Actor Peter Fonda encourages targeting children of border patrol and ice agents

Actor Peter Fonda was accused of encouraging people to target the children of Border Patrol agents and ICE employees after he tweeted, “we should find out what schools their children go to” and “scare the shit out of them.”

Actor Peter Fonda Encourages Targeting Children of Border Patrol & ICE Agents

Leave it to a trendy stuck up fk to say some bs like this. Gawd leftist liberals are pathetic what ugly, ugly excuses for humans. they should be considered savages comparing them to animals is an insutl to the animal kingdom.
Trump has made it clear that children are not off limits. A dangerous precedent.
Exactly. Why would the drooling trumpanzees possible object anymore.
Have Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin along with the ladies at the View come out to defend Petey baby yet?
Actor Peter Fonda was accused of encouraging people to target the children of Border Patrol agents and ICE employees after he tweeted, “we should find out what schools their children go to” and “scare the shit out of them.”

Actor Peter Fonda Encourages Targeting Children of Border Patrol & ICE Agents

Leave it to a trendy stuck up fk to say some bs like this. Gawd leftist liberals are pathetic what ugly, ugly excuses for humans. they should be considered savages comparing them to animals is an insutl to the animal kingdom.
He’s speaking like socialist...
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?


...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?
...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?
Nice unsupported opinion, sweetie. Don't need a tissue when addressing someone who defends anyone calling for a child to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles.
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?


...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?


...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

It doesn't sound like hate, it sounds like a lunatic gibbering.
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let's put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?
You are mistaken if you think that any progressive objects to children being handed over to pedophiles.
I CHEERED in Easy Rider when the geezer in the truck shotgunned both him and Billy....nobody can argue they didn't have it coming. He's only a slightly worse actor than his bitch/traitor sister.
Liberals are vicious violent cretins.
I remember when the left wing bigot Sandra Bernhardt said that Sarah Palin should be raped.
Sep 19, 2008 · Sandra Bernhard issued a blistering warning to Sarah Palin during a performance of her new one-woman show. The Republican V.P. nom would be "gang-raped by my big black brothers" if she enters Manhattan, Bernhard said. Palin is said to be making a campaign stop in New York next week. "[The gang rape ...
...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?
Nice unsupported opinion, sweetie. Don't need a tissue when addressing someone who defends anyone calling for a child to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles.

You're like a shitty teflon surface. You try and deflect every. single. point. You should have your conversations alone.
No one should go after Barron. Being the spawn of two whores cannot be easy. Put his parents in the cage.

Yeah, so a couple of lesbians can buy him and torture him.
No one should go after Barron. Being the spawn of two whores cannot be easy. Put his parents in the cage.

Yeah, so a couple of lesbians can buy him and torture him.

They would probably be better parents than the two pigs he was born to.
Fuck that asshole trust fund punk......when you can't act I guess you lash out for attention.....never has had to work a day in his life but he kicks blue color Americans in the gut as he supports the illegal infestation into our nation....I guess job stealing immigrants don't bother the trust fund baby.....
Sounds like fuckface in the White House.
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?


...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

It doesn't sound like hate, it sounds like a lunatic gibbering.

That's because the truth can sting a bit. If it wasn't for stereotypes and broad brushes, you hyper-partisan rejects would have no salient points to fling at one another. Keep on truckin.

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