Adam Schiff Censured

I added the obvious arrows and stuff to point things out like the dildo and the marijuana seed tray in the picture. If you have proof the photo itself is photoshopped and can produce the unretouched original, I'm all ears.
and everyone in America has had to deal with personally because of the Pedo In Chief (FJB) who's running this country into the ground.
Your same story, different day.
The pathetic ^^^^^ life of a trump humping boot licker. SAD.
Doesn't that amount to a felony???
He swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
Every member of congress swore an oath to be honest while in office, and he wasn't.
These guys lie all of the time.
But the problem is proving it.
Now that the Durham report is out....under normal circumstances....his ass would be grass.
But all they're going to do is give a bunch of nasty speeches about him and let him run for the Senate.
I think he's a traitor and should be shot.
You like Trump.

One thing you gotta admit about Trump is that unlike every other president who all had a lot to GAIN by being president, career-wise, financially, etc., Trump has nothing to gain by being president, it only costs him money, time and trouble.

So all that leaves is massive ego and a sense of satisfaction helping and doing good for his country and people, as he already has far more than most of us can ever imagine.

I'll take that over Joe Biden ANY DAY.

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So you think that the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee should be able to state that he has (nonexistent) evidence of criminal conduct by the President of US and not be held responsible for it? How MODerate of you.

Ridiculous but not surprising. So now they can’t even criticize the president? That is pretty petty.
Schiff made bogus claims that he had evidence of Trump Colluding with the Russians.

Now everyone on the planet knows that's BS.

Turns out the House is finding evidence that Hillary colluded with Russia.
What was the lie? Serious question as I can’t find where he lied under oath.

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

3. Misrepresenting a key text message

4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible

One moment, please...
heres Schiff with his pals Ed Buck a homosexual deviant in jail for the over dose deaths of 2 gay men at his home . and another homo Eric Bauman CA dem party leader that was forced to resign after sexual misconduct and the 3rd guy in the pic is
81 million Americans disagree
since the average Americans cost of living has increased to at least 400$ a month extra since Biden took office dont be surprised if he doesnt get nearly that many votes in 2024 .
He swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
Every member of congress swore an oath to be honest while in office, and he wasn't.
These guys lie all of the time.
But the problem is proving it.
Now that the Durham report is out....under normal circumstances....his ass would be grass.
But all they're going to do is give a bunch of nasty speeches about him and let him run for the Senate.
I think he's a traitor and should be shot.

Unfortunately that applies to about 70-90% of all the people in Washington. No one gets busted because they are all in on the take and have as much to lose as any they would expose.

Call it The Hillary Gambit.

Except for the freshmen like Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Luna and the like which is why they just get ridiculed and minimized.

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