Actor Peter Fonda encourages targeting children of border patrol and ice agents

What a shame all those parents couldn't avail themselves of the same Secret Service to protect their children.


Secret Service do not protect criminal illegals who violate out existing Immigration Law. if they and their adult guardians had just stayed where they were and did not choose to violate our laws why would not need protection from separation.

The children are now safer than they were on the journey thru Mexico from cartels and coyotes.
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Let's put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

You have an illegal alien child detained at the border you love? And when did pedophiles enter the picture?

Read the OP, then read the thread. That will catch you up.
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?
What a shame all those parents couldn't avail themselves of the same Secret Service to protect their children.

It has been the parents choice to cross illegally. All they had to do is go to a port of entry and apply for asylum.

This is all on the parents and their poor choice.

Gee is that all they gotta do?

Watch the U.S. Turn Away Asylum Seekers at the Border

"But now, the Trump administration is taking steps to prevent them from finding safety in the U.S. On June 11, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the U.S. would no longer accept gang violence or domestic abuse as valid reasons for asylum. Meanwhile, citing lack of space, U.S. agents have started to turn back asylum seekers at ports of entry in recent weeks, leaving throngs of hopefuls at bridges all along the border. Critics say “slow-walking” asylum applicants is just one more measure meant to discourage Central Americans from entering the country."
Typical career leftist. Mentally ill, hates women, views children as property...(cue del and dociscreepy).

"In the vulgar tweet, Fonda said “Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby.” He continued, “The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity.”



All because someone is making it more difficult to buy children for sex and whatever.

Office Of First Lady Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped
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When are people gonna stop worshipping Entertainment Celebrities? They're usually very bad people. The Entertainment Industry is ruled by sick Harvey Weinstein-types.

Fonda is just another sick Entertainment/Democrat degenerate. No matter how you feel about someone's politics, you don't threaten their children. They should probably consider locking Fonda up. He's likely a serious danger to others.

America voted for Hollywood to run this administration by electing a D-list celebrity who badly seeks their approval. An unqualified Orange nitwit who holds court with Kanye and the Kardassians. You made your bed, now take a long nap and stop crying.


Hollywood backs Trump? Put down the fucking bong.

*Knocks on your melon* Hello? Anyone in there? Where did I say Hollywood backs the Orange Shitgibbon? I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does. How do you type, because you certainly can't read.
aliie's obsession with child sex is a little disturbing, frankly.
Doc is furiously merging threads lest the pedo nature of the left be too thoroughly exposed.
aliie's obsession with child sex is a little disturbing, frankly.
I have two words for you, del: Pedo. Fhile.
Pedophiles don't like it when people object to child sex trafficking. They get all worked up about it. Just look at del. He doesn't find it disturbing to say children of politicians should be stolen and housed with pedophiles...

He finds it disturbing that people object to it.

Pedo. Phile.
Doc is furiously merging threads lest the pedo nature of the left be too thoroughly exposed.
He closed the one I started but I really didn't see the others so, ok then. But I don't think the nature of the left can be hidden. Anyone who cares can see what they are.
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?

Huge Myth: Liberals are compassionate people
Actor Peter Fonda says Barron Trump, 12, should be 'ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles'
I said he badly seeks their approval, which he does.

Which is stupid as hell.....

Again, Hollywood has been insanely vile to the point now of committing crimes, calling for his son to be kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles...and you think he seeks their approval?


...Because 'Hollywood' is made up of less than a dozen outspoken liberals, amirite?!? Would you like a tissue, deplorable?

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