Zone1 Actually our culture is better.

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Now that abortion has been banned, we will have massive increase in anchor babies born in the USA.
The entire purpose of an anchor baby is to have the kid you dumbass.
A lot of those people vote Red also. And no there are not that many of those people in the rest of the USA. There are Jamaicans in NYC though.
Yes, racist whites have to rely on Hispanic votes just to remain revelant. That's a fact that amuses more than bothers me. I don't like that Cubans largely vote Republican but I love Cuban culture and I love many Cubans as friends and family so I feel there's room for conversation there and if it helps to push white Southern culture towards extinction then I'll take the good with the bad. 😁
Cubans don't assimilate. They're taking over the Republican Party in South Florida like minorities have taken over the Democratic party everywhere. Same thing with Hispanics out west. Republicanism might survive but not southern white culture. That's going to be replaced by Cuban and Mexican flags and businesses advertising cafecito instead of coffee. 😄 America don't belong to you anymore, boy.
Again your delusional. Cuban‘s love and respect American culture that was developed by Western civilization white men. If they didn’t they would vote democrat. Many western Hispanics are now voting Republican. I live in Massachusetts. Most Whites move out of urban areas 30 to 40 years ago. We won’t see a responses from whites probably for another 20-30 years as they realize your culture isn’t what they been sold lol. A good example is Texas as white people migrated to Texas (Mexicans weren’t using it ) and WE develop civilization, Mexicans try to move back and we conquered them, Which then returned resulted in 10 Cowboys all white conquering the entire country of Mexico lol .. you can’t beat us.. democrats are using low iq whites, and low iq poc. But thank God for people like Candace owens is transferring blacks over to the Republican Party.
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Yes, racist whites have to rely on Hispanic votes just to remain revelant. That's a fact that amuses more than bothers me. I don't like that Cubans largely vote Republican but I love Cuban culture and I love many Cubans as friends and family so I feel there's room for conversation there and if it helps to push white Southern culture towards extinction then I'll take the good with the bad. 😁

I never realized there was white southern culture in Florida.
You think your free with democrats? Lol I live in a major urban area. All the carpenters all the laborers all the plumbers all the HVAC techs come from the white suburbs. All the cops all the firefighters, come from Republican suburbs.. how’s is this new freedom working out for you? Lol The firefighters in the blackest neighborhood in Boston are all fucking white Irish dudes from the suburbs lol you’re just a pawn. Getting played. Again low iq. You have absolutely no right to do any except vote .. enjoy
Same here. Any decent sized construction project is all white guys. When it comes time to hang drywall and paint some hispanics show up.
Same here. Any decent sized construction project is all white guys. When it comes time to hang drywall and paint some hispanics show up.
The Hispanics show up A. Bad immigration policy.
B. Save money.
They don’t do better work then whites.

The Europeans came here came to conquer and force their culture on others. If you're going to be a pussy about it and ask people nicely to assimilate they're going to tell you to eat their ass.
Yes the superior people conquered!!
Again your delusional. Cuban‘s love and respect American culture that was developed by Western civilization white men.

Who are you trying to bullshit you cosplayer? I was born and raised down here. Cubans love that this country isn't run by a dictator. Where they settled are called Little Havana and Hialeah. You practically need a passport to cross over there (in Hialeah the street numbers actually just change completely and then change back again when you drive out the other side) and they sure as shit ain't going to greet you in English when you get there. Maybe you morons up north don't actually know what's going on down south but Hispanics in the republican party are a Trojan horse full of proud, brown, Cuban and Mexican babies. 😄 As I said, conservatism might survive but what's going to be conserved is Cuban and Mexican culture, southern white culture is getting cucked. 😂
I never realized there was white southern culture in Florida.
It's retreated up Noth mostly. The white Republicans up in Ocala, Jacksonville and Tallahassee think Cubans will be contained to South Florida but they're fucking morons. 😄
It's retreated up Noth mostly. The white Republicans up in Ocala, Jacksonville and Tallahassee think Cubans will be contained to South Florida but they're fucking morons. 😄

Oh. I see.. I was thinking Charleston and Savannah.

Who are you trying to bullshit you cosplayer? I was born and raised down here. Cubans love that this country isn't run by a dictator. Where they settled are called Little Havana and Hialeah. You practically need a passport to cross over there (in Hialeah the street numbers actually just change completely and then change back again when you drive out the other side) and they sure as shit ain't going to greet you in English when you get there. Maybe you morons up north don't actually know what's going on down south but Hispanics in the republican party are a Trojan horse full of proud, brown, Cuban and Mexican babies. 😄 As I said, conservatism might survive but what's going to be conserved is Cuban and Mexican culture, southern white culture is getting cucked. 😂
Again you’re a perfect democrat, LOW IQ. The most dominant race on earth is the white American man and American woman like Marjorie Taylor Greene. We will do things to you people that have never been done before in your life. We are smarter than you we are stronger than you we have more guns in you. Lol again enjoy this lad assimilate. Why in the world do you wanna get sent back to your shit hole of a country? Why? Enjoy us thank a white republican today.
Again you’re a perfect democrat, LOW IQ. The most dominant race on earth is the white American man and American woman like Marjorie Taylor Greene. We will do things to you people that have never been done before in your life. We are smarter than you we are stronger than you we have more guns in you. Lol again enjoy this lad assimilate. Why in the world do you wanna get sent back to your shit hole of a country? Why? Enjoy us thank a white republican today.

MTG is a moron.
Again you’re a perfect democrat, LOW IQ. The most dominant race on earth is the white American man and American woman like Marjorie Taylor Greene. We will do things to you people that have never been done before in your life. We are smarter than you we are stronger than you we have more guns in you. Lol again enjoy this lad assimilate. Why in the world do you wanna get sent back to your shit hole of a country? Why? Enjoy us thank a white republican today.
That's just more cosplayer shit. 😄 In the real world whites are declining as a percentage of the population and as a percentage of the Republican Party. You dipshits are frogs in boiling water. The only chance you do have to reverse course are those guns you mentioned but as I said, you're a cosplayer and too pussy to actually use it. 😁
That's just more cosplayer shit. 😄 In the real world whites are declining as a percentage of the population and as a percentage of the Republican Party. You dipshits are frogs in boiling water. The only chance you do have to reverse course are those guns you mentioned but as I said, you're a cosplayer and too pussy to actually use it. 😁
Over 90% of the ppl killed this weekend will be black 🤣🤣🤣.. your culture is unsustainable again as white people are re-introduced to urban areas because they are moving back, they will reestablish our culture. Boston over the past 20 years we have seen white liberals buy all the houses in black neighborhoods lol I give them 5 to 10 more years before they get tired of being called racist where they start say fuck this shit get my guns lol
Over 90% of the ppl killed this weekend will be black 🤣🤣🤣.. your culture is unsustainable again as white people are re-introduced to urban areas because they are moving back, they will reestablish our culture. Boston over the past 20 years we have seen white liberals by all the houses in black neighborhoods lol I give them 5 to 10 more years before they get tired of being called racist where they start say fuck this shit get my guns lol
Man you are one dumb mother fucker. The vast majority of gun deaths are from white people shooting themselves in the face you fucking idiot. 😄 White men committing suicide by gun eclipses all violent murders in America, let alone just the black ones. And white liberals moving from one location to another doesn't address the fact that whites are a declining population. You need to add more white people you moron not shuffle the ones you do have around. 😄 Also, if you're no longer cosplaying about what you might do, one day, with your gun when you find your ballsack, and are now waiting for white liberals to save you then you're a bigger pussy than I had previously imagined. 😂
Man you are one dumb mother fucker. The vast majority of gun deaths are from white people shooting themselves in the face you fucking idiot. 😄 White men committing suicide by gun eclipses all violent murders in America, let alone just the black ones. And white liberals moving from one location to another doesn't address the fact that whites are a declining population. You need to add more white people you moron not shuffle the ones you do have around. 😄 Also, if you're no longer cosplaying about what you might do, one day, with your gun when you find your ballsack, and are now waiting for white liberals to save you then you're a bigger pussy than I had previously imagined. 😂
Over 90% of the murder happening this weekend will be people that look like your dumbass lol. Why people are always gonna be the dominant race in culture in America. There’s nothing you can do about it.. now go do what a democrat tells you to do like a good boy.
Over 90% of the murder happening this weekend will be people that look like your dumbass lol. Why people are always gonna be the dominant race in culture in America. There’s nothing you can do about it.. now go do what a democrat tells you to do like a good boy.
You simply don't understand math. It's a fact that white suicides by gun vastly out number homicides by gun. And it's a fact that white people are declining as a percentage of the population and that mixed race children are the largest growing demographic. Those are all facts. You're just a safe space needing bitch who lives in some white supremacy fanfiction world. 😄
You simply don't understand math. It's a fact that white suicides by gun vastly out number homicides by gun. And it's a fact that white people are declining as a percentage of the population and that mixed race children are the largest growing demographic. Those are all facts. You're just a safe space needing bitch who lives in some white supremacy fanfiction world. 😄
White suicide is because of psychedelic medication, this shit is being exposed.. For every white person the days of suicide 1000 blacks are dying of Clotted arteries from fried chicken lol You guys are committing suicide why do you think you’re shooting each other every day .. by the way why are so many Starbucks closing in black neighborhoods?
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