"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

<<<<< G.T.

I admit defeat. One can only talk to a wall so long.
Game removed amid outcry!

Valve removes 'Active Shooter' from Steam amid outcry

"Valve has removed Active Shooter from its Steam platform. The game allowed players to play through school shooting scenarios either as a civilian, the shooter or the police. As The Guardian reports, the game apparently started as a SWAT team simulator, but a recent update added the ability to play as the shooter, with an on-screen counter tallying how many police and civilians you'd killed. "We have removed the developer Revived Games and publisher ACID from Steam," Valve said in a statement to The Guardian.

Valve continued that the developer and publisher is, in fact, a person calling himself Ata Berdiyev, who operated as "Elusive Team" and "[bc]Interactive." While those names might not sound familiar, one of the latter's games should: Piccled Ricc. That title was removed from Steam last fall for other legal reasons; it was an extremely thinly veiled copyright violation based on Rick and Morty. The developer was also responsible for Fidget Spinner Simulator 2.

All that to say, Active Shooter's alleged developer has a history of making crass tie-ins that attempt to capture the zeitgeist, regardless of subject matter. This time, critics say he crossed the line of good taste, going beyond cheap shovelware and trying to capitalize on tragedy."
You can't say we're fine because WE. ARE. NOT.

Oh, you think? What was your first clue?

If people think we as a nation are just fine, I hope it's because they are very young, because the alternative is they are very stupid.

The last time we were as "just fine" as this, we had a Civil War that killed more Americans than all wars since to this day, incl, WWI, II, Korea, Vietnam, and the late stupidity wars.
What do you think we're going to have a Civil War over? Politics? Guns? Which side will the government be on? This is interesting.
You can't just say a growing number of disturbed individuals in this country are not part of our culture. No, of course saying our culture has to own them doesn't mean everyone thinks like them or is disturbed or psychopathic like them. I know you personally didn't produce Cruz; neither did I. But he grew up right here in this US of A .

OL, you keep saying such very interesting things.

ARE crazy people part of our culture? I'm not sure! Nikolas Cruz was crazy, of course --- I guess we've all read the details. The system kept hoping he wasn't and acting like he wasn't, but wow, was he ever ------ he threw his mother up against the wall, we know because she immediately called the police, because she tried to stop him playing a video game (I think it WAS GTAuto!!)

I can relate to that a little....it is very annoying to be reminded it's time to make supper when one is trying to kill the Nightmare Typhon........as my husband weighs twice what I do, I don't throw him against the wall, I go make supper. Well, I hope I would even if I were beefier, because he's a total dreamboat.

But the truth is, schizophrenia exists, and Cruz was one. Most of the school shooters probably are schizos. It develops so FAST, no real warning, remember the Batman shooter? One season he's going to college, the next he's in a Batman costume shooting up a whole movie theater at midnight. The next photo is him pie-eyed with anti-psychotics in a courtroom, usual thing, like the guy who shot that congresswoman, just as fast a downturn in sanity, just as pie-eyed.

I THINK THE SCHIZOS HAVE THEIR OWN CULTURE. Radical idea, I know, but I've realized for years that schizophrenics have.....fashions! Like the Napoleon hand posture (and hats) in the late 1800s. That really happened. And the Jesus imitators that filled the asylums in the 1950s. I remember a schizo who thought he was God on a forum in the 1990s. I'm afraid his handle was "iamhe." People tried to talk him out of it --- yeah, that really worked. Finally the listowner was creeped out by him and she banned God. Can't say everyone has done that!

We KNOW these guys follow each other and compete: the police are clear about that. They all start with Columbine (there was a young girl with a 22 rifle who killed a lot of kids much earlier, but of course they don't start with her because she was a girl.......I read a book about her. What a story.) and they absolutely do keep score, how many are killed compared to each other. This is well studied --- but what can anyone do about it? No one ever knows they are competing, until the shooting starts.

I think this is temporary. Schizo culture. Like the separate kid culture ---
Jump rope rhymes, game rhymes.

Mary Rose,
Send for the doctor
Mama has a newborn
It's not a girl
It's not a boy
It's just a newborn

Yow, that one came from jumprope memory from a VERY long time ago. Stephen King writes about children cultures, a very interesting phenomenon. He wrote a whole novel about one child culture ---- Pet Sematary.

I think there are schizophrenic cultures and these school shootings, which all happen at the age when schizophrenia appears if it's going to, are a way to act out their severe mental illness.
The handful of schizophrenics I've been in contact with were not really able to form much of anything, let alone a culture; they were too lost in the fog. Blaming all of the mass shootings on severe mental illness is missing the target, I think. Each case is different, but I'm not convinced it is 100% untreated or neglected mental illness to blame. It is certainly not to blame for all of the 10,000 gun homicides in this country each year. Some of those folks--probably most of those folks--are just pissed off. They play video games, too, not just mass shooters.
What do you think we're going to have a Civil War over? Politics? Guns? Which side will the government be on? This is interesting.

You are thinking that's an........outrider idea? Migod, half the people I know talk about civil war in America. That's what this whole forum is about now, civil war right this minute, in words.

What would it be about? Well, blacks, guns, same as last time. It's not like anything ever got settled......you did notice that, right?

You keep on asking interesting questions!! Stop that, stop that!! :wink:

Leftists get the Washington Gov., we get the Army. I think all that is obvious.

Could play havoc with Social Security.......better wait till the boomer egg has worked its way through the snake. Then have a revolution, or a coup d'etat, more likely. (Revolutions require hunger: ain't got that here.)
What do you think we're going to have a Civil War over? Politics? Guns? Which side will the government be on? This is interesting.

You are thinking that's an........outrider idea? Migod, half the people I know talk about civil war in America. That's what this whole forum is about now, civil war right this minute, in words.

What would it be about? Well, blacks, guns, same as last time. It's not like anything ever got settled......you did notice that, right?

You keep on asking interesting questions!! Stop that, stop that!! :wink:

Leftists get the Washington Gov., we get the Army. I think all that is obvious.

Could play havoc with Social Security.......better wait till the boomer egg has worked its way through the snake. Then have a revolution, or a coup d'etat, more likely. (Revolutions require hunger: ain't got that here.)
Still on the civil war thing, eh? No, you don't get the army..the government gets the army...you might get some rejects...but we who serve/have served take our oaths seriously...and the plans to quell insurrection are long made. By the time you notice..it will be over. But hey...enjoy the fantasy..I'm sure it whiles away the time.

We have a coup d'etat every election. It is the beauty of our system..we had a revolution from 1960 to 1980..did you notice? The right lost. Demographics are far better than bullets.
[Blaming all of the mass shootings on severe mental illness is missing the target, I think. Each case is different, but I'm not convinced it is 100% untreated or neglected mental illness to blame.

Hardly......schizophrenia is so fast. My aunt went to college at age 18, got schizophrenia that freshman year--- this was REALLY a long time ago --- and had to be carried home on the train by a boyfriend after she became mute and unresponsive, and that was it for her, for the next sixty years till she died.

It's not a case of "neglected." It's so sudden you really cannot catch them. They're fine, then they aren't, then they shoot 18 people. Or more. Like VA Tech (32). I'm not one who says we need more mental asylums because of the shootings: almost none of them showed symptoms before, except for Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz. Mostly, the first thing we know about these guys is that they just shot up their school.

It is certainly not to blame for all of the 10,000 gun homicides in this country each year. Some of those folks--probably most of those folks--are just pissed off. They play video games, too, not just mass shooters.

True...........okay, that's the answer then. The video games are not to blame. The 10,000 guys who shoot their wives and girlfriends and little kids and another gang are just mean.

Good. I was worried about that, because I play nearly every day. I was afraid I was going to run out and shoot up the neighborhood because of playing PUBG, which certainly would have surprised my neighbors.
I'm not looking at banning it, I'm looking for people who would never design something like this in the first place, and people who would never purchase this kind of sick crap.

Grand theft auto anyone?

Now, all you out there, how many of YOUR kids have this game on their console or PC ? I agree, the school shooter simulator is in very bad taste, BUT, look at what’s on TV, what our kids watch on YouTube, matter of fact, screaming alpha anyone?

Yet a sister screwing white power guy can’t post a cross burning ?

Or can you? Our kids at any time can take part in gang rapes, witness a murder or any number of crimes. If our children seek games like this out and acquire them then that speaks to the quality of the parent nor then that of the guys shooting video or developing violent games.
What do you think we're going to have a Civil War over? Politics? Guns? Which side will the government be on? This is interesting.

You are thinking that's an........outrider idea? Migod, half the people I know talk about civil war in America. That's what this whole forum is about now, civil war right this minute, in words.

What would it be about? Well, blacks, guns, same as last time. It's not like anything ever got settled......you did notice that, right?

You keep on asking interesting questions!! Stop that, stop that!! :wink:

Leftists get the Washington Gov., we get the Army. I think all that is obvious.

Could play havoc with Social Security.......better wait till the boomer egg has worked its way through the snake. Then have a revolution, or a coup d'etat, more likely. (Revolutions require hunger: ain't got that here.)
The people you know still want to fight about blacks? What about them?

I guess you're a conservative. Are you militia? You don't believe in the vote, I guess, if all you want is to have a coup. So we don't need to worry about you and your friends at the ballot box in November?
I'm not looking at banning it, I'm looking for people who would never design something like this in the first place, and people who would never purchase this kind of sick crap.

Grand theft auto anyone?

Now, all you out there, how many of YOUR kids have this game on their console or PC ? I agree, the school shooter simulator is in very bad taste, BUT, look at what’s on TV, what our kids watch on YouTube, matter of fact, screaming alpha anyone?

Yet a sister screwing white power guy can’t post a cross burning ?

Or can you? Our kids at any time can take part in gang rapes, witness a murder or any number of crimes. If our children seek games like this out and acquire them then that speaks to the quality of the parent nor then that of the guys shooting video or developing violent games.

My son kept watch, somehow, of what my granddaughter was visiting on the internet. He could check on his phone, anytime. And he did.
We have a coup d'etat every election. It is the beauty of our system..we had a revolution from 1960 to 1980..did you notice? The right lost. Demographics are far better than bullets.

No, we don't. We have an election every election.

No, we didn't have a revolution for 20 years. We might have......I realized years later that fear of revolution was why they stopped the draft, which totally killed the Vietnam protests, in their tracks, right that minute. So much for that revolution. Smart Congress.

Migod, these kids, they study no history at all!! Let me help.

1. Coup d'etat: Napoleon, 1799, France, took over the whole system, so much for Libertee, Equalitee, Fraternitee, which ended in Emperor Napoleon being crowned in 1804. Now THAT was a coup d'etat. There is a reason for the phrase being in French......

2. Revolution: The American one is dubious and retro-named: colonial overthrow is better, perhaps. The word came from Paris, 1789, you had serious hunger (a requirement for revolution), the mob rule in Paris pounding thru the street hanging bakers from the street lamps, a la lanternes! Marat and 200 publications all calling for killing pretty much everybody who had any money at all. 40,000 heads cut off in Paris alone: real sanitation problem with rotting blood in the square where it was located; they had to move it. Place de la Revolution!
Other real revolutions: Russia, 1905. Russia, 1917. Oliver Cromwell, English civil wars. You've GOT to have mobs if you want it to be a revolution. Roll those tumbrills.
[Blaming all of the mass shootings on severe mental illness is missing the target, I think. Each case is different, but I'm not convinced it is 100% untreated or neglected mental illness to blame.

Hardly......schizophrenia is so fast. My aunt went to college at age 18, got schizophrenia that freshman year--- this was REALLY a long time ago --- and had to be carried home on the train by a boyfriend after she became mute and unresponsive, and that was it for her, for the next sixty years till she died.

It's not a case of "neglected." It's so sudden you really cannot catch them. They're fine, then they aren't, then they shoot 18 people. Or more. Like VA Tech (32). I'm not one who says we need more mental asylums because of the shootings: almost none of them showed symptoms before, except for Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz. Mostly, the first thing we know about these guys is that they just shot up their school.

It is certainly not to blame for all of the 10,000 gun homicides in this country each year. Some of those folks--probably most of those folks--are just pissed off. They play video games, too, not just mass shooters.

True...........okay, that's the answer then. The video games are not to blame. The 10,000 guys who shoot their wives and girlfriends and little kids and another gang are just mean.

Good. I was worried about that, because I play nearly every day. I was afraid I was going to run out and shoot up the neighborhood because of playing PUBG, which certainly would have surprised my neighbors.
I never said video games make everyone a killer. Americans don't have a monopoly on angry or mean. So why do we, Americans, choose to react with a gun so much more often than our counterparts? 2nd A supporters say the gun is not the problem. So what is causing Americans to make this choice so much more often than say, Germans or the Spanish?
The people you know still want to fight about blacks? What about them?

All the usual stuff......................you haven't noticed? Must be nice.

I guess you're a conservative.

I like how observant people are..........

Are you militia?

Militia? Do you mean, do I want guns for home defense? We sure do! And loaded, and available ---- Hey, gun guys, this family is IN.

You don't believe in the vote, I guess, if all you want is to have a coup. So we don't need to worry about you and your friends at the ballot box in November?

Can't understand why you would think that: the vote worked very well for us. We are VERY pleased. Let's do that again in November, people!!
The people you know still want to fight about blacks? What about them?

All the usual stuff......................you haven't noticed? Must be nice.

I guess you're a conservative.

I like how observant people are..........

Are you militia?

Militia? Do you mean, do I want guns for home defense? We sure do! And loaded, and available ---- Hey, gun guys, this family is IN.

You don't believe in the vote, I guess, if all you want is to have a coup. So we don't need to worry about you and your friends at the ballot box in November?

Can't understand why you would think that: the vote worked very well for us. We are VERY pleased. Let's do that again in November, people!!
I thought at first you were interesting; I don't believe I've ever met you before. But you're sounding like one of them "very fine people" Trump was talking about in Charlottesville. I'm keeping an open mind, though.
Back to the sickos who exploit American tragedy, and hope to profit from it... I say it's time to get serious about betrayal and treason in this country once again.

These people are part of the swamp, and these specific swamp creatures should be arrested for inner security violations, and contributing to the delequency of minors.

Such a thing could work or continue to destablize the young impressionable minds in this country. That is unexceptable, and these types of things are basically the same as pissing on the graves of those who have been killed in these tragic events.
I'm not looking at banning it, I'm looking for people who would never design something like this in the first place, and people who would never purchase this kind of sick crap.

Grand theft auto anyone?

Now, all you out there, how many of YOUR kids have this game on their console or PC ? I agree, the school shooter simulator is in very bad taste, BUT, look at what’s on TV, what our kids watch on YouTube, matter of fact, screaming alpha anyone?

Yet a sister screwing white power guy can’t post a cross burning ?

Or can you? Our kids at any time can take part in gang rapes, witness a murder or any number of crimes. If our children seek games like this out and acquire them then that speaks to the quality of the parent nor then that of the guys shooting video or developing violent games.

My son kept watch, somehow, of what my granddaughter was visiting on the internet. He could check on his phone, anytime. And he did.

Good dad he is. Things are different now. 3D parenting is dead. It’s us that has to make games like the one in the OP unacceptable to our kids.
I thought at first you were interesting; I don't believe I've ever met you before. But you're sounding like one of them "very fine people" Trump was talking about in Charlottesville. I'm keeping an open mind, though.

For heaven's sake, OL, I've been here five years, off and on --- and lately quite recently. I've talked to you again and again. Many times.

But that's okay ---- MY feelings aren't hurt!
One of the complaints I always hear about the NRA is that they don't care about anything but money. And this game manufacturer doesn't? At least the NRA teaches gun safety and fights in court to protect 2nd amendment rights. Is there any redeeming quality of a games that allows the player to be a school shooter? (rhetorical question).

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