Actress Anne Heche Hospitalized After Crashing Car Into Two Separate Homes, Engulfing One in Flames

There is a winning ticket and they know what state its in, but so far no one has claimed the prize. They have a year to do so. Would be fucked up if the dude lost the ticket.
do you know the show Pimp My Ride? they're bringing it back!



Sober people don't run around crashing into multiple homes, but even if she was sober- leaving the scene is against the law.

Do you people even know what the phrase "against the law" means anymore?
Heche stated she was "insane" for the first 31 years of her life, and that this was triggered by being sexually abused by her father during her infancy and childhood.[79][80] In a series of interviews with Barbara Walters, Matt Lauer, and Larry King to promote Call Me Crazy in 2001, Heche stated on national television that she created a fantasy world called the "Fourth Dimension" to make herself feel safe, and had an alter ego who was the daughter of God and half-sister of Jesus Christ named "Celestia", who had contacts with extraterrestrial life forms.[76][81] Heche said she recovered from her mental health concerns following the incident in Cantua Creek and has put her alter ego behind her.[4]

So she's certifiably nuts.
So did l. With Harrison Ford.
I didn't like that one. Harrison Ford was good, of course, but the Heche character ----- NOOOO chemistry with him, I felt. Well, that figures, if she's a lesbian and certifiably crazy, as she does seem to be.
I don't think so. Burn victims need a lot of blood transfusions and plasma. If you can't get it out, you can't put it in.
I’m not doctor. And I don’t play one on TV. And I didn’t even sleep in a Days Inn — ever. But I’ll venture a guess.

If they need to stick needles in to give blood or plasma, you are logically correct. There is a way to withdraw it. And that seems to heighten the prospect that she got medically treated in a manner designed to accommodate her possible legal problems.
I’m not doctor. And I don’t play one on TV. And I didn’t even sleep in a Days Inn — ever. But I’ll venture a guess.

If they need to stick needles in to give blood or plasma, you are logically correct. There is a way to withdraw it. And that seems to heighten the prospect that she got medically treated in a manner designed to accommodate her possible legal problems.

Yup. To be honest though, if she got mildly cooked that is punishment enough.
Hell. I wouldn’t wish the pain of severe burns on anyone. And I don’t have any issues with Ms. Heche anyway.
She bought her own pain, unless someone is going to try to convince us that it was the devil's foot on the gas.

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