Adam Schiff Censured

As an agorist, I have no representation in congress.

You, however, are represented by the most loathesome, lying, fascist scum in Murican history, and are just fine when they lie to your face.
Agonist in name only.
At the risk of being accused of not minding my own business, I have to say that this is turning into dysfunctional bedlam that is affecting America's ability to function normally!

Let's all hope that nobody pulls a gun and starts blazing away at their political enemies on site!

Freak boy got a slap on the wrist.

Ridiculous but not surprising. So now they can’t even criticize the president? That is pretty petty.
Adam Schiff swore (under oath) that he had proof that Trump had colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election.
The Durham investigation proved not only did Adam Schiff lie, but Obama, Biden, and Hillary knew that what Adam Schiff swore to was total BS.

No, I like it when people like you are so blatantly supportive of your own scum that you think everyone should be as well. And if they aren’t? Censure them…or throw them out of the legislature. But, it makes you feel good and it is all about feelings.
Sorry, but those crocodile tears really don't move me considering the horrific treatment Trump has received, and everyone in America has had to deal with personally because of the Pedo In Chief (FJB) who's running this country into the ground.
Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
Yeah, we both know that's never gonna happen. And of course now the DemoFascists will claim a false equivalency: "OK we impeached Trump, you censured Schiff so we'll call it even."

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