Activists jump Pelosi's mansion wall and demand entry!

Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

It doesn't mean money is paid into a fund that Congress can't touch. $25 billion over 5 years is effectively only $5 billion because the rest can disappear if Congress fails to include it in following budgets. Nothing agreed to in one budget can't be undone in a following budget. That's why Republicans were telling Trump to turn the deal down. They knew it was a con.
Fucking moron, the amendment Democrats voted to pass appropriated ALL $25 billion.

You never learn.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

It doesn't mean money is paid into a fund that Congress can't touch. $25 billion over 5 years is effectively only $5 billion because the rest can disappear if Congress fails to include it in following budgets. Nothing agreed to in one budget can't be undone in a following budget. That's why Republicans were telling Trump to turn the deal down. They knew it was a con.
Fucking moron, the amendment Democrats voted to pass appropriated ALL $25 billion.

You never learn.

Meaningless. You admitted yourself that it was to be paid out over 5 years, which means only $5 billion was actually appropriated.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

It doesn't mean money is paid into a fund that Congress can't touch. $25 billion over 5 years is effectively only $5 billion because the rest can disappear if Congress fails to include it in following budgets. Nothing agreed to in one budget can't be undone in a following budget. That's why Republicans were telling Trump to turn the deal down. They knew it was a con.
Fucking moron, the amendment Democrats voted to pass appropriated ALL $25 billion.

You never learn.

Meaningless. You admitted yourself that it was to be paid out over 5 years, which means only $5 billion was actually appropriated.
Fucking moron, how many times do I need to show you the bill they voted on until you understand it ...?

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the Border Security Trust Fund (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Trust Fund’’), consisting of amounts appropriated to the Trust Fund under subsection (b) and any amounts that may be credited to the Trust Fund under subsection (c).

(b) APPROPRIATION.—There are appropriated to the Trust Fund $25,000,000,000, to remain available until expended.

There would not be another vote on the $25 billion because the entire $25 billion would have been appropriated.

You never learn.


The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

The fact is that this is not a invasion. There are no people in the employ of a foreign country trying to take over the government of this country.
Your limited intelligence and personal definition of 'invasion' you seek to force upon everyone as the q Anand only official definition is truly astonishing.

20 million illegals in the US, 11 million unidentified, 1500 a day coming across the border illegally, caravans of thousands continuing to come through our open porous (according to Obama's Chief of Border Patrol) border, according to you, is not an 'invasion'.


You have the limited intelligence as you can only repeat what Trump says. There is no invasion as they are not under any foreign government. They are fleeing for their lives from drug cartels fueled by AMERICAN DOLLARS.
Actually I quoted the facts from the experts Pelosi And snowflakes reject.

You mean propaganda. They are not facts.
Nancy is enjoying Puerto Rico.

You will literally believe anything.

However, we do know that a number of elitist "Democrats are partying in Puerto Rico amid the ongoing partial government shutdown that has left around 800,000 federal workers with no pay since it began Dec. 22, making it the longest government closure in U.S. history."

Democrats Soak Up the Sun in Puerto Rico as Gov't Shutdown Drags On
Reports that around 30 Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico this weekend to meet with lobbyists and see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton.”
Democratic delegation’s trip to Puerto Rico becomes a target for Trump
“What I saw was an island that still needs a lot of help,” said Rep. Mike Levin as Democrats defended a trip that examined the continuing effects of Hurricane Maria. ... for a Puerto Rican
Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan also planned to meet Saturday with Puerto Rican ... of House Democrats to visit Puerto Rico where they'll be

The Democrats have voted to re-open government. They can do anything they want. Most people apparently support the Democrat plan for re-opening government not Trump's plan.

Funny, Trump called for a meeting with Democrats today to discuss opening the government. Not one Democrat showed up... many of them still basking in the Puerto Rican sun while Federal employees went without pay checks.

Why should they go for the same bullshit from Trump.
Democrats passed bills to re-open the government. This is the Trump shutdown per Trump himself. Just because someone disagrees does not mean you do not care about border security.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.

On Day of of Trump's Presidency Schumer declared Democrats were 100% committed to resisting, obstructiing, denying, and undermining the President and US government, to ensure their failure for the Democratic Party's own success.

Pelosi and Schumer continue to do that today, making this shutdown all theirs.
So what? Trump has also refused to negotiate or compromise.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.

He wants $5.7 billion which is about half of what he wants know. It is essentially a compromise. Trump turned it down.
It would depend on the circumstances. If someone goes on somebody's property seeking help or in fear of their lives, it might not be trespassing. If someone came onto my property because of that, it would not be trespassing. I would help them as much as I can. Also illegals are not violating laws as applying for asylum requires them to be on American soil.

It doesn't matter whether a wall works or not. We don't need a wall. Border crossings are down. The vast majority of illegal drugs are carries through POE not the border according to the TRUMP DEA. Of all the families who have crossed or tried to, only a small amount have been flagged as human trafficking.

No, most of the drug busts have been at the point of entry so they make the assumption that’s how most get here. Why would you bring drugs through the point of entry where all the cops and drug sniffing dogs are?

If somebody comes on my property because mine is better than theirs, I’m calling the police to have them arrested and removed from my property. After all, that’s a much better comparison.

Sent from my iPad using

So they get it over the border and take it to a POE. Are you really that stupid? You apparently claim you know more than the DEA.

It is not a better comparison. It is a ridiculous comparison. These people are fleeing drug cartels that are fueled by AMERICAN dollars. If they are sent back, they could very well be killed as several have been.

You could be killed on the streets of Chicago. Live with it. They are just coming here because unlike them, we built a great country. These are lazy worthless people who want everybody to do the work for them and come here to enjoy the spoils of what WE achieved.

If it's so awful where they come from, WTF did they have children?

They are coming here because drug cartels do not control the government or terrorize citizens. You are a worthless fascist pig. The fact is that many of these people work several jobs so they are hardworking. You have no right to say who is worthless as you are a worthless white supremacist.

Well if they are working so hard, let them organize and do something about their governments. They are a baby factory that wants to have families and then ship them here because it's a terrible place to live. We have people in our own country that can't have kids for one reason or another; mostly financial. If your environment is so terrible, change your environment. Don't invade places that already have a good environment.

The fact is that the United States needs to take on these cartels as American money fuels the drug cartels. There is no invasion as trash like you pollute our country.
So what? Trump has also refused to negotiate or compromise.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.

$5.7 billion is not going to fund the entire wall either which means that a multi-year appropriation will be required.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

It doesn't mean money is paid into a fund that Congress can't touch. $25 billion over 5 years is effectively only $5 billion because the rest can disappear if Congress fails to include it in following budgets. Nothing agreed to in one budget can't be undone in a following budget. That's why Republicans were telling Trump to turn the deal down. They knew it was a con.
Fucking moron, the amendment Democrats voted to pass appropriated ALL $25 billion.

You never learn.

Meaningless. You admitted yourself that it was to be paid out over 5 years, which means only $5 billion was actually appropriated.

Which is what Trump wants now.
Nancy is enjoying Puerto Rico.

You will literally believe anything.

However, we do know that a number of elitist "Democrats are partying in Puerto Rico amid the ongoing partial government shutdown that has left around 800,000 federal workers with no pay since it began Dec. 22, making it the longest government closure in U.S. history."

Democrats Soak Up the Sun in Puerto Rico as Gov't Shutdown Drags On
Reports that around 30 Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico this weekend to meet with lobbyists and see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton.”
Democratic delegation’s trip to Puerto Rico becomes a target for Trump
“What I saw was an island that still needs a lot of help,” said Rep. Mike Levin as Democrats defended a trip that examined the continuing effects of Hurricane Maria. ... for a Puerto Rican
Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan also planned to meet Saturday with Puerto Rican ... of House Democrats to visit Puerto Rico where they'll be

The Democrats have voted to re-open government. They can do anything they want. Most people apparently support the Democrat plan for re-opening government not Trump's plan.

Funny, Trump called for a meeting with Democrats today to discuss opening the government. Not one Democrat showed up... many of them still basking in the Puerto Rican sun while Federal employees went without pay checks.

Why should they go for the same bullshit from Trump.

I can agree, it is the same reason McConnell doesn’t need to bring the House bill to the floor of the Senate, it won’t pass and there currently not enough votes. Entirely pointless.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.

On Day of of Trump's Presidency Schumer declared Democrats were 100% committed to resisting, obstructiing, denying, and undermining the President and US government, to ensure their failure for the Democratic Party's own success.

Pelosi and Schumer continue to do that today, making this shutdown all theirs.
So what? Trump has also refused to negotiate or compromise.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.

He wants $5.7 billion which is about half of what he wants know. It is essentially a compromise. Trump turned it down.
Could you restate that in English, please?
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.

$5.7 billion is not going to fund the entire wall either which means that a multi-year appropriation will be required.
All Trump has to do is keep making these people look like the joke they are. He is already promoted that way by the 95% TV/entertainment/and the rest. You harp on his businesses practices. If you equate Pelosi and Schumer with Obamacare and the massive costs to the sucker taxpayer, New York City would have been obliterated by an asteroid and need to be rebuilt.
The fact is that this is not a invasion. There are no people in the employ of a foreign country trying to take over the government of this country.
Your limited intelligence and personal definition of 'invasion' you seek to force upon everyone as the q Anand only official definition is truly astonishing.

20 million illegals in the US, 11 million unidentified, 1500 a day coming across the border illegally, caravans of thousands continuing to come through our open porous (according to Obama's Chief of Border Patrol) border, according to you, is not an 'invasion'.


You have the limited intelligence as you can only repeat what Trump says. There is no invasion as they are not under any foreign government. They are fleeing for their lives from drug cartels fueled by AMERICAN DOLLARS.
Actually I quoted the facts from the experts Pelosi And snowflakes reject.

You mean propaganda. They are not facts.
No, hate-driven snowflake, I meant FACTS.
The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.
The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?

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