Adam Schiff follows Trump's lead, attacks our democracy by hinting he will refuse subpoenas

Your attack on our democracy is noted. Good to know which camp you're in (hint: it's the same one Trump is in).

That is funny, that they gleefully announce that they are putting themselves on the same level as the man they claim to hate more than anyone else in the world.
Bless your poor, retarded, little heart. ;)
You duopoly tards "payback" bullshit is a constant circle. It happens over and over and over and over.. When its "your turn" to act like dumbfucks, its all good. When its "their turn" they are trying to destroy democracy and "cant govern" LOLZ
Grow up, dumbass.
You're gonna get a front row seat in payback when Republicans "take control" in January. We're gonna go down every rat hole and conspiracy theory laden drivel under the sun.
And I know you won't say boo about it.
That is funny, that they gleefully announce that they are putting themselves on the same level as the man they claim to hate more than anyone else in the world.
proudly at that!!!!
This is insurrection, right?

Bash said, “We’re out of time but I have to ask. If you are subpoenaed by Republicans when they take over, will you comply?”

Schiff said, “We’ll have to consider the validity of the subpoena. I would certainly view my obligation, the administration’s obligation to follow the law and the fact that they have disrespected the law is not a precedent I would hope that would be broadly followed. We’ll have to look at the the legitimacy or lack of legitimacy of what they do.”
Schiff said, “We’ll have to consider the validity of the subpoena.

We’ll have to look at the the legitimacy or lack of legitimacy of what they do.”

This, coming from a guy that blatantly lied during the impeachment of a president?

You're gonna get a front row seat in payback when Republicans "take control" in January. We're gonna go down every rat hole and conspiracy theory laden drivel under the sun.
And I know you won't say boo about it.
Nothing is going to change. Im still going to laugh at you fuckin freaks daily :thup:
You're gonna get a front row seat in payback when Republicans "take control" in January. We're gonna go down every rat hole and conspiracy theory laden drivel under the sun.
And I know you won't say boo about it.

The bad news for your cult is that Hunter and Joe incriminated themselves in writing and on tape so many times, their testimony won't really be necessary. Just making the laptop contents public now that they've been verified by at least four separate audits, should have the desired effect.
So you approve of the tactic of attacking our democracy by ignoring subpoenas. Good to know. You and Trump are virtually identical, you know that?
We already know you support attacking democracy by ignoring subpoenas, the question is still to be known is..... if democratic congress critters will be... It all depends .....according to Schiff.
The bad news for your cult is that Hunter and Joe incriminated themselves in writing and on tape so many times, their testimony won't really be necessary. Just making the laptop contents public now that they've been verified by at least four separate audits, should have the desired effect.
Prediction: even after facts like the ones contained in these research articles.........

Dissecting GOP claims about Hunter Biden deals allegedly involving his father​

“Hunter brought in millions of dollars from this deal from entities tied to the Chinese government. In emails obtained by committee Republicans, Hunter wanted keys made for Joe Biden and Jill Biden, his office mate. He provided Joe Biden’s personal cell number and called him his partner.”

— Comer, at the news conference
Comer mixes documented facts with innuendo here. The Washington Post, via government records, court documents and bank statements, found that CEFC and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter and Jim Biden. But the alleged connection of these deals to Joe Biden remains tenuous. It again hinges on a single email — also describing something that did not happen.

In the fall of 2017, Hunter Biden wrote to a building manager of the House of Sweden, where he was renting office space. “Please have keys made for new office mates,” he wrote, listing Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden and Gongwen Dong, whom he called “emissary” of CEFC. He also asked the signage updated to say the “Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC U.S.).”
The email was on the laptop hard drive but also confirmed by public records released by the Swedish government and first reported in 2021 by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
But a representative of the Biden Foundation told The Washington Post the House of Sweden was never under consideration as a location. A spokeswoman for the Swedish authority that oversees the property said that the four keys were made available, as requested, but that Hunter Biden never picked them up. The signboard on the door wasn’t changed, she said.

Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company​

......put an end to specious allegations Joe was involved in his kid's shady biz deals, IT WILL NOT MATTER TO THE FOLLOWING. Like they do concerning dozens of right wing media lies they will continue believing their previously held beliefs. The Big Lie providing the most glaring of examples.
What you said...

Adam Schiff follows Trump's lead, attacks our democracy by hinting he will refuse subpoenas​

What Schiff said.

“We’ll have to consider the validity of the subpoena. I would certainly view my obligation, the administration’s obligation to follow the law and the fact that they have disrespected the law is not a precedent I would hope that would be broadly followed.

You contradicted your own thread, nitwit.
The bad news for your cult is that Hunter and Joe incriminated themselves in writing and on tape so many times, their testimony won't really be necessary. Just making the laptop contents public now that they've been verified by at least four separate audits, should have the desired effect.
Whatever. Good luck with the snipe hunts. I'm all for them. It will hasten the Republican party's destruction.
Time for a bunch of Benghazi redux...:auiqs.jpg:
I thought they were all valid according to demofks, what is one that isn't valid?

no, they're only 'valid' if they are issued by democrats.

as usual, according to Schiff, Republicans have no validity.
Not surprised to see Parody Shifty highlighting he's a hypocrite. It's what Demafascist do
He's not. He's highlighting the distinct possibility House Repubs will issue invalid subpoenas as part of their parade of petulance.

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