Actor’s homophobia made her commercially toxic, tribunal told

Why should it??
i've heard loads of actors complaining about roles they had to play, and how they found it difficult.
You can't force people to like your lifestyle.

Um, yeah, and those actors usually end up gaining a reputation for being hard to work with, too.

No, we can't force you to like a lifestyle, but we have every good reason to not hire you if you are difficult to work with. Come on, this woman was working in community theater, not blockbuster films.

Those people have the good sense to not be difficult until AFTER they've made it big.
This is a perfect example of the inherent fascism of cancel culture. 20 years ago, if an actress made a statement on the internet, it would not be lifted by a third party to be used to hurt her, and if she DID refuse a part (as opposed to her POTENTIALLY refusing a part), they would have just moved on and found somebody who would. Today, however, the hateful mob wants to absolutely ruin the lives of any who do not march in lock step with their fascism.

I fully support gay rights, I see nothing wrong with homosexuality, and do not support discrimination against gay people. I ALSO believe in freedom of belief, however, which is one of the many things that seperates actual liberalism from this revolting mob of authoritarian leftist haters like we see in this thread.

20 years ago, we didn't have much of an internet, and everyone's private thoughts weren't being broadcast for all to hear and see.

The reality is, most industries are small knit... and if you are kind of a shithead on one job, the rest of the industry knows about it pretty quickly and you become toxic. There was no "mob" for this woman. She took a job, and then refused to do it the way she was told to do it. Word got around, and no one wants to hire her for the probably already limited number of roles she was qualified for to start with.

Why hire the uncooperative homophobe when there are dozens of actresses who would be happy to get that job.
This is a perfect example of the inherent fascism of cancel culture. 20 years ago, if an actress made a statement on the internet, it would not be lifted by a third party to be used to hurt her, and if she DID refuse a part (as opposed to her POTENTIALLY refusing a part), they would have just moved on and found somebody who would. Today, however, the hateful mob wants to absolutely ruin the lives of any who do not march in lock step with their fascism.

I fully support gay rights, I see nothing wrong with homosexuality, and do not support discrimination against gay people. I ALSO believe in freedom of belief, however, which is one of the many things that seperates actual liberalism from this revolting mob of authoritarian leftist haters like we see in this thread.

20 years ago, we didn't have much of an internet, and everyone's private thoughts weren't being broadcast for all to hear and see.

The reality is, most industries are small knit... and if you are kind of a shithead on one job, the rest of the industry knows about it pretty quickly and you become toxic. There was no "mob" for this woman. She took a job, and then refused to do it the way she was told to do it. Word got around, and no one wants to hire her for the probably already limited number of roles she was qualified for to start with.

Why hire the uncooperative homophobe when there are dozens of actresses who would be happy to get that job.
I was posting on the internet when 911 occurred.

Those of you wallowing about on the fringes of society might not have been on the internet then, but productive, mainstream people sure were.
So to put it in perspective, supposed you were doing a production of the Diary of Ann Frank, and then you found out your lead actress was a regular poster on Stormfront and asked that Ann not be portrayed as Jewish.

Do you have to be so convoluted?
Not at all.... This woman was a flaming homophobe who didn't want to play a gay character, and said homophobic things on line. No different than a Nazi
As far as I can understand, she didn't refuse to play the role. She was fired because she might refuse (allegedly, I suppose). And where did you get from that she was 'a flaming homophobe'? All she wrote that this way is 'bad'.
This thing is all about the right of employer to form the staff and fire the employees. Did the employer breached the contract or labour laws? If not, they are right to do what they please.

That fact that so many of the lefties are lying about the actual reason for the firing, shows that even they know this is indefensible.
So, there is the need for a law that would protect employees in such situations.
This thing is all about the right of employer to form the staff and fire the employees. Did the employer breached the contract or labour laws? If not, they are right to do what they please.

That fact that so many of the lefties are lying about the actual reason for the firing, shows that even they know this is indefensible.
So, there is the need for a law that would protect employees in such situations.

Perhaps. My concern here is the lying and the tyranny of it.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

Yeah, but being accurate didn't support the lib's position. so he had to lie.

Which, is pretty much, what always happens, in everything.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

You would have to have a license to drive the bus.. She took the role believing she could change the novel and the screenplay. Shame. It is a plumb role and she might have been brilliant in it. But, if her Religion is more important, that's her choice.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

You would have to have a license to drive the bus.. She took the role believing she could change the novel and the screenplay. Shame. It is a plumb role and she might have been brilliant in it. But, if her Religion is more important, that's her choice.

This is the first I have heard that she wanted to change the role.

Can you support that, or did you just make it up?
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

You would have to have a license to drive the bus.. She took the role believing she could change the novel and the screenplay. Shame. It is a plumb role and she might have been brilliant in it. But, if her Religion is more important, that's her choice.
She has the license, she's an actress. Did she in fact refuse to play the role or was the real problem something she posted 6 years ago? I think we need more fact than conjecture.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.
She is protected from your and others'I'll will by the First Amendment in our country.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

First she should not of agreed to take the part because of her beliefs. After she agreed she said no. Her beliefs are irrelevant the issue is she said yes and then said no after it was too late to replace her. A facebook post five years prior should no be relevant because people change opinions over the years. I remember Hillary being against gay marriage and then for it.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

First she should not of agreed to take the part because of her beliefs. After she agreed she said no. Her beliefs are irrelevant the issue is she said yes and then said no after it was too late to replace her. A facebook post five years prior should no be relevant because people change opinions over the years. I remember Hillary being against gay marriage and then for it.

The stated reason, according to the linked article, for her being fired, was teh facebook post.

I've seen nothing indicating that she refused to play the role.
I was posting on the internet when 911 occurred.

Those of you wallowing about on the fringes of society might not have been on the internet then, but productive, mainstream people sure were.

Um, actually, what you didn't have back then was social media... I didn't deny there was an internet, it just wasn't what it is now.

I mean, yeah, I guess if you think your AOL account was cutting edge, have at it, buddy.

Do you have to be so convoluted?

Not at all. A homophobe shouldn't play a gay character. A Nazi shouldn't play a Jew. A Klansman shouldn't put on black face and play a black person.

This really isn't complicated.

As far as I can understand, she didn't refuse to play the role. She was fired because she might refuse (allegedly, I suppose). And where did you get from that she was 'a flaming homophobe'? All she wrote that this way is 'bad'.

Exactly my point. Anyone who is still trying to use religion to justify their homophobia is out of line.

If you pulled the tax exemptions from the homophobic churches the way they pulled them from Racist churches 40 years ago (thanks, Jimmy Carter) you'd be amazed how fast all the Churches have a COME TO JAY-A-ZUS moment, and they'll treat all those versed hating gays like those verses endorsing slavery and burning witches.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

You would have to have a license to drive the bus.. She took the role believing she could change the novel and the screenplay. Shame. It is a plumb role and she might have been brilliant in it. But, if her Religion is more important, that's her choice.

This is the first I have heard that she wanted to change the role.

Can you support that, or did you just make it up?

Read the article.. She assumed the producers would change the role of Celie.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?
She said she didn't like faggotry. Is that undermining your company or boss?

Real snowflake stuff!

She was hired to play the role of Celie. If you are hired to drive a bus, but can't, there's a problem.
A more accurate comparison would be if you were hired to drive a bus but had made a FB post 6 years ago in which you complained about the way the bus service was run.

You would have to have a license to drive the bus.. She took the role believing she could change the novel and the screenplay. Shame. It is a plumb role and she might have been brilliant in it. But, if her Religion is more important, that's her choice.

This is the first I have heard that she wanted to change the role.

Can you support that, or did you just make it up?

Read the article.. She assumed the producers would change the role of Celie.

I read several linked articles. I saw nothing of that. I saw a number of people assuming that.

The stated reason for her firing was the post, from 6 years ago, not her refusing to play the part.

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