Action Causes Reaction

Yeah like you say, them Zionists just don't know their religion began in Europe. Right Louie?
Exactly, these were converts from Khazaria who converted in the middle ages. This land today is known as Turkey. That is where you need to be playing that retarded ancestral homeland card.
Yeah like you say, them Zionists just don't know their religion began in Europe. Right Louie?
Exactly, these were converts from Khazaria who converted in the middle ages. This land today is known as Turkey. That is where you need to be playing that retarded ancestral homeland card.

Well I'll be darned. I didn't even know Judaism began with the Khazars. Amazing what we can learn from Louie & his very fine brain. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors.
Well I'll be darned. I didn't even know Judaism began with the Khazars. Amazing what we can learn from Louie & his very fine brain. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors.
If you were not illiterate you would know the difference between the biblical Jews and the European jews who stole Palestine.

The biblical Jews are from Palestine and the European psychopaths trace their ancestry to what is now Turkey... then Poland, Spain, Germany, etc..
Well I'll be darned. I didn't even know Judaism began with the Khazars. Amazing what we can learn from Louie & his very fine brain. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors.
If you were not illiterate you would know the difference between the biblical Jews and the European jews who stole Palestine.

The biblical Jews are from Palestine and the European psychopaths trace their ancestry to what is now Turkey... then Poland, Spain, Germany, etc..

Aha! You see folks, today's European Jews have no right to be in Israel like Muslim squatters on Israel's land.
Oh Louie. What am I to do with you? You just don't get it. Bottom line --- If you don't want Israel to kill Palestinians, they must stop killing Israeli's. You see Louie, action causes reaction.
Oh Louie. What am I to do with you? You just don't get it. Bottom line --- If you don't want Israel to kill Palestinians, they must stop killing Israeli's. You see Louie, action causes reaction.
As explained in post 3 of this thread...

Yes, action causes reaction, moron.

The invasion of the European immigrants who call themselves jews got the reaction that the whole world knew would not bode well for peace.

And their psychotic behavior continues to this day as the world watches helplessly because of this zionist's shithole that has nuclear weapons pointed all over this earth.
Oh Louie. What am I to do with you? You just don't get it. Bottom line --- If you don't want Israel to kill Palestinians, they must stop killing Israeli's. You see Louie, action causes reaction.
As explained in post 3 of this thread...

Yes, action causes reaction, moron.

The invasion of the European immigrants who call themselves jews got the reaction that the whole world knew would not bode well for peace.

And their psychotic behavior continues to this day as the world watches helplessly because of this zionist's shithole that has nuclear weapons pointed all over this earth.

It's hilarious how the Islamist / Joooooo hating cabal share the same slogans and cliche's: the "Joooo invasion".

History, on the other hand, delineates the muhammedan and European Crusader invasions.

However, the muhammedan / Joooo hating cabal has their own, invented version of history.
Oh Louie. What am I to do with you? You just don't get it. Bottom line --- If you don't want Israel to kill Palestinians, they must stop killing Israeli's. You see Louie, action causes reaction.
As explained in post 3 of this thread...

Yes, action causes reaction, moron.

The invasion of the European immigrants who call themselves jews got the reaction that the whole world knew would not bode well for peace.

And their psychotic behavior continues to this day as the world watches helplessly because of this zionist's shithole that has nuclear weapons pointed all over this earth.

Oh now I get it. You see you Zionists, before the "invasion of the European immigrants who call themselves jews", Palestinians were peaceful toward the indigenous Jews. Oh bless you Louie for letting those Zionists & the Pali supporters see the facts.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia
You see you Zionists, before the "invasion of the European immigrants who call themselves jews", Palestinians were peaceful toward the indigenous Jews.
Yes, so true.

And the zionist psychopaths instigated what you call the Hebron massacre.
Well, lets see now. Israel granted the Palestinian demand for a Jew free Gaza & got a rocket missile base for a thank you. Hey I have an idea for peace. Lets also give the Palestinians their own Palestinian State including Jerusalem for a lasting peace. Right Louie?
Oh gee. How many dead Palestinians will there be for this action thus causing Israel's reaction? When will the Pali's ever learn, action causes reaction?

Muslim terrorists open fire and kill 2 Israeli police officers at Temple Mount in Jerusalem from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque grounds

Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
Oh gee. How many dead Palestinians will there be for this action thus causing Israel's reaction? When will the Pali's ever learn, action causes reaction?

Muslim terrorists open fire and kill 2 Israeli police officers at Temple Mount in Jerusalem from inside Al-Aqsa Mosque grounds
Lipshitz started two threads on this. She even posted the video showing that the israelis chased him to the Muslim holy site prior to executing him.

Gee whiz, Habib, but it's more likely your limitations cause you to get befuddled.
Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
What about the zionists' temples? Jew terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how what they call judaism is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
What about the zionists' temples? Jew terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how what they call judaism is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.

There's my little plagiarist / stalker.

You do have an aptitude for making a fool of yourself.

I guess you're good at something?
Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
What about the zionists' temples? Jew terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how what they call judaism is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.

Jew terrorist war planning temples. Good one Louie. Oh Lord is he a blast to play with.
Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
What about the zionists' temples? Jew terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how what they call judaism is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.

Jew terrorist war planning temples. Good one Louie. Oh Lord is he a blast to play with.

I want to hear more of those "Jew terrorist war planning temples."
Islamic mosques, i.e.: Islamic terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how Islam is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.
What about the zionists' temples? Jew terrorist war planning and logistics centers, are truly a profane example of how what they call judaism is drastically less a religion than a political / fascist ideology.

Jew terrorist war planning temples. Good one Louie. Oh Lord is he a blast to play with.

I want to hear more of those "Jew terrorist war planning temples."

Oh Louie, where are ya hiding boy?

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