Actor’s homophobia made her commercially toxic, tribunal told

Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
The main difference is that 20 years ago, there were fewer lowlifes like you on it.

yet you're the one who had the anger management problems.

20 years ago, I was one of you right wing nuts who got on the internet and screamed about "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing.

then Bush got in, fucked up the economy, got us into a war instigated by the Jews, but man, at least he wasn't getting a blow job from an intern.
I should have known that the antisemitism woud come in sooner or later with you.

Clean Break Strategy demanded the overthrow of Saddam and the isolation and destabilization of Syria. See origins. Then read the list of dual citizen signatories of the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998.

These were Israel's demands from 1994.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
It really isnt. You can be a twat over here as well. But if your speech is whipping up hatred then you can expect consequences. Its telling that free speech to you is encapsulated in such grubby subjects as racism and holocaust denial.

I saw a recent doc about the Westboro baptists exercising their free speech at the funeral of a serviceman. I would expect the police to move the protest back so that it didnt distress the mourners. And that as a minimum.

If that didnt work I would expect them to be taken in and charged with a breach of the peace. Their actions are liable to cause public order offences and are determinedly trying to provoke trouble.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
You can talk about Nazi Germany in the UK otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch films documentaries about them. Indeed every generation should be taught about what happened. What you can't do is promote Nazi policies, that aren't free speech it is 'hate' speech, as is calling homosexuals abominations.

You are a disgrace to your flag, your constitution, and your country. Your constitution protects against religious persecution which will also include all other forms of persecution of minorities. The USA synonymous with "land of the free" is made a lie by racist/homophobes like you. All the hate prejudices your forefathers as immigrants sought refuge from in the so-called "land of the free" over the last couple of centuries you have decided to reestablish in the USA.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.
tommy you misgenderd her and should be punished,, females are called actress's not actors,,
The whole profession of acting is based on one's ability to convincingly portray someone whom they are not in real life. Tom Hanks did it brilliantly in Philadelphia, playing a gay man dying of AIDS, when he is a happily-married heterosexual in real life. If a person cannot separate who they are in their own lives from the characters they play, they either shouldn't be in the business or should choose carefully what roles they audition for, or accept if offered, according to their beliefs. It's their responsibility.
That's rubbish.
Actors turn down roles on ethics all the time.
Do you think if the likes of some leftist was asked to play the role of a Proud Boy, which portrayed the character in a positive light and glorified him, he would take it???
What if a black actor was asked to play a role which he thought was a negative stereotype??

You proved my point! thank you. "Actors turn down roles on ethics all the time." Yes, they do. If an actor is asked to play the role of a Proud Boy in a positive light, he can take it or turn it down. I know of one actor who auditioned for a role in a British drama. The producers wanted him after auditions, but then revealed that he was to portray a pedophile who groomed 12-year-old girls for sex, and after many discussions with him and his wife, he agreed, but he said that he was happy that the teenager he played opposite of presented herself as more than such a young girl, and the BBC had to assign him a security team because people would threaten him in real life; People who could not distinguish between the fictional character on the screen and the person in real life.
Exactly my point. Anyone who is still trying to use religion to justify their homophobia is out of line.

If you pulled the tax exemptions from the homophobic churches the way they pulled them from Racist churches 40 years ago (thanks, Jimmy Carter) you'd be amazed how fast all the Churches have a COME TO JAY-A-ZUS moment, and they'll treat all those versed hating gays like those verses endorsing slavery and burning witches
First of all, I think that no church should get a state funding or some economic preferences.

Second. She was fired for some post written several years ago in which she expressed her opinion in a mild form. That is not appropriate. There should be a law which protects employees in such situations.
Employment rights in the UK are being eroded by our conservative junta.It was one of the reasons they wanted to leave the EU.

Having said that I cant see that the employers have done anything wrong here. Her views were well known after her posts were called out by a fellow actor. It was putting the whole production in jeopardy.

Employees have a right to expect that employers operate a safe environment and part of that is ensuring that extremists are not welcomed.

Having been involved in several tribunals she might have a case if proper procedures have not been followed. But that is about it. It is not reasonable for an actor to refuse to play the part that they have been hired to play.

Its a well known book and the characters sexual orientation is no secret. In fact the theatre has a case for counter suing her for wasting their time by applying for a job that she would not do..
I would suspect that Christian Concern would be abetter target as they will have deeper pockets than Miss Omoobo.
I dont know, I have dubious feelings about that. If the employer had a right to terminate her contract on their initiative without reasoning, then there isnt much to discuss about. The employer just expressed his right.

But how justified this move was there may be various views, diametrically opposite. I dont know her whole story. If she was hired only to play this role, then I might agree with your view. But if she had worked for the there for a certain period of time and was fired because this particular case was spotted, then I can't agree.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
You can talk about Nazi Germany in the UK otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch films documentaries about them. Indeed every generation should be taught about what happened. What you can't do is promote Nazi policies, that aren't free speech it is 'hate' speech, as is calling homosexuals abominations.

You are a disgrace to your flag, your constitution, and your country. Your constitution protects against religious persecution which will also include all other forms of persecution of minorities. The USA synonymous with "land of the free" is made a lie by racist/homophobes like you. All the hate prejudices your forefathers as immigrants sought refuge from in the so-called "land of the free" over the last couple of centuries you have decided to reestablish in the USA.
This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.
First of all, I think that no church should get a state funding or some economic preferences.

Second. She was fired for some post written several years ago in which she expressed her opinion in a mild form. That is not appropriate. There should be a law which protects employees in such situations.

How would you enforce it?

Companies don't have to tell you why they won't hire you and they don't have to tell you why they fired you.

Yes, companies will search your social media to make sure you aren't a crazy person, a racist or a homophobe. Because hiring someone like that is a liability waiting to happen.

Let's say you go onto someone's facebook, and you find out he has an unhealthy fixation on guns. You hire him anyway, and then one day, he goes on a shooting rampage. The people injured or the relatives of the dead will immediately say, "Why didn't you see he was a gun nut from his Social Media/MAGA postings?" Then they'll sue.
It can be enforced by adopting the bill that states that the right of employers on free speech cant be infringed. And that the employees can be put accountable for violating the bill. And let the courts see the cases if one decides to protect their right. I have few doubts that the employers will look twice before making the decision.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
You can talk about Nazi Germany in the UK otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch films documentaries about them. Indeed every generation should be taught about what happened. What you can't do is promote Nazi policies, that aren't free speech it is 'hate' speech, as is calling homosexuals abominations.

You are a disgrace to your flag, your constitution, and your country. Your constitution protects against religious persecution which will also include all other forms of persecution of minorities. The USA synonymous with "land of the free" is made a lie by racist/homophobes like you. All the hate prejudices your forefathers as immigrants sought refuge from in the so-called "land of the free" over the last couple of centuries you have decided to reestablish in the USA.
This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

And your's is the nation of the Cambridge Five.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
You can talk about Nazi Germany in the UK otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch films documentaries about them. Indeed every generation should be taught about what happened. What you can't do is promote Nazi policies, that aren't free speech it is 'hate' speech, as is calling homosexuals abominations.

You are a disgrace to your flag, your constitution, and your country. Your constitution protects against religious persecution which will also include all other forms of persecution of minorities. The USA synonymous with "land of the free" is made a lie by racist/homophobes like you. All the hate prejudices your forefathers as immigrants sought refuge from in the so-called "land of the free" over the last couple of centuries you have decided to reestablish in the USA.
This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

And your's is the nation of the Cambridge Five.
What is the link between the two.
Too bad Britain doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Oh, wait,

that only works if you are a minority.

It's not a matter of Freedom of Speech. It's a matter of lack of professionalism.

She was hired to play a gay character. She said she didn't read the script and didn't realize the character was supposed to be gay. (You'd think that would be the first thing you'd do as an actor or actress, but never mind.) She then complained about her job on social media, which will probably get you fired in any profession.
Which has nothing to do with the statement that Britain DOES NOT HVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
What has actually happened here that would not have happened in the US ? I am genuinely interested in this.

A couple of weeks ago there were reports of Capitol rioters being sacked after being identified by their employers. Surely that is a freedom of speech issue and suggests that we have similar boundaries?

wrong your government criminalizes free speech we don't.
Nobody is being criminalised for their views. The issues here are commercial and operational. It would be no different in the US. American workers would be sacked if their activities meant that they couldnt,or wouldnt, do the job that they were hired to do. That's standard in any contract of employment.
The reality in Britain is that speech can be a reason to jail someone, or are you going to deny that?

You do realize even in the United States of America has it limits on free speech and your comments could get you arrested...

As much as poster proclaim you can not be arrested for what you say here in the States, well that is untrue and you can not make terroristic threats nor can you scream bomb on a plane or fire in a crowded theater, so let be clear you can be arrested in the United States of America for certain things you say...
The bar is VERY high for what is arrestable speech in the US. In Europe you get arrested for mundane speech the powers don't like.

Don’t shift the goal posts and the fact remains you can be arrested and ticketed for your speech in this country and that is a fact that many of you ignore.

Your Freedom of Speech is limited and has been all my life and what you wrote is about absolute freedom of speech until I corrected you.

You were in the Military and you damn well know there your Freedom of Speech does not exist unless you are given permission to speak, so let me be clear our First Amendment has limits and always has...
LOL the one shifting the goal post is you. in Europe you have no protection in the states you do.
Mad Jack has given you several examples that you refuse to acknowledge. In reality you seem to have no knowldege of Europe and I am probably not much better. I suspect that the laws regarding FOS are pretty similar give or take some regional differences.
I note that Dominion are suing many different parties in the states for spreading lies about their products. That is what would happen in the UK. Where is Rudys protection ?
IN the United States we can talk about Nazi Germany, we can quote the bible, we can call homosexuals abominations, we can talk about minorities as we want. All that is banned in Europe.
You can talk about Nazi Germany in the UK otherwise we wouldn't be able to watch films documentaries about them. Indeed every generation should be taught about what happened. What you can't do is promote Nazi policies, that aren't free speech it is 'hate' speech, as is calling homosexuals abominations.

You are a disgrace to your flag, your constitution, and your country. Your constitution protects against religious persecution which will also include all other forms of persecution of minorities. The USA synonymous with "land of the free" is made a lie by racist/homophobes like you. All the hate prejudices your forefathers as immigrants sought refuge from in the so-called "land of the free" over the last couple of centuries you have decided to reestablish in the USA.
This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

This is the nation of Joe McCarthy and his thought police.

And your's is the nation of the Cambridge Five.
What is the link between the two.

Are you familiar with Communism? It was all the rage until recently.

I heard it may be coming back.
The bigots have been routed and will now have to pick up the tab
Yeah, right. Fifty years ago 'the bigots' were those who wanted equal rights for the gays. Now the dimension changed. But nothing has changed in reality.

I really dont understand why she is suing the theatre. I do suspect that some fundie group is financing this.

Tommys view -- She should take her backward beliefs and fuck off back under a rock.

You are such a quality poster Tommy....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Your threads are so totally worthless.

And (so people know), you are the one who labeled you that. Nobody else would based on the trash you put up.

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