Zone1 Actually our culture is better.

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I like how you say "we" as if you were one of the whites doing the subjugating instead of one of the bitch ass descendants who doesn't have the balls to do what needs to be done to maintain white dominance. Is that because you prefer to cosplay and fantasize about being a white supremacist to escape the reality that you're nothing more than a white cuckservative? 😄
The Europeans that came here to settle were from different nations. And only the British had any type of primitive rights for the peasants. They had the Magna Carta and the Rule of Law. Two Continents were settled and the parts where the British dominated ended up the most powerful. All that any immigrant had to do is melt int the culture. But there were people who wanted to divide us up and they did. It was slow and methodical. They needed a Fiat currency to push their agendas here. Within a few decades they were entrenched in our institutions and took assimilating out of the equation and promoted diversity. Now we are divided.
The Europeans that came here to settle were from different nations. And only the British had any type of primitive rights for the peasants. They had the Magna Carta and the Rule of Law. Two Continents were settled and the parts where the British dominated ended up the most powerful. All that any immigrant had to do is melt int the culture. But there were people who wanted to divide us up and they did. It was slow and methodical. They needed a Fiat currency to push their agendas here. Within a few decades they were entrenched in our institutions and took assimilating out of the equation and promoted diversity. Now we are divided.

The Europeans came here came to conquer and force their culture on others. If you're going to be a pussy about it and ask people nicely to assimilate they're going to tell you to eat their ass.

The Europeans came here came to conquer and force their culture on others. If you're going to be a pussy about it and ask people nicely to assimilate they're going to tell you to eat their ass.
It was a conquering era.. and we conquered you
It was a conquering era.. and we conquered you
You're not part of the "we" you cosplayer and I'm not the conquered. I'm part of the influx of children whos immigrant parents took advantage of birth right citizenship to come here and be a part of the mixed minorities taking the county away from cuck whites like yourself. 😄
You're not part of the "we" you cosplayer and I'm not the conquered. I'm part of the influx of children whos immigrant parents took advantage of birth right citizenship to come here and be a part of the mixed minorities taking the county away from cuck whites like yourself. 😄
No you’re delusional, your controlled by the democrat party, used for your low iq to destroy the real Americans. Soon you will be asked where does your interest lie. In America or commies. Think wisely. Either way slavery is your future, no nation will survive not holding low iq ppl like you as servants.
No you’re delusional, your controlled by the democrat party, used for your low iq to destroy the real Americans. Soon you will be asked where does your interest lie. In America or commies. Think wisely. Either way slavery is your future, no nation will survive not holding low iq ppl like you as servants.
You dipshit, the Democratic party used to be the party of white supremacy. It was the party of the white supremacists who fought longest and hardest to keep this country white. And now the Democratic party belongs to blacks and minorities. 😄 You're dumb, boy. The Democratic party being America's multicultural party is the biggest fuck you to white racists that there is. 😂 We took that shit from you like we're going to take your country.
The Europeans that came here to settle were from different nations. And only the British had any type of primitive rights for the peasants. They had the Magna Carta and the Rule of Law. Two Continents were settled and the parts where the British dominated ended up the most powerful. All that any immigrant had to do is melt int the culture. But there were people who wanted to divide us up and they did. It was slow and methodical. They needed a Fiat currency to push their agendas here. Within a few decades they were entrenched in our institutions and took assimilating out of the equation and promoted diversity. Now we are divided.

There were many rigid theocracies in the colonies. Puritans, Pilgrims, Anabaptists, Quakers, Hugenots etc.. they didn't get along at all.
You dipshit, the Democratic party used to be the party of white supremacy. It was the party of the white supremacists who fought longest and hardest to keep this country white. And now the Democratic party belongs to blacks and minorities. 😄 You're dumb, boy. The Democratic party being America's multicultural party is the biggest fuck you to white racists that there is. 😂 We took that shit from you like we're going to take your country.
You think your free with democrats? Lol I live in a major urban area. All the carpenters all the laborers all the plumbers all the HVAC techs come from the white suburbs. All the cops all the firefighters, come from Republican suburbs.. how’s is this new freedom working out for you? Lol The firefighters in the blackest neighborhood in Boston are all fucking white Irish dudes from the suburbs lol you’re just a pawn. Getting played. Again low iq. You have absolutely no right to do any except vote .. enjoy
You think your free with democrats? Lol I live in a major urban area. All the carpenters all the laborers all the plumbers all the HVAC techs come from the white suburbs. All the cops all the firefighters, come from Republican suburbs.. how’s is this new freedom working out for you? Lol The firefighters in the blackest neighborhood in Boston are all fucking white Irish dudes from the suburbs lol you’re just a pawn. Getting played. Again low iq. You have absolutely no right to do any except vote .. enjoy

I live in Miami, a minority majority city and my people are all doctors, nurses and business execs. Fucking Joe plumber here. 😄 You dumb, poor mother fucker.

I live in Miami, a minority majority city and my people are all doctors, nurses and business execs. Fucking Joe plumber here. 😄 You dumb, poor mother fucker.
Miami ( Florida) has a huge influence of Republican values, blacks thrive in the free land. Except the deep democrat part , pork and beans lol that’s slaves. Lol high crime, no jobs, welfare..
Definitely, violent crime happens in every culture. American culture is not better then any other.

Men commit homicide 7 times as often as women
. I am not going to deny it. About 1% of all men and 0.14% of all women living in USA have murdered someone. Nevertheless, some very horrible and interesting stories involve female killers

American culture is not better than any other. That translates to it's the worst culture on Earth wow. What other countries have you lived in?
Miami ( Florida) has a huge influence of Republican values, blacks thrive in the free land. Except the deep democrat part , pork and beans lol that’s slaves. Lol high crime, no jobs, welfare..
Miami is a town of immigrants. Where you can turn down one street and be in either Jamaica, Haiti or Cuba. That's what the future of your country looks like. It's the shit poor outskirts that are deeply red. 😄
The Hispanic mother of the 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio adamantly defending her child’s rapist.

Women rallying around the menfolk — who are rapists — is something else that’s new to Americans. But such behavior is disturbingly well-known to police and prosecutors who deal with large immigrant populations.

“Hispanic rape victims are unlikely to report victimization to the police because in their families the male is the head of the household, and women are subordinate to men,” criminal justice professor Shana L. Maier writes in her book Rape, Victims and Investigations: Experiences and Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers Responding to Reported Rapes.

She continues: “Because maintaining the honor of the family is important, Hispanics and Latinos are more likely than other racial/ethnic groups to blame the victim. The victim, not the perpetrator, is blamed for bringing dishonor to the family.”

With the media actively covering up the crimes of immigrants, it may take a while to notice, ladies, but American men were the best you ever had it.

Great article. BF's raping the GF's daughter is common in that culture so in femicide.

Miami is a town of immigrants. Where you can turn down one street and be in either Jamaica, Haiti or Cuba. That's what the future of your country looks like. It's the shit poor outskirts that are deeply red. 😄
We love immigration that can assimilate, Republican dominate culture is good for immigration. I bet The majority of the people killed this weekend in Miami will be immigrants that didn’t assimilate .. probably a hatian lol they are never good for western Civilization
Miami is a town of immigrants. Where you can turn down one street and be in either Jamaica, Haiti or Cuba. That's what the future of your country looks like. It's the shit poor outskirts that are deeply red. 😄
A lot of those people vote Red also. And no there are not that many of those people in the rest of the USA. There are Jamaicans in NYC though.
We love immigration that can assimilate, Republican dominate culture is good for immigration. I bet The majority of the people killed this weekend in Miami will be immigrants that didn’t assimilate .. probably a hatian lol they are never good for western Civilization
Cubans don't assimilate. They're taking over the Republican Party in South Florida like minorities have taken over the Democratic party everywhere. Same thing with Hispanics out west. Republicanism might survive but not southern white culture. That's going to be replaced by Cuban and Mexican flags and businesses advertising cafecito instead of coffee. 😄 America don't belong to you anymore, boy.
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