Zone1 Actually our culture is better.

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Fuck yes we would. I'd pay for the plane ticket myself.
You think that's how your ancestors made and kept this a white nation? By bargaining? You're a bottom bitch. You don't have it in you to keep this a white nation. 😃
Of course they did, but so did non whites, Hispanics, Jews, Chinese etc. You're pretty transparent. You can't disparage the contribution of non whites.
I haven‘t disparaged the contributions of non-whites. Leftists, OTOH, have indeed disparaged and outright denied the contribution of whites, repeatedly saying that this country would have been better off without them.

PLUS, most of the contributions HAVE come from whites, if for no other reason than they form the majority of the population.
You think that's how your ancestors made and kept this a white nation? By bargaining? You're a bottom bitch. You don't have it on you to keep this a white nation. 😃

Whites will always be more than you. And we will always be in better shape than you. Your stupidity and leftardess will ensure that your communities are blood soaked shit holes and your people will die and suffer from that.

I just hope you live long enough, to some day see the connection between your actions and their consequences. The horror that you would feel....

you would/will deserve it.
I haven‘t disparaged the contributions of non-whites. Leftists, OTOH, have indeed disparaged and outright denied the contribution of whites, repeatedly saying that this country would have been better off without them.

PLUS, most of the contributions HAVE come from whites, if for no other reason than they form the majority of the population.

The very fact that surada and lefties like him, CAN'T let a comment about "whites' contribution" pass, without mentioning the contributions of others, is very revealing.

Any discussion of Whites, in a positive light, is taboo to them, and they reflexively push back or attack it.
The very fact that surada and lefties like him, CAN'T let a comment about "whites' contribution" pass, without mentioning the contributions of others, is very revealing.

Any discussion of Whites, in a positive light, is taboo to them, and they reflexively push back or attack it.
Exactly - and it’s pervasive among leftists. They hide and deny all the wonderful contributions whites have made to this country - and which they enjoy every day.

Try an experiment on leftist Google. Type in “inventions by whites.” What will come up is site after site of inventions by blacks.

This is all the result of the anti-white racism being advanced through the country. They can’t admit how developed and advanced out country is, thanks PRIMARILY to whites.
Who's afraid of you crying for white scientists? 😄 You think that's going to slow the push for reparations?
You can push all you want, but you’re not getting reparations. You will just have to earn your money like everyone else.

Germany didn’t pay out to descendants (even one generation removed) of Holocaust victims, and America isn’t going to pay out to descendants five generations removed from slavery.
You’re the lowest form of life in America. A pawn of democrats.. sad .. go be free
That “take it from you attitude” seems to be a black thing. I first heard it from a black man more than 30 years ago when he said, with a sense of defIance, that if people don’t hand over what you want, you just take it.

Maybe that explains why looting stores during blackouts is such a black thing.
Cubans don't assimilate. They're taking over the Republican Party in South Florida like minorities have taken over the Democratic party everywhere. Same thing with Hispanics out west. Republicanism might survive but not southern white culture. That's going to be replaced by Cuban and Mexican flags and businesses advertising cafecito instead of coffee. 😄 America don't belong to you anymore, boy.

There is also a question of what a white person is?

Some people view Hispanic people as white.

There is also a disagreement if Caucasian Jewish people are white? In my opinion -- not really, since White Nationalism has brought on worst atrocities toward Jewish people.
There is actually data that says Latino cannot Assimilate it’s not possib to our country and cannot speak English after living here for 15 to 30 years.

I call ya on that. Need a source. BEFORE 2000 - the immigrants coming in were FULLY assimilated by 2nd or 3rd gen in California. They would RESTORE the run-down areas of towns and make them vibrant again. Their kids and grandkids were engineers, nurses, lawyers, doctors. business owners.

AFTER about 2000, all of them I worked with and knew started complaining about "the different kind of immigrant" that were bothering them as well. So -- it's NOT a culture a thing. It has more to do with education, and country of origin and REASONS for coming here.
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