Active Shooter With Hostages in Amarillo, TX Walmart

That would depend on the blacks and whites you line up. Line up 100 Black sports figures and none will be on welfare. Line up 100 Appalachian Whites and probably all of them would be on welfare.
While true, I think C65's point was that, overall, the statistics show more blacks are on welfare than whites in proportion to their population. Same goes for murders. This isn't a race thing, it's a cultural thing which had it's beginnings with racism prior to 1964.

Someone needs to explain to that dumbass that the larger the sample, the more accurate the end result. Since my sample included every black and every white, you can't get more accurate than what I proved.
You haven't proved or said anything that hasn't been said 1000s of times before you brought your flaky arse in here. So what if proportionally more Blacks are on welfare than Whites? How has the knowledge of that helped ANYbody over the past several decades. All it has done is fuel arseholes like you to come here slobbering the same old worn STATISTICAL morass to make you feel better about having white skin. Nothing else has ever been accomplished by those statistics. NOTHING. EXCEPT> The White people on welfare are affected by the backlash aimed at Blacks on welfare.

It's important because it shows where numbers on welfare can be reduced.

Are you one of those chip on your shoulder blacks that can't stand the truth and blame white people because your kind can't make as well as whites have?
Who said I am Black? But even if I was I wouldn't be poor by any standard. No, I am no Donald Trump but your statistical diagnosis doesn't include millions of upwardly mobile Blacks. BTW I have to wonder WHICH whites you are referring to that Blacks ought to be envious of? Millions of Whites are as poor or poorer than they are. See how distorted your worldview is when you rely on statistics to make your judgements.

There are whites that are poorer than blacks.

Learn proportions and how they tell the true story.
Just another day in Texass. Another difference, this hostage taker wasn't threatening to murder police officers.

I figure at least a third of the people in a Texas Wal-Mart are carrying a weapon.

And once again they all sit back and wait for the police to deal with the situation. WTF.

I thought they were all packing so they didn't have to wait for the police. What excuses will gun nutters use this time?
Since I took the entire black population and white population to get my numbers, they are valid. Cherry picking certain areas proves nothing. When it applies to ALL blacks vs. ALL whites, my statement stands as the only valid one between the two of us.

Trying not do what you did doesn't change the real world one bit.
Your premise doesn't make sense ini the real world because if you arbitrarily line 100 Blacks and 100 Whites up in 10 different random locations you will get different numbers every time; and, in some cases, there will be more Whites on welfare in some lines.

If you arbitrarily line blacks and whites up 100 at a time and do so until you've included all 41 million blacks and over 200 million whites, the ratios I gave will be the total. One can make a cherry picked selection say a lot of things that are, when taken as a whole, are incorrect. My premise is that on an OVERALL basis 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks is on food stamps and only 1 in every 12 1/2 whites it. It's a statistically proven fact.
Ok, we have heard that for decades. What has been done about it? There are almost equal numbers of Whites and Blacks on welfare and on food stamps and they and the price tag for that is coming out of our pockets in REAL numbers not proportional numbers.

Trillions of dollars have been wasted on social welfare programs designed to eradicate poverty only to have the same percentage of the population today in poverty as was prior to the spending of the trillions.

What you fail to take into account is that while the raw data numbers may be about the same, that same number was achieved by blacks from a smaller pot than whites. In fact, the pot from which the numbers came includes 5 1/2 times as many whites. Why aren't there 5 1/2 times more whites using raw data on welfare.
I know what the statistics indicate but I am not too trusting of data collected and disseminated by White controlled agencies. There are just too many prejudiced bastards out there. However, for the purpose of this debate I will reluctantly accept the long tradition of Blacks being statistically demonized without professional Black oversight at the input source. Agreed? Now my question is this: if 40 million Whites are on welfare why isn't that an issue? Solve that issue and Blacks on welfare will follow your example…OK?

Oh, one of those that discounts facts because they don't say what you want to hear.

Isn't 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks on food stamps an issue?

Get the proportion of blacks off the government plantation to the level of whites then talk to me.
ou could line up 100 blacks and 100 whites and start counting. Before you got to 1 white, you would already have statistically counted 3 blacks on food stamps.
That would depend on the blacks and whites you line up. Line up 100 Black sports figures and none will be on welfare. Line up 100 Appalachian Whites and probably all of them would be on welfare.

Hey, stupid. The larger the same, the more accurate the results. You only want to use 100 cherry picked from each group. I used them all.
Hey stupid, the raw numbers is what count when budget time rolls around. Proportional statistics do not mean a thing. The RAW numbers =raw dollars not proportional dollars. the problem that needs to be addressed?…How to get everyone off of welfare and stop paying so much attention to proportional statistics for political agendas.

If blacks, as a proportion to their race, would get down to the same level as whites, the problem you say needs to be addressed would be addressed. By getting the proportions even, that would mean only 3.5 million blacks instead of 11 million would be on food stamps. Thats a decrease of 7.5 million people receiving handouts. See how easy that is?
How do you propose that Blacks "get down to the same (poverty) levels as Whites? Whites aren't eager to hire Blacks especially with so many poor White people vying for jobs.. I think I have the answer: Blacks need to come together and establish their own businesses on a national and international scale. iDuring segregation, there were several places where Blacks prospered and thrived beyond the white towns around them. The only viable answer is autonomy and loyalty to their own businesses. Look what depending on White people for employment has done-to them.

Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
ou could line up 100 blacks and 100 whites and start counting. Before you got to 1 white, you would already have statistically counted 3 blacks on food stamps.
That would depend on the blacks and whites you line up. Line up 100 Black sports figures and none will be on welfare. Line up 100 Appalachian Whites and probably all of them would be on welfare.
While true, I think C65's point was that, overall, the statistics show more blacks are on welfare than whites in proportion to their population. Same goes for murders. This isn't a race thing, it's a cultural thing which had it's beginnings with racism prior to 1964.
As I have long maintained, proportional statistics mean nothing to the victims of murder. And welfare, when controlled for poverty, has proportional equity with Whites in the same socio-economic level mirroring Blacks on welfare in the same SE level.

When you take every black and every white and calculate using real data, blacks are almost 4x more like to be on food stamps than whites. The calculations don't lie. Only liars like you refuse to accept facts.
Why is it so important to you that more Blacks are proportionally on welfare than Whites? Why aren't you just as concerned about ALL people on welfare. Again, I ask what is gained by public knowledge of this statistical disparity? In another post you said it is important because it shows where welfare numbers can be reduced. So people like YOU need to know that information ? Why? You aren't going to do a damn thing except to bray loudly when you equate welfare to a Black face and start wanting to cut it. You don't even see the millions of Whites on welfare, all you see is that proportional statistic. It takes a life of its own and becomes the essence of Blackness… GAWD, they must be stopped before they take ALL of my tax dollahz!"

I was responding to a thread.

What is gained? A knowledge of the truth for all those idiots who make the general statement of "more whites are on welfare than blacks" without taking into account hos the details show the truth. Why are you opposed to knowing the truth?

I guess some of you idiots simply don't want to be educated so you can continue to make general statements which simply aren't showing the whole story.
As I have long maintained, proportional statistics mean nothing to the victims of murder. And welfare, when controlled for poverty, has proportional equity with Whites in the same socio-economic level mirroring Blacks on welfare in the same SE level.
Are you sure that page is the one you want to show? Tables showing percentages with no totals is useless!.
Not useless. Compare the #1 cause of death for black males age 15-34 to white males in those categories. This is a national tragedy. I don't know the solution, but know it's cultural, not genetic.

As for total numbers, those are listed elsewhere on the website. You can also look at the FBI website for violent crime stats by race.

Disagreed on the murder statistics. This is fact: Leading Causes of Death in Males - Men's Health - CDC

Tell me there isn't something very wrong with those numbers.

As for poverty, that's obvious; the more people in poverty, the more likely they are on welfare or other public assistance.
Are you sure that page is the one you want to show? Tables showing percentages with no totals is useless!.
Not useless. Compare the #1 cause of death for black males age 15-34 to white males in those categories. This is a national tragedy. I don't know the solution, but know it's cultural, not genetic.

As for total numbers, those are listed elsewhere on the website. You can also look at the FBI website for violent crime stats by race.

We have been lead to believe that urban or metropolitan violence is the domain of Black drug dealers and black gangs. We all have been told how dangerous Black neighborhoods are based on proportional statistics. But table 55A of the FBI UCR strips away the proportional mask and shows the raw truth: Whites are committing the most crime and murders (raw numbers ) in Metropolitan counties. More than TWICE as many homicides are committed by Whites in metro areas . Now I understand the proportional disparity ad that young black men appear to be killing each other at alarming rates but whites are killing each other too.
View attachment 78440
Whites are 77% of the population, blacks 13%. Whites outnumber blacks 5.9 to 1. 4.8 to 1 if you leave out Hispanic whites.

So, all things being equal, white murderers should outnumber black murderers 5.9 (or 4.8) to 1. Yet your own chart shows blacks commit 2/3s of the same number of murders as white, mostly as you already know, on fellow black males.

Dude, ignoring a problem or obvious facts doesn't make it go away. Consider the controversy over "radical Islamic terrorism". I understand why President Obama doesn't want to label radical Islamic terrorists as "radical Islamic terrorists" , I understand why many on the far Right have made it a problem (i.e. radical Islamic terrorism!) and I also understand why failing to address the issue clearly and factually (yes, a radical Islamic terrorist is a radical Islamic terrorist) instead of politically creates problems which thwart political and military solutions to the problem.

The fact is American citizens who happen to be black males are dying at a rate far outside their national population percentage. Ignoring this tragedy or pointing and saying "Look! White males die too!" is not going to stop the killing of our nation's black youths.

Why So Many Black Men Are Dying in America
....The numbers are staggering. From 1980 to 2013, 262,000 black males were killed in America. By contrast, roughly 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam. In New Orleans, about 6,000 African American men have been murdered since 1980. The killers of these men were, in the vast majority of cases, other African American men.....

.....Though Landrieu tries to avoid using the term black-on-black crime—an expression that has fallen from favor for several sound reasons, not least of which is its popularity among people who would never think to describe violence committed by biker gangs as “white-on-white crime”—he does not hesitate to argue, particularly in front of black audiences, that black males are in the grip of a culture of violent retribution......

.....“It’s not a gun problem,” Thomas said. “We’ve got a communication problem. If I can’t talk to you without feeling played, I’ve got to go for the gun.”

“What if you don’t have a gun?,” I asked.

“People will find some way to kill people they don’t like,” Thomas said.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Not the only difference, but I agree it's part of the problem.

This is why I support present abortion laws and Planned Parenthood. The best way to reduce crime costs is to reduce unwanted kids. The best way to reduce abortions is to increase education and access to effective, inexpensive birth control.

Why those on the right bitch about welfare queens, then support shutting down abortion clinics is puzzlingly insane.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Not the only difference, but I agree it's part of the problem.

This is why I support present abortion laws and Planned Parenthood. The best way to reduce crime costs is to reduce unwanted kids. The best way to reduce abortions is to increase education and access to effective, inexpensive birth control.

Why those on the right bitch about welfare queens, then support shutting down abortion clinics is puzzlingly insane.

It's the root of the problem.

So you support someone killing an innocent life because they don't like the result of a previous choice to do what it took to become pregnant? The best way to reduce abortions is for people to take responsibility for that previous action instead of killing it whether it was the desired result or not.

There is no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. Unintended, yes. Unwanted, no.

By inexpensive birth control, do you mean government subsidized? No thanks. Not my place to provide a woman with something related to a choice she makes with her body that she tells me is none of my business.

My problem with those that spit out children they can't afford is that when they make the choice to have those children they tell the rest of us and the government to butt out. However, when they can't afford the choice, they don't have a problem demanding that same government force those of us told to butt out to pay for it. What's insane is that there are retards willing to be told to butt out then willing to pay when she can't.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Not the only difference, but I agree it's part of the problem.

This is why I support present abortion laws and Planned Parenthood. The best way to reduce crime costs is to reduce unwanted kids. The best way to reduce abortions is to increase education and access to effective, inexpensive birth control.

Why those on the right bitch about welfare queens, then support shutting down abortion clinics is puzzlingly insane.

It's the root of the problem.

So you support someone killing an innocent life because they don't like the result of a previous choice to do what it took to become pregnant? The best way to reduce abortions is for people to take responsibility for that previous action instead of killing it whether it was the desired result or not.

There is no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. Unintended, yes. Unwanted, no.

By inexpensive birth control, do you mean government subsidized? No thanks. Not my place to provide a woman with something related to a choice she makes with her body that she tells me is none of my business.

My problem with those that spit out children they can't afford is that when they make the choice to have those children they tell the rest of us and the government to butt out. However, when they can't afford the choice, they don't have a problem demanding that same government force those of us told to butt out to pay for it. What's insane is that there are retards willing to be told to butt out then willing to pay when she can't.
This is a major problem with the Republicans/Right Wing in America; they only give a shit about "pre-born children", then don't give a flying fuck post-birth. They'll blame the parents but not lift a single finger to help the kids.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Not the only difference, but I agree it's part of the problem.

This is why I support present abortion laws and Planned Parenthood. The best way to reduce crime costs is to reduce unwanted kids. The best way to reduce abortions is to increase education and access to effective, inexpensive birth control.

Why those on the right bitch about welfare queens, then support shutting down abortion clinics is puzzlingly insane.
Very eugenist of you.
Quit having bastard children at a rate over 2x that of whites. Quit dropping out of high school at a 16% greater rate. Quit blaming white people when you aren't successful. That's a start.
Berating a starving person for stealing food isn't going to make them well fed nor stop them stealing food.

Much of this is cultural. When a group of young women feel their only way to make a difference in the world is to have a baby, that's a problem.

When schools are not well funded, that's a problem. When parents can't afford to send their kids to school, that's a problem. When a culture prizes "acting like a man" (a culture of physical violence) instead of graduating HS and moving out of the neighborhood, that's a problem.

The only difference young women having illegitimate babies makes is more and more costs to the taxpayers.
Not the only difference, but I agree it's part of the problem.

This is why I support present abortion laws and Planned Parenthood. The best way to reduce crime costs is to reduce unwanted kids. The best way to reduce abortions is to increase education and access to effective, inexpensive birth control.

Why those on the right bitch about welfare queens, then support shutting down abortion clinics is puzzlingly insane.

It's the root of the problem.

So you support someone killing an innocent life because they don't like the result of a previous choice to do what it took to become pregnant? The best way to reduce abortions is for people to take responsibility for that previous action instead of killing it whether it was the desired result or not.

There is no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. Unintended, yes. Unwanted, no.

By inexpensive birth control, do you mean government subsidized? No thanks. Not my place to provide a woman with something related to a choice she makes with her body that she tells me is none of my business.

My problem with those that spit out children they can't afford is that when they make the choice to have those children they tell the rest of us and the government to butt out. However, when they can't afford the choice, they don't have a problem demanding that same government force those of us told to butt out to pay for it. What's insane is that there are retards willing to be told to butt out then willing to pay when she can't.
This is a major problem with the Republicans/Right Wing in America; they only give a shit about "pre-born children", then don't give a flying fuck post-birth. They'll blame the parents but not lift a single finger to help the kids.

Explain to me how someone who says what she does with her body, and that includes deciding to have kids, is justified in demanding the government force others to support them when she said the choice of whether or not to have them was none of anyone else's business? Why is a choice she says is none of my concern suddenly become partly my responsibility to pay for when she can't afford the results?
Explain to me how someone who says what she does with her body, and that includes deciding to have kids, is justified in demanding the government force others to support them when she said the choice of whether or not to have them was none of anyone else's business? Why is a choice she says is none of my concern suddenly become partly my responsibility to pay for when she can't afford the results?
Translation: You're right, DW. I want to tell women what to do with their bodies when they are pregnant but I don't give a flying fuck what happens to them and their fucking bastards afterwards. Well, until they become adults so taxpayers can put them in prison for $30,000 per year for life.

The bottom line is both Left and Right Wingers have far too many authoritarians seeking to tell others what to do.
Explain to me how someone who says what she does with her body, and that includes deciding to have kids, is justified in demanding the government force others to support them when she said the choice of whether or not to have them was none of anyone else's business? Why is a choice she says is none of my concern suddenly become partly my responsibility to pay for when she can't afford the results?
Translation: You're right, DW. I want to tell women what to do with their bodies when they are pregnant but I don't give a flying fuck what happens to them and their fucking bastards afterwards. Well, until they become adults so taxpayers can put them in prison for $30,000 per year for life.

The bottom line is both Left and Right Wingers have far too many authoritarians seeking to tell others what to do.

So you support personal irresponsibility, I see.

I didn't say I wanted to tell women what to do with their bodies. I said when a woman makes a choice related to it, it becomes her responsibility to pay for that choice. If she can't, it doesn't default to the rest of us because she can't afford the choice SHE made. She can have 10 kids if she wants. It's my responsibility to pay for zero of them when she can't. That's not dictating a choice, that's expecting her to be responsible for the choices she made.

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