Actor Peter Fonda encourages targeting children of border patrol and ice agents

Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let'a put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

Just pointing out that the harsh rhetoric has not been limited to Hollywood liberal is not tough. Calling out Trumphlakes for whining not defending free speech, but I will if you'd like. I mean Ted and Peter have the right to say what they did, didn't they?

Tuff Stuff.

Actually, no they don't have the right to threats. C'mon now, you never answered my question. Let's someone you love in a cage with a pedophile. You'd defend that too, right?

So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?
just heard about this on the radio about an hour ago.I heard of another dude who called in some show stating basically the same thing about congresses kids. they found him. last year shooting a congressman playing baseball. these leftist are crazy. to the point. can't get around it any longer. if you are leftist, you are batshit crazy.
No one should go after Barron. Being the spawn of two whores cannot be easy. Put his parents in the cage.
So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.
So you are trying to compare one a$$hole saying 'suck on this' to another adult male to another a$$hole declaring that the President's son should be kidnapped, caged, and molested by pedophiles....?

....REALLY? Did you actually think that one through before you posted it? I don't think so.
Peter Fonda says Barron Trump should be 'ripped from his mother's arms | Daily Mail Online
Actor Peter Fonda says Barron Trump, 12, should be 'ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles' in foul-mouthed Twitter tirade

Brittany Pettibone on Twitter

This pervert has his nerve, him opening his mouth will be the biggest misteake this asshole has made.

This prick speaks and acts liek all TRUMP HATER SCUMS. you are Parasites to society and sickening

I hate ever even coming close to agreeing with Mindscare

But what an asshole post by Peter Fonda.

I would boycott his films but he hasn't been in one in like 200 years?
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?
just heard about this on the radio about an hour ago.I heard of another dude who called in some show stating basically the same thing about congresses kids. they found him. last year shooting a congressman playing baseball. these leftist are crazy. to the point. can't get around it any longer. if you are leftist, you are batshit crazy.
here is that information on the dude.

Man being held for allegedly threatening Congressman Brian Mast's children

"A federal document filed with the U.S. District Court states Laurence Wayne Key called Rep. Mast's office in Washington, D.C. on Monday morning. An intern told investigators when he answered the phone the caller said, "I'm going to find congressman's kids and kill them. If you're going to separate kids at the border, I'm going to kill his kids. Don't try to find me because you won't." Investigators found the phone number belonged to Key, who lives in Stuart.

Documents claim Key has called Mast's office 478 times and also contacted Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson."
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let'a put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

Just pointing out that the harsh rhetoric has not been limited to Hollywood liberal is not tough. Calling out Trumphlakes for whining not defending free speech, but I will if you'd like. I mean Ted and Peter have the right to say what they did, didn't they?

Tuff Stuff.

NOT defending 'freedom of speech'?
This from a supporter of the man who jailed a film creator for making and releasing a film, which Barry blamed for his and Hillary's abandoning 4 Americans to needlessly die when they knew a middle-east-wide terrorist attack would occur on 9/11/12?

This from a supporter of the man who sent out his criminal US AG to threaten to jail Americans if they exercised their right to freedom of speech by talking negatively about Islamic Extremism after a terrorist he let into the US killed 7 Americans in California?

Alrighty then....whatever excuse you wanna make to defend this POS and the unforgiveable / inexcusable thing he just did / said....

Ya can't help yourself can you?

You build these castles in the sky and then, you moved in.
Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let'a put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

Just pointing out that the harsh rhetoric has not been limited to Hollywood liberal is not tough. Calling out Trumphlakes for whining not defending free speech, but I will if you'd like. I mean Ted and Peter have the right to say what they did, didn't they?

Tuff Stuff.

Actually, no they don't have the right to threats. C'mon now, you never answered my question. Let's someone you love in a cage with a pedophile. You'd defend that too, right?

So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.

Sounds to me like Fonda is inciting 90 million people to take direct, violent action against government officials and their children, take to the streets this weekend and raise hell across the country. When the left objects everyone must submit or be hunted down?
Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let'a put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

Just pointing out that the harsh rhetoric has not been limited to Hollywood liberal is not tough. Calling out Trumphlakes for whining not defending free speech, but I will if you'd like. I mean Ted and Peter have the right to say what they did, didn't they?

Tuff Stuff.

Actually, no they don't have the right to threats. C'mon now, you never answered my question. Let's someone you love in a cage with a pedophile. You'd defend that too, right?

So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.

Sounds to me like Fonda is inciting 90 million people to take direct, violent action against government officials and their children, take to the streets this weekend and raise hell across the country. When the left objects everyone must submit or be hunted down?

Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Liberals are violent, hateful, vengeful people. The Fondas are shining examples of that.
So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.
So you are trying to compare one a$$hole saying 'suck on this' to another adult male to another a$$hole declaring that the President's son should be kidnapped, caged, and molested by pedophiles....?

....REALLY? Did you actually think that one through before you posted it? I don't think so.

He said Barron should be ripped out of her arms, much like the children of asylum seekers are being ripped out of the arms of their mothers. And put in cages, much like the asylum seeker children are being put in. Not sure where he got the pedo fear from but, it's still free speech. I know you hate our that our Constitution protects speech we don't particularly like but it does.

Do you have independent thought? Didn't think so.....
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Liberals are violent, hateful, vengeful people. The Fondas are shining examples of that.
it's what all rational people say right?
So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.
So you are trying to compare one a$$hole saying 'suck on this' to another adult male to another a$$hole declaring that the President's son should be kidnapped, caged, and molested by pedophiles....?

....REALLY? Did you actually think that one through before you posted it? I don't think so.

He said Barron should be ripped out of her arms, much like the children of asylum seekers are being ripped out of the arms of their mothers. And put in cages, much like the asylum seeker children are being put in. Not sure where he got the pedo fear from but, it's still free speech. I know you hate our that our Constitution protects speech we don't particularly like but it does.

Do you have independent thought? Didn't think so.....
dude if you don't understand this, you are much worse off than I first thought.
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

'We should rip Barron Trump from his mothers' arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mo1. Peter Fonda will stand up against the giant a$$hole she is married to.'

1. Peter Fonda has gone full-blown mentally insane by making such a heinous, violent, threatening call / statement against the President's son. His obvious mental instability that resulted in him making such an insane act should cause the Secret Service to take him into custody, investigate him thoroughly, and give him an extensive mental examination.

2. Fonda proves he is one of the vast numbers of ignorant, emotionally manipulated snowflake SHEEP who has no clue that Obama and his administration was doing not just the same thing but worse to children in 2015, when a California Judge ruled against his administration's actions that violated a 20-year policy that set the standard on how to deal with immigrant children. Federal Judge Gee described Obama holding facilities as 'concentration camps' in which children were subjected to deplorable conditions. In one case a young immigrant child had been throwing up for 3 days straight, was given water as 'medical treatment, and was not taken to the hospital until she began throwing up on the 4th day.

3. Fonda continues to prove how completely STUPID he is by suggesting Barron Trump be 'thrown into a cage with Pedophiles'. Considering the children are being separated FROM adults until their relationships are identified, is Fonda suggesting other CHILDREN - not adults - they will be placed with are the 'pedophiles'?

WTF is wrong with Liberals, especially HOLLYWOOD Liberals?

Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Let's put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

You have an illegal alien child detained at the border you love? And when did pedophiles enter the picture?
Send some Men In Black over to Fonda's house to take him in for about 18 hours of interrogation. Then put the creep on 2 years parole on suspicion of being a seditionist with it on his police record he made a threat against a president. Let ol' Pete smoke on that.

Hey you assholes have Terrible Ted on your side. What Fonda said is certainly crude, but hardly any worse that what Nasty Nugent said about Obama, Hillary, or any Democrat for that matter. Fuck you Trumphlake crybabbies.

Ainchu jus all tough and shit? Let'a put somebody you love in a cage with a pedophile. Would you defend that too?

Just pointing out that the harsh rhetoric has not been limited to Hollywood liberal is not tough. Calling out Trumphlakes for whining not defending free speech, but I will if you'd like. I mean Ted and Peter have the right to say what they did, didn't they?

Tuff Stuff.

NOT defending 'freedom of speech'?
This from a supporter of the man who jailed a film creator for making and releasing a film, which Barry blamed for his and Hillary's abandoning 4 Americans to needlessly die when they knew a middle-east-wide terrorist attack would occur on 9/11/12?

This from a supporter of the man who sent out his criminal US AG to threaten to jail Americans if they exercised their right to freedom of speech by talking negatively about Islamic Extremism after a terrorist he let into the US killed 7 Americans in California?

Alrighty then....whatever excuse you wanna make to defend this POS and the unforgiveable / inexcusable thing he just did / said....

Ya can't help yourself can you?

You build these castles in the sky and then, you moved in.

You keep setting them up, and I will keep knocking them down.... :p
So you think it was a threat when Ted told President Obama he should suck on the automatic weapon he was holding or was that suggestion free speech? I've not defended anyone being locked in a cage with a pedo, so your question is moot.
So you are trying to compare one a$$hole saying 'suck on this' to another adult male to another a$$hole declaring that the President's son should be kidnapped, caged, and molested by pedophiles....?

....REALLY? Did you actually think that one through before you posted it? I don't think so.

He said Barron should be ripped out of her arms, much like the children of asylum seekers are being ripped out of the arms of their mothers. And put in cages, much like the asylum seeker children are being put in. Not sure where he got the pedo fear from but, it's still free speech. I know you hate our that our Constitution protects speech we don't particularly like but it does.

Do you have independent thought? Didn't think so.....
BTW, where's your proof?
He said Barron should be ripped out of her arms, much like the children of asylum seekers are being ripped out of the arms of their mothers. And put in cages, much like the asylum seeker children are being put in.
What is in RED are YOUR words, not his.

Not sure where he got the pedo fear from...

Out of his bat-shit crazy mouth.....
When are people gonna stop worshipping Entertainment Celebrities? They're usually very bad people. The Entertainment Industry is ruled by sick Harvey Weinstein-types.

Fonda is just another sick Entertainment/Democrat degenerate. No matter how you feel about someone's politics, you don't threaten their children. They should probably consider locking Fonda up. He's likely a serious danger to others.
This is evil. And it’s why these people should nevertheless have power again. If they get it, they will try to destroy all those who love the constitution and this nation

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