Actual gun defense..robber has gun pointed at victims...and loses to armed good guy...

Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.

I don't see anyone here saying everyone should have a gun just that those who choose not to should mind their own business
Would be curious to know whether the gunman was involved in any gang activity, and wanted to steal drugs as well as cash.

But glad that none of the staff or customers were injured severely or killed. :(

I believe the article says he has a lot of drug problems. So probably wanted drugs and cash. I believe the second shot of the pharmacist actually hit his gun disabling it. Otherwise when he points to shoot somebody probably get shot. They are all very lucky this time. But like I posted the good guy does not always win.
but he always loses if he's defenseless

No the guy would have taken what he wanted and probably caught later by police. In this case he is lucky himself or coworkers didn't get shot. His coworkers had no choice in the situation.
Spoken like a true libtard, thinking you know what the thug would have done. Better to be prepared and alive than scared and dead.

Sure one of his coworkers gets shot because HE decides to start shooting. That is real good.
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.
As long as there are cowards who hate the 2nd amendment there will be thugs who take advantage.
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.

I don't see anyone here saying everyone should have a gun just that those who choose not to should mind their own business

Really? You don't see somebody posting that almost every post? There are several people. Open your eyes. There are people using the tragedies in Europe to push guns.
Would be curious to know whether the gunman was involved in any gang activity, and wanted to steal drugs as well as cash.

But glad that none of the staff or customers were injured severely or killed. :(

I believe the article says he has a lot of drug problems. So probably wanted drugs and cash. I believe the second shot of the pharmacist actually hit his gun disabling it. Otherwise when he points to shoot somebody probably get shot. They are all very lucky this time. But like I posted the good guy does not always win.
but he always loses if he's defenseless

No the guy would have taken what he wanted and probably caught later by police. In this case he is lucky himself or coworkers didn't get shot. His coworkers had no choice in the situation.
And you know that?

How do you know he wouldn't have shot anyone?

You have far too much trust in scum bag criminals and far too little in law abiding people

And you are far too brain washed into being scared and paranoid.

But I'm not afraid of guns. You are.

A weapon is nothing more than a tool.
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.
As long as there are cowards who hate the 2nd amendment there will be thugs who take advantage.

Cowards? The people without guns are cowards? But the people too scared to leave their house without a gun are what?
I believe the article says he has a lot of drug problems. So probably wanted drugs and cash. I believe the second shot of the pharmacist actually hit his gun disabling it. Otherwise when he points to shoot somebody probably get shot. They are all very lucky this time. But like I posted the good guy does not always win.
but he always loses if he's defenseless

No the guy would have taken what he wanted and probably caught later by police. In this case he is lucky himself or coworkers didn't get shot. His coworkers had no choice in the situation.
And you know that?

How do you know he wouldn't have shot anyone?

You have far too much trust in scum bag criminals and far too little in law abiding people

And you are far too brain washed into being scared and paranoid.

But I'm not afraid of guns. You are.

A weapon is nothing more than a tool.

No I'm not scared of guns. And I'm not scared to go out without one either. That is no way to live.
I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.

I don't see anyone here saying everyone should have a gun just that those who choose not to should mind their own business

Really? You don't see somebody posting that almost every post? There are several people. Open your eyes. There are people using the tragedies in Europe to push guns.

I don't see anyone telling everyone who doesn't own a gun that they should own one.

And the examples of the crap in Europe are more to illustrate how ineffective gun laws are and stopping gun crimes but they are very effective at leaving the general public defenseless
but he always loses if he's defenseless

No the guy would have taken what he wanted and probably caught later by police. In this case he is lucky himself or coworkers didn't get shot. His coworkers had no choice in the situation.
And you know that?

How do you know he wouldn't have shot anyone?

You have far too much trust in scum bag criminals and far too little in law abiding people

And you are far too brain washed into being scared and paranoid.

But I'm not afraid of guns. You are.

A weapon is nothing more than a tool.

No I'm not scared of guns. And I'm not scared to go out without one either. That is no way to live.

I rarely carry a gun. Like I said my concealed carry permit is nothing but an option. It is an option I choose to have rather than be defenseless.

You choose not to be able to defend yourself if the need arises and I'm fine with that. In fact I would never pull a weapon to defend you so as to respect your wishes
Four people were killed in a late-night shooting in Texas, including a suspected gunman and his wife, and one person was seriously injured, police said early Monday. Preliminary investigations showed a 30-year-old man shot three people — a 29-year-old woman, a 41-year-old-woman, and a 40-year-old man

I have shown in my thread "more people saved by guns" that there are an enormous number of people and property saved every day. You know too, you have participated in that thread.

Every day I read about some whacked out gun owner (under 30) killing his family and/or himself. Now which is the greater number; people killed by someone they know who has a gun or robbers shot and killed by the intended victim?

And the robbers, the crazy shooters and other gun crimes are committed mostly by young men 30 and under.
What does that tell you? The robber who got shot, under 30. What is it that young men under 30 needs a gun FOR? Robbery? Murder? Suicide? Drive by shooting? What do they need guns FOR?
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

You do realize I was called out by the OP in the very first post right?
No the guy would have taken what he wanted and probably caught later by police. In this case he is lucky himself or coworkers didn't get shot. His coworkers had no choice in the situation.
And you know that?

How do you know he wouldn't have shot anyone?

You have far too much trust in scum bag criminals and far too little in law abiding people

And you are far too brain washed into being scared and paranoid.

But I'm not afraid of guns. You are.

A weapon is nothing more than a tool.

No I'm not scared of guns. And I'm not scared to go out without one either. That is no way to live.

I rarely carry a gun. Like I said my concealed carry permit is nothing but an option. It is an option I choose to have rather than be defenseless.

You choose not to be able to defend yourself if the need arises and I'm fine with that. In fact I would never pull a weapon to defend you so as to respect your wishes

Hey it's your choice. But I just post the facts. Sorry you don't like them.
No. In both of his cases I'm pretty sure the other guy wasn't armed, so he wouldn't be getting shot. And in both he probably could have resolved them verbally without a gun. Also like I mentioned they both probably think he is a crazy guy pulling a gun for no reason.

They had both been given their one opportunity to comply with my verbal demand. They chose not to. I follow the philosophy of Genghis Khan.... offer the enemy one chance to comply. If they don't, crush them immediately.

Most people don't think Genghis Khan was that nice of a guy.
Nice guys finish last, or, go out on a gurney.
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business
I never urge a lib to get a gun.

Come the apocalypse I plan to live off of them!

; - )
As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.
But no one gives a fuck about your opinion. That really isn't clear yet?

We just keep you around for target practice.
Don't be fooled into thinking the good guy always wins:
defender killed Civilian Gun Defense Blog Page 3
There are a lot of dead people who thought that.

I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business
I never urge a lib to get a gun.

Come the apocalypse I plan to live off of them!

; - )

Apocalypse? I doubt you will live that long.
As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.
But no one gives a fuck about your opinion. That really isn't clear yet?

We just keep you around for target practice.

You hate hearing the facts, I know. But they still should be told.
I'll take my chances with a gun rather than be an unarmed victim.

That is your option. But you are probably aware it might be the last thing you ever do.
What do you care?

And who appointed you adviser to gun owners.

You are never going to convince a gun owner to give up his weapons. So let it go

You choose to be unable to defend yourself if the need arises and I will never try to convince you to do otherwise because it's none of my business

As long as there are lots of pro gun people saying everyone should have a gun I will mention why they might not want a gun. Just because many of you are brainwashed into buying guns and training you will never need doesn't mean everyone should be. Many people are actually made less safe by carrying. Take the woman with the bra holster or woman who got shot dead by her 2 year old. Go to google news and search accidental shooting. There are general several each day. Way more than you will find defenders that's for sure.
As long as there are cowards who hate the 2nd amendment there will be thugs who take advantage.

Cowards? The people without guns are cowards? But the people too scared to leave their house without a gun are what?
No, people who try to disarm their fellow citizens are cowards...and pieces of shit.

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