Adam Schiff Censured

Ridiculous but not surprising.

I agree. Schiff should be stripped bare down to the waist and flogged in the public square, then fined the 16 million, then expelled from congress without benefits. As we now know admitted before congress just today, both Obumma, Biden, Brennan, Strozk, Page, and many others KNEW in 2017 that the entire Hillary Russia-gate Mueller investigation was a total FRAUD.

They are now talking about bringing all these people to testify before congress what they know of the attempts to interfere with a presidential administration.

Democracy demands these villains be brought to justice, for the good of democracy to show that democracy can indeed withstand its traitors.
Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Don't worry, they can still add in the 16 million in fines now that Schiff is a convicted traitor to his country.
Now the boy toucher has something else to be ashamed of....

It's amazing this kind of human shit is allowed to masquerade as a politician....

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You do realize that this is a satire site?

D-Adam Schiff has been Censured for his criminal deceit, lying, and crimes during Pelosi's criminal Impeachment.

During the investigation Schiff - Chairman of the House Intel Committee - falsely claimed he had seen evidence of Trump 'Russian Collusion', which was debunked and exposed as a Hillary Hoax.

During the Impeachments Schiff criminally claimed to have a non-existent whistleblower, altered documents, authored false transcripts, manufactured false evidence, and attempted to submit them as actual evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by illegallly removing a sitting President from Office.

Schiff's legacy will now be to be remembered as a willing accomplice in the Hillary hoax, a liar, a traitor, and only 1 of 26 members of Congress to be Censured in US history.
At least Massie got the stick out of his ass.

At the risk of being accused of not minding my own business, I have to say that this is turning into dysfunctional bedlam that is affecting America's ability to function normally!

Let's all hope that nobody pulls a gun and starts blazing away at their political enemies on site!
MYOB, duck.

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