Activists jump Pelosi's mansion wall and demand entry!

/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?
Mueller went back DECADES to dig up dirt, that had nothing to do with 2014-2016 Russian Interference, on Manafort.
/——/ I don’t think Faun thought his snarky reply all the way through before posting.
Why do the Left lock their doors and demand only invited people enter their homes?
/---/ Libtards are practicing what they preach by removing their front doors.
The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

/---/ Sorry to smack you up side the head with facts but I didn't say her son was busted. I said "Her crime family gets busted:"
The article said the son was charged with fraud. Go argue with them.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

/---/ Sorry to smack you up side the head with facts but I didn't say her son was busted. I said "Her crime family gets busted:"
The article said the son was charged with fraud. Go argue with them.

Fucking moron, no one in her family got charged with fraud. You can’t stop being stupid, can you?
Short ones no,and it shows the hypocrisy of the leftists in power.

What hypocrisy. A short wall around her city house ?
That she has a wall,Obama has a wall,Soros has a wall,Maxine Waters has a wall,Schumer has a wall to protect themselves but hate America so much they don't want a wall to protect America.

Pelosi said walls are immoral.

There are walls, and then there are walls. The walls around the Pelosi house are the walls of the garage. They're an architecture feature. They aren't designed as a barrier to anything, as can easily be seen by the ease with which the protestors got in. The walls of my house designate my living area, and divide the space into rooms. The walls keep the cold out, and the enable me to controll my environment.

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
Nancy is enjoying Puerto Rico.

You will literally believe anything.

However, we do know that a number of elitist "Democrats are partying in Puerto Rico amid the ongoing partial government shutdown that has left around 800,000 federal workers with no pay since it began Dec. 22, making it the longest government closure in U.S. history."

Democrats Soak Up the Sun in Puerto Rico as Gov't Shutdown Drags On
Reports that around 30 Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico this weekend to meet with lobbyists and see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton.”
Democratic delegation’s trip to Puerto Rico becomes a target for Trump
“What I saw was an island that still needs a lot of help,” said Rep. Mike Levin as Democrats defended a trip that examined the continuing effects of Hurricane Maria. ... for a Puerto Rican
Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan also planned to meet Saturday with Puerto Rican ... of House Democrats to visit Puerto Rico where they'll be

The Democrats have voted to re-open government. They can do anything they want. Most people apparently support the Democrat plan for re-opening government not Trump's plan.

Funny, Trump called for a meeting with Democrats today to discuss opening the government. Not one Democrat showed up... many of them still basking in the Puerto Rican sun while Federal employees went without pay checks.

Why should they go for the same bullshit from Trump.

I can agree, it is the same reason McConnell doesn’t need to bring the House bill to the floor of the Senate, it won’t pass, because it won’t have the votes. Absolutely pointless.
/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?
Mueller went back DECADES to dig up dirt, that had nothing to do with 2014-2016 Russian Interference, on Manafort.
/——/ I don’t think Faun thought his snarky reply all the way through before posting.
Imbecile, you posted that thinking it just happened. :cuckoo:
/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?
Mueller went back DECADES to dig up dirt, that had nothing to do with 2014-2016 Russian Interference, on Manafort.
/——/ I don’t think Faun thought his snarky reply all the way through before posting.
Imbecile, you posted that thinking it just happened. :cuckoo:
/----/ No I didn't. You have no idea what I was posting. I go back in time often to point out libtard double standards.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

/---/ Sorry to smack you up side the head with facts but I didn't say her son was busted. I said "Her crime family gets busted:"
The article said the son was charged with fraud. Go argue with them.

Fucking moron, no one in her family got charged with fraud. You can’t stop being stupid, can you?
/----/ He criminal family was busted (exposed) for fraud.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

Cohen and Corazzi said they were “outside consultants,” but according to the SEC, they actually controlled Natural Blue’s business decisions “without disclosing their past brushes with the law to investors.” The pair made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the company.
/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?
Mueller went back DECADES to dig up dirt, that had nothing to do with 2014-2016 Russian Interference, on Manafort.
/——/ I don’t think Faun thought his snarky reply all the way through before posting.
Imbecile, you posted that thinking it just happened. :cuckoo:
/——/ 4 1/2 years ago? How far back is the NY DA looking into Trump Foundation tax returns?
Mueller went back DECADES to dig up dirt, that had nothing to do with 2014-2016 Russian Interference, on Manafort.
/——/ I don’t think Faun thought his snarky reply all the way through before posting.
Imbecile, you posted that thinking it just happened. :cuckoo:
/----/ No I didn't. You have no idea what I was posting. I go back in time often to point out libtard double standards.

Keep digging, dumbass.
You posted, ”her crime family gets busted,” while linking an article dated yesterday. Are you saying you don’t believe your own article? :lol:

And not even the article you posted says Pelosi’s son was charged with fraud; so who knows from what delusions you suffer to think it did.

Check ^^^ that ^^^ idiot out.

Where to begin?

a) Her son was not "busted."

b) the article you posted, dated today, is actually from 4½ years ago.

c) so much for the credibility of

d) had you read the article you linked, and were capable of understanding it, you would have noticed Pelosi's son was not named among those indicted.

e) the article even claims there was question about whether or not Pelosi's son was even still with the company in 2014 when they got busted.

f) but that too speaks to the lack of's credibility, as well as who first posted that bullshit, since there was actually no such question. He was no longer with the company when they got busted -- which is why he wasn't among the ones indicted.

/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

/---/ Sorry to smack you up side the head with facts but I didn't say her son was busted. I said "Her crime family gets busted:"
The article said the son was charged with fraud. Go argue with them.

Fucking moron, no one in her family got charged with fraud. You can’t stop being stupid, can you?
/----/ He criminal family was busted (exposed) for fraud.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

Cohen and Corazzi said they were “outside consultants,” but according to the SEC, they actually controlled Natural Blue’s business decisions “without disclosing their past brushes with the law to investors.” The pair made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the company.
”The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.”


This is too much fun. Keep digging your heels in.

You just posted how he owned 10 million shares in 2009. Members of the company were charged with fraud in 2014.

What year did he leave the company, ya moron?
What hypocrisy. A short wall around her city house ?
That she has a wall,Obama has a wall,Soros has a wall,Maxine Waters has a wall,Schumer has a wall to protect themselves but hate America so much they don't want a wall to protect America.

Pelosi said walls are immoral.

There are walls, and then there are walls. The walls around the Pelosi house are the walls of the garage. They're an architecture feature. They aren't designed as a barrier to anything, as can easily be seen by the ease with which the protestors got in. The walls of my house designate my living area, and divide the space into rooms. The walls keep the cold out, and the enable me to controll my environment.

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
/----/ Prison breaks with walls = very few.
Prison breaks with no walls = every single day you moron.
That she has a wall,Obama has a wall,Soros has a wall,Maxine Waters has a wall,Schumer has a wall to protect themselves but hate America so much they don't want a wall to protect America.

Pelosi said walls are immoral.

There are walls, and then there are walls. The walls around the Pelosi house are the walls of the garage. They're an architecture feature. They aren't designed as a barrier to anything, as can easily be seen by the ease with which the protestors got in. The walls of my house designate my living area, and divide the space into rooms. The walls keep the cold out, and the enable me to controll my environment.

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
/----/ Prison breaks with walls = very few.
Prison breaks with no walls = every single day you moron.
Nope, not true. I knew someone years ago who was sentenced to six months to “Club Fed.” There were no walls and no cells. It was like camp. And virtually no one escaped.

The incentive...? Leave and get shipped off to a maximum security prison.
Pelosi said walls are immoral.

There are walls, and then there are walls. The walls around the Pelosi house are the walls of the garage. They're an architecture feature. They aren't designed as a barrier to anything, as can easily be seen by the ease with which the protestors got in. The walls of my house designate my living area, and divide the space into rooms. The walls keep the cold out, and the enable me to controll my environment.

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
/----/ Prison breaks with walls = very few.
Prison breaks with no walls = every single day you moron.
Nope, not true. I knew someone years ago who was sentenced to six months to “Club Fed.” There were no walls and no cells. It was like camp. And virtually no one escaped.

The incentive...? Leave and get shipped off to a maximum security prison.

Why no wall along the Canadian border? People accidentally cross that border every day without realizing it. Why aren't you worried about Canadians overrunning your country, voting for socialized medicine for all, demanding gun control? If I were Republicans, I'd be much more worried about Canadians crossing the border to vote all along the midwestern border where there are few checks on who is crossing. White people for whom English is their first language. Wouldn't get at second glance at the polling stations.
There are walls, and then there are walls. The walls around the Pelosi house are the walls of the garage. They're an architecture feature. They aren't designed as a barrier to anything, as can easily be seen by the ease with which the protestors got in. The walls of my house designate my living area, and divide the space into rooms. The walls keep the cold out, and the enable me to controll my environment.

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
/----/ Prison breaks with walls = very few.
Prison breaks with no walls = every single day you moron.
Nope, not true. I knew someone years ago who was sentenced to six months to “Club Fed.” There were no walls and no cells. It was like camp. And virtually no one escaped.

The incentive...? Leave and get shipped off to a maximum security prison.

Why no wall along the Canadian border? People accidentally cross that border every day without realizing it. Why aren't you worried about Canadians overrunning your country, voting for socialized medicine for all, demanding gun control? If I were Republicans, I'd be much more worried about Canadians crossing the border to vote all along the midwestern border where there are few checks on who is crossing. White people for whom English is their first language. Wouldn't get at second glance at the polling stations.

When we have millions of Canadians living here illegally, changing our language, taking our jobs, keeping our wages lower, killing our people, or coming here to have anchor babies and get on our welfare programs, then we’ll look into a northern border wall.

Sent from my iPad using
No, most of the drug busts have been at the point of entry so they make the assumption that’s how most get here. Why would you bring drugs through the point of entry where all the cops and drug sniffing dogs are?

If somebody comes on my property because mine is better than theirs, I’m calling the police to have them arrested and removed from my property. After all, that’s a much better comparison.

Sent from my iPad using

So they get it over the border and take it to a POE. Are you really that stupid? You apparently claim you know more than the DEA.

It is not a better comparison. It is a ridiculous comparison. These people are fleeing drug cartels that are fueled by AMERICAN dollars. If they are sent back, they could very well be killed as several have been.

You could be killed on the streets of Chicago. Live with it. They are just coming here because unlike them, we built a great country. These are lazy worthless people who want everybody to do the work for them and come here to enjoy the spoils of what WE achieved.

If it's so awful where they come from, WTF did they have children?

They are coming here because drug cartels do not control the government or terrorize citizens. You are a worthless fascist pig. The fact is that many of these people work several jobs so they are hardworking. You have no right to say who is worthless as you are a worthless white supremacist.

Well if they are working so hard, let them organize and do something about their governments. They are a baby factory that wants to have families and then ship them here because it's a terrible place to live. We have people in our own country that can't have kids for one reason or another; mostly financial. If your environment is so terrible, change your environment. Don't invade places that already have a good environment.

The fact is that the United States needs to take on these cartels as American money fuels the drug cartels. There is no invasion as trash like you pollute our country.

20 million living here illegally. If that’s not an invasion, what is?

Sent from my iPad using
Sure honey, convince the folks in prison of that.

If he walls worked, why do they need guards? Why are there towers with guards all along the perimeter? And the prisoners aren’t allowed anything that would allow them to climb or dig their way out.

And still there are prison breaks.
/----/ Prison breaks with walls = very few.
Prison breaks with no walls = every single day you moron.
Nope, not true. I knew someone years ago who was sentenced to six months to “Club Fed.” There were no walls and no cells. It was like camp. And virtually no one escaped.

The incentive...? Leave and get shipped off to a maximum security prison.

Why no wall along the Canadian border? People accidentally cross that border every day without realizing it. Why aren't you worried about Canadians overrunning your country, voting for socialized medicine for all, demanding gun control? If I were Republicans, I'd be much more worried about Canadians crossing the border to vote all along the midwestern border where there are few checks on who is crossing. White people for whom English is their first language. Wouldn't get at second glance at the polling stations.

When we have millions of Canadians living here illegally, changing our language, taking our jobs, keeping our wages lower, killing our people, or coming here to have anchor babies and get on our welfare programs, then we’ll look into a northern border wall.

Sent from my iPad using

Canada also takes in refugees from scary Mid East counties on the Muslim ban list .

They can just walk into the USA and kill us all!!
/—-/ Liberals taught us that the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charges. Impeach Pelosi now.

Yeah, just ignore how you made an ass of yourself claiming Pelosi’s son was busted, and then linking a story from over 4 years which showed he wasn’t.

/---/ Sorry to smack you up side the head with facts but I didn't say her son was busted. I said "Her crime family gets busted:"
The article said the son was charged with fraud. Go argue with them.

Fucking moron, no one in her family got charged with fraud. You can’t stop being stupid, can you?
/----/ He criminal family was busted (exposed) for fraud.
Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures.

The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.

The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions. Corazzi violated federal securities laws and was barred from acting as an officer or director of a public company. Cohen was previously incarcerated for financial fraud.

Cohen and Corazzi said they were “outside consultants,” but according to the SEC, they actually controlled Natural Blue’s business decisions “without disclosing their past brushes with the law to investors.” The pair made hundreds of thousands of dollars off the company.
”The SEC charged four individuals with fraud, including former New Mexico Gov. Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Pelosi owned over 10 million shares in the company in 2009.”


This is too much fun. Keep digging your heels in.

You just posted how he owned 10 million shares in 2009. Members of the company were charged with fraud in 2014.

What year did he leave the company, ya moron?
Charged in 2014 means the fraud was before this date. So the key is when did the fraud occur, I’m not saying he was involved, I don’t know but it sounds you don’t either, neither does the person that posted the story.

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