Activists jump Pelosi's mansion wall and demand entry!

#LauraLoomer and Illegal Aliens Seek #Sanctuary at @SpeakerPelosi’s CA Mansion

This is hilarious. :abgg2q.jpg:
Loomer and gang set up a canopy on Pelosi’s lawn with the word “Immorality” emblazoned in red letters.
Pelosi regularly says walls are ‘immoral’ when arguing against President Trump’s proposals for stronger border security which includes a wall.
The government shutdown has entered week three, the longest in US history because Schumer and Pelosi refuse to compromise on border wall funding.

Update: Loomer actually brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico to Pelosi’s house, they are not actors.

What a hypocrite, she wants illegals to cross our American border, but oh, don't cross her border, okay then. Everyone can argue, " Well, they knew they were trespassing, so what did they expect." That's the point of the border of United States. Switch Nancy Pelosi into Laura's role here today, and switch Nancy's border, with the U.S. border. Why is it okay Nancy Pelosi to lead the illegals into OUR BACKYARD, to offer them sanctuary.
Theoretically, anti-gun Nancy could have her guards shoot Laura Loomer and her people. I hope they squat until cops have to drag them off violently, so all can see how pro-wall Nancy is.
"ABC Fence Company? This in Über Frau Nanzi PeloSSi. Can you raise my estate fence six more feet and top it with razor wire? Why? Well, the illegals are pouring over, and I'm afraid that one of them might be an MS13 gang member!"
Maybe the walls of the homes of Progressive Democrats opposed to the border wall should be breached by illegal aliens and whatever else it take for them to get the message. This is what they wish on us only they are protected. None of them or their families ever seem to get killed like the cops or regular folks.
There is another caravan coming. Let’s send them all to Nancy's place. Both she, Schumer, Newson and others claim that sanctuary cities and areas. If she tries to kick them out, her hypocrisy will be exposed.
Chucky and crazy Maxine home addresses should be revealed for part of the caravan to find refuge there.
Great idea Laura !! :oops8:

Didn't you say that when people shouted down Republican officials in public places that this behaviour was not to be tolerated. Now you're cheering that protesters are breaking into Pelosi's residence?

That's a nice double standard you have going on there.
Piglosi said she believes walls are immoral. What basis does she have to complain?

How about because she doesn't have a wall.

Where are the border guards?

Wait a second. Are Republicans so stupid they think a wall is enough? No wonder they think a wall is "high tech".

Steel slats:

Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.

On Day of of Trump's Presidency Schumer declared Democrats were 100% committed to resisting, obstructiing, denying, and undermining the President and US government, to ensure their failure for the Democratic Party's own success.

Pelosi and Schumer continue to do that today, making this shutdown all theirs.
So what? Trump has also refused to negotiate or compromise.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
#LauraLoomer and Illegal Aliens Seek #Sanctuary at @SpeakerPelosi’s CA Mansion

This is hilarious. :abgg2q.jpg:
Loomer and gang set up a canopy on Pelosi’s lawn with the word “Immorality” emblazoned in red letters.
Pelosi regularly says walls are ‘immoral’ when arguing against President Trump’s proposals for stronger border security which includes a wall.
The government shutdown has entered week three, the longest in US history because Schumer and Pelosi refuse to compromise on border wall funding.

Update: Loomer actually brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico to Pelosi’s house, they are not actors.

What a hypocrite, she wants illegals to cross our American border, but oh, don't cross her border, okay then. Everyone can argue, " Well, they knew they were trespassing, so what did they expect." That's the point of the border of United States. Switch Nancy Pelosi into Laura's role here today, and switch Nancy's border, with the U.S. border. Why is it okay Nancy Pelosi to lead the illegals into OUR BACKYARD, to offer them sanctuary.
Theoretically, anti-gun Nancy could have her guards shoot Laura Loomer and her people. I hope they squat until cops have to drag them off violently, so all can see how pro-wall Nancy is.
"ABC Fence Company? This in Über Frau Nanzi PeloSSi. Can you raise my estate fence six more feet and top it with razor wire? Why? Well, the illegals are pouring over, and I'm afraid that one of them might be an MS13 gang member!"
Maybe the walls of the homes of Progressive Democrats opposed to the border wall should be breached by illegal aliens and whatever else it take for them to get the message. This is what they wish on us only they are protected. None of them or their families ever seem to get killed like the cops or regular folks.
There is another caravan coming. Let’s send them all to Nancy's place. Both she, Schumer, Newson and others claim that sanctuary cities and areas. If she tries to kick them out, her hypocrisy will be exposed.
Chucky and crazy Maxine home addresses should be revealed for part of the caravan to find refuge there.
Great idea Laura !! :oops8:

Didn't you say that when people shouted down Republican officials in public places that this behaviour was not to be tolerated. Now you're cheering that protesters are breaking into Pelosi's residence?

That's a nice double standard you have going on there.
Piglosi said she believes walls are immoral. What basis does she have to complain?

How about because she doesn't have a wall.

Where are the border guards?

Wait a second. Are Republicans so stupid they think a wall is enough? No wonder they think a wall is "high tech".

Steel slats:

Only morons like you believe there won't be anyone guarding the wall.
So what? Trump has also refused to negotiate or compromise.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.
You mean Piglosi has refused to negotiate or compromise. The $5 billion figure is already a compromise.
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
No, most of the drug busts have been at the point of entry so they make the assumption that’s how most get here. Why would you bring drugs through the point of entry where all the cops and drug sniffing dogs are?

If somebody comes on my property because mine is better than theirs, I’m calling the police to have them arrested and removed from my property. After all, that’s a much better comparison.

Sent from my iPad using

So they get it over the border and take it to a POE. Are you really that stupid? You apparently claim you know more than the DEA.

It is not a better comparison. It is a ridiculous comparison. These people are fleeing drug cartels that are fueled by AMERICAN dollars. If they are sent back, they could very well be killed as several have been.

You could be killed on the streets of Chicago. Live with it. They are just coming here because unlike them, we built a great country. These are lazy worthless people who want everybody to do the work for them and come here to enjoy the spoils of what WE achieved.

If it's so awful where they come from, WTF did they have children?

Obviously your adversaries have forgotten that Congress has passed laws against Illegal Entry into the U.S. Last times I looked America is a land of Law. Why is it that Democrats continue their quest to flaunt the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Laws based upon the former?

The long term plan is to wipe whites out. Once they make us a minority, the great experiment ends. We will be a one-party government forever which will quickly turn Socialist and down the road, Communist.

The short-term benefits is to allow as many of these illegals into the country as possible so they can be counted by the US Census and give Democrats much more congressional representation than they should be getting.


I continue to believe that the "Turner Diaries" although thought to be supremist B.S., was prophetic science fiction becoming true in today's world.

Time for a reread....
Fucking moron, Democrats offered him $25 billion. He said no. Now Democrats say, fuck off.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

#LauraLoomer and Illegal Aliens Seek #Sanctuary at @SpeakerPelosi’s CA Mansion

This is hilarious. :abgg2q.jpg:
Loomer and gang set up a canopy on Pelosi’s lawn with the word “Immorality” emblazoned in red letters.
Pelosi regularly says walls are ‘immoral’ when arguing against President Trump’s proposals for stronger border security which includes a wall.
The government shutdown has entered week three, the longest in US history because Schumer and Pelosi refuse to compromise on border wall funding.

Update: Loomer actually brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico to Pelosi’s house, they are not actors.

What a hypocrite, she wants illegals to cross our American border, but oh, don't cross her border, okay then. Everyone can argue, " Well, they knew they were trespassing, so what did they expect." That's the point of the border of United States. Switch Nancy Pelosi into Laura's role here today, and switch Nancy's border, with the U.S. border. Why is it okay Nancy Pelosi to lead the illegals into OUR BACKYARD, to offer them sanctuary.
Theoretically, anti-gun Nancy could have her guards shoot Laura Loomer and her people. I hope they squat until cops have to drag them off violently, so all can see how pro-wall Nancy is.
"ABC Fence Company? This in Über Frau Nanzi PeloSSi. Can you raise my estate fence six more feet and top it with razor wire? Why? Well, the illegals are pouring over, and I'm afraid that one of them might be an MS13 gang member!"
Maybe the walls of the homes of Progressive Democrats opposed to the border wall should be breached by illegal aliens and whatever else it take for them to get the message. This is what they wish on us only they are protected. None of them or their families ever seem to get killed like the cops or regular folks.
There is another caravan coming. Let’s send them all to Nancy's place. Both she, Schumer, Newson and others claim that sanctuary cities and areas. If she tries to kick them out, her hypocrisy will be exposed.
Chucky and crazy Maxine home addresses should be revealed for part of the caravan to find refuge there.
Great idea Laura !! :oops8:

Didn't you say that when people shouted down Republican officials in public places that this behaviour was not to be tolerated. Now you're cheering that protesters are breaking into Pelosi's residence?

That's a nice double standard you have going on there.
Piglosi said she believes walls are immoral. What basis does she have to complain?

How about because she doesn't have a wall.

Where are the border guards?

Wait a second. Are Republicans so stupid they think a wall is enough? No wonder they think a wall is "high tech".

Steel slats:


Not one conservative I know, or has claimed including Trump believes that the wall by itself is the answer to stopping the illegal immigration problem. There are places along the border where it's impossible to erect a wall and technology may suffice. Along with the wall, drones, electronics, more border agents and especially Law, 90% of illegal alien crossings, smuggling and human trafficking can curtailed.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
Didn't you say that when people shouted down Republican officials in public places that this behaviour was not to be tolerated. Now you're cheering that protesters are breaking into Pelosi's residence?

That's a nice double standard you have going on there.
Piglosi said she believes walls are immoral. What basis does she have to complain?

How about because she doesn't have a wall.

Where are the border guards?

Wait a second. Are Republicans so stupid they think a wall is enough? No wonder they think a wall is "high tech".

Steel slats:

Only morons like you believe there won't be anyone guarding the wall.

Or that thousands of people will be dragging the equipment necessary to make their entrance even the slightest bit possible. The reason our border agents wanted slats vs concrete walls are so they can look through them and see problems before they get here.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?

Wrong. They approved $25 over 5 years, which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year, because the rest would have to be approved every year, and when have Dims ever kept their promises? The amnesty came up front, and all the border security was just a worthless promise by a gang or proven liars.
"They approved $25 over 5 years"

Fucking moron, you said it was 10 years. Can't you stick to one fable?

"which effectively means they approved only $5 billion for one year"

Wrong as always, ya fucking moron. I told you, learn the meaning of the word, "appropriate."

Do you ever learn?

It doesn't mean money is paid into a fund that Congress can't touch. $25 billion over 5 years is effectively only $5 billion because the rest can disappear if Congress fails to include it in following budgets. Nothing agreed to in one budget can't be undone in a following budget. That's why Republicans were telling Trump to turn the deal down. They knew it was a con.
They offered him $25 billion over 10 years, which is the same as nothing.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?


Inquiring minds are still searching for the $56 Billion to fund the Secure Wall Act of 2006 that Obama claimed he used to complete the project and never did.
The failure is in the Senate.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.
/——/ Speaking of Piglosi. Her crime family gets busted:
Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud

You rightwing nut cultists are a riot.
Fucking moron, he would have been able to spend $5 billion a year. It’s no one else’s fault but your own that you’re too big of a fucking moron to know that $5 billion a year, of $25 billion, is spent over a 5 year period, not 10. :eusa_doh:
That is, he could if Congress approved it every year. Of course, the chances of that are virtually zero. Funding that isn't approved now is a fantasy.
Fucking moron .... learn what "appropriate" means.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever stupid.

It means if Congress doesn't approve it all now, then the rest is a fantasy.
Fucking moron, it means they approved the $25 billion.

Do you ever learn?


Inquiring minds are still searching for the $56 Billion to fund the Secure Wall Act of 2006 that Obama claimed he used to complete the project and never did.

Sorry to disappoint, but Iran has it now. :auiqs.jpg:
Is saying "fucking moron" the new liberal way to demonstrate their lack of meaningful content?
No, it's calling a fucking moron a fucking moron. He actually called himself that first; but now I see that was the one factual thing he ever posted.

But what does that have to do with Pelosi not building a wall around her house designed to keep people out?

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