promoted human beings as just sexual objects either, so you might want to think about your glass house house.

The political message and side you support does, and I'm sure you do as well, hence your post full of lies aimed at people of faith. You've torn down the glass house, you reap what you sow, and what you're seeing today is what the left has sown for decades in the degradation of morals and values in our society.

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