Actor’s homophobia made her commercially toxic, tribunal told

Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
UK aka Little Mecca is of no concern to me. They allowed their country to before a caliphate so now they have to live with it.

A position I respect.

On the other hand, the woman is a Christian and being discriminated against based on that.

Calling out the bigotry and hate and hypocrisy of the Left, is hard for me to NOT do.

Then maybe she shouldn't be an actress or at least that she's only going to play Christian roles..
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?

She did not "go" onto to facebook and undermine her boss.

Some little asshole dug up something from six years ago, to get her fired.

That bit where you felt the need to lie about what is going on, to defend your side's behavior?

That is your brain, realizing that you, plural, are the bad guys and that the only way to justify your actions is to lie.

Perhaps her Christian feelings have changed.


If you heard of a homosexual actor or actress who refused to play in hetro characters or do hetro sex scenes, would you find that offensive and worthy of condemnation and blackballing?

Homosexuals play roles as heterosexuals quite frequently...always have. Look at Rock Hudson's romantic comedies for example..


My question was a hypothetical, IF you heard of a homosexual actor or actress who was not comfortable playing straight roles, or doing sex scenes with members of the opposite sex would you find that offensive and worthy of condemnation and blackballing?

Because I think it would be completely understandable if some one was gay, that they might not be comfortable kissing someone of the opposite sex.

Are you going to answer me now, or do you want to talk some more about shit we both know about?

She can put in her contract that she won't do love, scenes or nude scenes.

Celie is a great role.

Why are you afraid to answer my question?

Your question is stupid.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

What would your view be if she was, in life, a liberal gay woman who refused to play the role of a conservative, Christian heterosexual who denounced the perverted lives of homosexuals?
Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
UK aka Little Mecca is of no concern to me. They allowed their country to before a caliphate so now they have to live with it.

A position I respect.

On the other hand, the woman is a Christian and being discriminated against based on that.

Calling out the bigotry and hate and hypocrisy of the Left, is hard for me to NOT do.
Its the UK they brought it upon themselves. They are a caliphate.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

What would your view be if she was, in life, a liberal gay woman who refused to play the role of a conservative, Christian heterosexual who denounced the perverted lives of homosexuals?

An Actor can turn down any role.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Ms Omooba may consider herself to be part of a minority but that is irrelevant in this instance.

She was hired to play a lesbian character and refused to do so. That leaves the theatre with a big problem.

They should sue her for wasting their time and money.

Your linked article said that she was fired for a facebook post from 2014, not for refusing to follow directions.

Either you are confused, or the article is very poorly written.

To be clear, if she accepted a role and then refused to play it, that would be on her. The question then becomes, why did she accept the role.

But, the facts as presented, it seems she was just sacked for having the wrong thoughts.
I agree the article is poorly written.But the key issue here is that she would not have done the job anyway. Aside from here repellant views that one thing left the producers with no option.

I just looked at the article again.

On second glance, it is clear that someone, the writer of the article or someone at the theater, just made up the bit about her not being willing to play the role.

She took teh role, and then some little fag lefty, went looking for shit and got her fired because of something she said on facebook, 6 years ago.

The claim that her presence on the set, would have been a problem for the show, is also made up bullshit.

btw, it is worth considering that this is how lefty fags come to dominate industries. They discriminate against people for not conforming.

Do you go on Facebook and undermine your company or your boss?

She did not "go" onto to facebook and undermine her boss.

Some little asshole dug up something from six years ago, to get her fired.

That bit where you felt the need to lie about what is going on, to defend your side's behavior?

That is your brain, realizing that you, plural, are the bad guys and that the only way to justify your actions is to lie.

Perhaps her Christian feelings have changed.


If you heard of a homosexual actor or actress who refused to play in hetro characters or do hetro sex scenes, would you find that offensive and worthy of condemnation and blackballing?

Homosexuals play roles as heterosexuals quite frequently...always have. Look at Rock Hudson's romantic comedies for example..


My question was a hypothetical, IF you heard of a homosexual actor or actress who was not comfortable playing straight roles, or doing sex scenes with members of the opposite sex would you find that offensive and worthy of condemnation and blackballing?

Because I think it would be completely understandable if some one was gay, that they might not be comfortable kissing someone of the opposite sex.

Are you going to answer me now, or do you want to talk some more about shit we both know about?

She can put in her contract that she won't do love, scenes or nude scenes.

Celie is a great role.

And again, you refuse to answer a simple question.

We both know why.

Because if a homosexual actor refused to play straight, or do straight sex scenes, that would be celebrated by the left as "stunning and brave",

while a heterosexual actress doing the same thing, ends her career.

You know that, and that such behavior is clearly hypocritical and bigoted.

That is why you have been too afraid to answer my question.
Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
She misled her employers. She had to be sacked. How could they do the show if the lead actress refused to play the part ? How does that work ?

From the articles you posted, it seems she did NOT refuse to play the part. That the producers fired her based on some comments she posted 6 years ago.

That you have to lie about what happened, in order to defend your side's actions, shows that you yourself know that your side are the bad guys in this.
Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
UK aka Little Mecca is of no concern to me. They allowed their country to before a caliphate so now they have to live with it.

A position I respect.

On the other hand, the woman is a Christian and being discriminated against based on that.

Calling out the bigotry and hate and hypocrisy of the Left, is hard for me to NOT do.

Then maybe she shouldn't be an actress or at least that she's only going to play Christian roles..

Here we see the lib justifying discrimination in hiring.
Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
She misled her employers. She had to be sacked. How could they do the show if the lead actress refused to play the part ? How does that work ?

From the articles you posted, it seems she did NOT refuse to play the part. That the producers fired her based on some comments she posted 6 years ago.

That you have to lie about what happened, in order to defend your side's actions, shows that you yourself know that your side are the bad guys in this.
Well telling her agent she would not play gay roles is pretty indicative. Her case is also being funded by some loopy fundie organisation run by her Dad. She is not some "poor actress", she is a religious bigot out to cause trouble.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

What would your view be if she was, in life, a liberal gay woman who refused to play the role of a conservative, Christian heterosexual who denounced the perverted lives of homosexuals?

An Actor can turn down any role.

Well, no shit. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

My question was to the OP and his "view" that the actress should essentially fuck off. I'm simply interested to hear if he would be as toxic if it was a lesbian refusing to play the role of a conservative Christian.

The OP doesn't seem all too eager to respond...

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

What would your view be if she was, in life, a liberal gay woman who refused to play the role of a conservative, Christian heterosexual who denounced the perverted lives of homosexuals?

An Actor can turn down any role.

Well, no shit. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

My question was to the OP and his "view" that the actress should essentially fuck off. I'm simply interested to hear if he would be as toxic if it was a lesbian refusing to play the role of a conservative Christian.

The OP doesn't seem all too eager to respond...
If she had applied to play that role she would have been a time-waster jeopardising the livelihood of others. That would put it on the same level as this selfish individual.

How do you put on a show where the lead actress refuses to play the part ?
Why does anyone care about a theater actress in the UK?

She did not conform to the liberal views on homosexuality, so she has to be attacked.
She misled her employers. She had to be sacked. How could they do the show if the lead actress refused to play the part ? How does that work ?

From the articles you posted, it seems she did NOT refuse to play the part. That the producers fired her based on some comments she posted 6 years ago.

That you have to lie about what happened, in order to defend your side's actions, shows that you yourself know that your side are the bad guys in this.
Well telling her agent she would not play gay roles is pretty indicative. Her case is also being funded by some loopy fundie organisation run by her Dad. She is not some "poor actress", she is a religious bigot out to cause trouble.

So you are admitting that she did not refuse to play the part?
So to put it in perspective, supposed you were doing a production of the Diary of Ann Frank, and then you found out your lead actress was a regular poster on Stormfront and asked that Ann not be portrayed as Jewish.
That's "Perspective". My God, you are real weirdo.
Especially considering the thing is one of the most foul antisemites on the forum and it turns many a thread into hatefests against Jews instead of the intended subject.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.
Freedom of speech doesn’t mean there aren’t repercussions for what you say. And last I checked, the theatre group isn’t the government. Personally I wouldn’t want to work with a hate filled pos.

you also give up some of your freedom of speech when your words reflect on your employer.

funny how trumpkins only care about free speech when it’s filled with hate. I don’t recall the radical right defending The Dixie Chicks.

whiny angry white males are pathetic
All people are played by the elites. When the time comes the mother of all turnaround will come. Why? Because it is to expensive to not go back to pushing traditional ways. ways to have and raise children that is more economical then other ways. Anything not in this way will be seen as to outside the realm of the totalitarian "normal" decrees at that time when the Western World is much more austere. So for now the elites games is what we see. And it will end when their goal of impoverishing many in the west or making them a lot more poorer comes to fruition. Then the paradigm will start.

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