Actress Kills herself

I didn’t have to look hard. I know several people that had terrible adverse reactions to the clot shot. Plus all the cases that can be found on-line.

You also seem to forget that the FDA already pulled vaccines due to being dangerous like the J&J clot shot. So is it a “conspiracy“ when they did admit it was causing blood clots in so many people that they pulled it, after claiming it was “Safe & Effective”?

But they won’t do it for the big one, Pfizer. Too much money.
How many died from Covid vaccines?
If true, and doubtable, compare it to the tens of millions saved.
But everybody came down with the disease whether you had one, two, three or 10 freaking jabs. Sometimes the weak died of the disease and some healthy and otherwise strong people died of terrible side effects of the vax. Nobody talks about the statistics because it would hurt the Biden administration.

"Pavelek expressed her belief that the booster jab she had received had been the catalyst for her deteriorating health.

“The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made,” she concluded.

Pavelek’s experience is not isolated. She is one of the millions who have reported adverse reactions following the administration of the experimental Covid-19 vaccine."

Rest in peace.
900,000 people get thrombosis each year. So tell me, is it uncommon?
Out of 6 billion people, that's not bad.

But when all of these pro-vax people start all getting sick at start to see a pattern.
Add to that the constant deceptions by the media over their conditions, the secrecy, the false or conflicting reporting of their actual medical conditions......
The big no-no seems to be exerting yourself within a set period of time after getting a booster.
That's why so many young people are falling out on the pitch or on basketball courts and football fields.
Out of 6 billion people, that's not bad.

But when all of these pro-vax people start all getting sick at start to see a pattern.
Add to that the constant deceptions by the media over their conditions, the secrecy, the false or conflicting reporting of their actual medical conditions......
The big no-no seems to be exerting yourself within a set period of time after getting a booster.
That's why so many young people are falling out on the pitch or on basketball courts and football fields.
So, do you think Sanders was 1 of 900k per year who got thrombosis?
How many died from Covid vaccines?
We may never know. Now when people have a “sudden death” there are no follow ups, rarely an autopsy (they are expensive).

Medical trials when done properly just notice trends and statistics over long periods of time.

Dr. Fauci himself said that mRNA vaccines would take ten years of human trials in order to determine if they are really safe. He said that in October of 2019. Funny how an election can change science, right? But we of course skipped all those trials so there is no data at all on long term effects. So when idiots like John Edgar Slow Horses say “show me the data”, my response is, how about YOU show me the scientific data that these vaccines are safe? There is no data proving they are safe. Everyone that took the shot is literally part of the trial. We will know how safe or unsafe it is after ten years. We already have seen huge increases in myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks etc since the roll out. Professional athletes having mysterious medical episodes at rates we have never seen. But everyone wants to pretend it’s not happening. Probably because they’ve taken the shot themselves, so they are biased and do not want to believe they made a mistake. I can tell you that most people that I know that did take the shot have regretted it. Not only is it unsafe, but it also doesn’t work with shit. It is not even a “vaccine”, it does NOT prevent one from getting the WuFlu.
Have you had your daily booster?
Notice he won’t answer. Typical little lefty. He’s probably wised up and realizes it’s shit and won’t take it anymore, but he can’t admit he regrets getting the shot before when it was all the rage for lefties. I‘ve notice all my liberal relatives never want to talk about the shot anymore.
We may never know. Now when people have a “sudden death” there are no follow ups, rarely an autopsy (they are expensive).

Medical trials when done properly just notice trends and statistics over long periods of time.

Dr. Fauci himself said that mRNA vaccines would take ten years of human trials in order to determine if they are really safe. He said that in October of 2019. Funny how an election can change science, right? But we of course skipped all those trials so there is no data at all on long term effects. So when idiots like John Edgar Slow Horses say “show me the data”, my response is, how about YOU show me the scientific data that these vaccines are safe? There is no data proving they are safe. Everyone that took the shot is literally part of the trial. We will know how safe or unsafe it is after ten years. We already have seen huge increases in myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks etc since the roll out. Professional athletes having mysterious medical episodes at rates we have never seen. But everyone wants to pretend it’s not happening. Probably because they’ve taken the shot themselves, so they are biased and do not want to believe they made a mistake. I can tell you that most people that I know that did take the shot have regretted it. Not only is it unsafe, but it also doesn’t work with shit. It is not even a “vaccine”, it does NOT prevent one from getting the WuFlu.

Fauxi and his CCP coconspirators belong in the dock at The Hague
We may never know. Now when people have a “sudden death” there are no follow ups, rarely an autopsy (they are expensive).

Medical trials when done properly just notice trends and statistics over long periods of time.

Dr. Fauci himself said that mRNA vaccines would take ten years of human trials in order to determine if they are really safe. He said that in October of 2019. Funny how an election can change science, right? But we of course skipped all those trials so there is no data at all on long term effects. So when idiots like John Edgar Slow Horses say “show me the data”, my response is, how about YOU show me the scientific data that these vaccines are safe? There is no data proving they are safe. Everyone that took the shot is literally part of the trial. We will know how safe or unsafe it is after ten years. We already have seen huge increases in myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks etc since the roll out. Professional athletes having mysterious medical episodes at rates we have never seen. But everyone wants to pretend it’s not happening. Probably because they’ve taken the shot themselves, so they are biased and do not want to believe they made a mistake. I can tell you that most people that I know that did take the shot have regretted it. Not only is it unsafe, but it also doesn’t work with shit. It is not even a “vaccine”, it does NOT prevent one from getting the WuFlu.
So you admit there are no factual numbers, but. Why didn't you just say that instead of what you think?
It’s on you to prove it is safe and effective.

You can’t because there is no data.
Again, the increase in these conditions happened after the vaccine. The vaccine being the only thing different in their health care. Obvious.

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