Adam Schiff running for Senate

Semantics. The post said, "call members of the Republican Party a “threat to the country”. Did he in fact do that?
Biden didn't even include All MAGA Republicans lol

[ At a Democratic National Committee meeting in Maryland Thursday night, Biden said, “Extreme MAGA Republicans just don’t threaten our personal and economic rights, they embrace political violence,” referencing the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

“They refuse to accept the will of the people,” he said. “They threaten our very democracy.” ] and trying to stop Pence on Jan 6, was a threat to our democracy
American misfits: In other parts of the world seniors are respected and admired and sought out for wisdom and more. In America, we mock seniors and shit on them
There comes a time when a person's mind and body cannot handle the stresses of the most stressful job in the world. Apparently, some do not recognize when that happens.
There comes a time when a person's mind and body cannot handle the stresses of the most stressful job in the world. Apparently, some do not recognize when that happens.
Sure, and most all people in power have advisors and others to assist them. Then we have the man "I alone!" the self-professed stable genius with the world's greatest memory, who posses the best words in order to make the most perfect phone calls...
almost every aging generation has that opinion of a present.

But quality of things changes over time. Are the poor better of? Has the middle class disappeared? Changes take time to be felt/go into effect. The changes we feel and see today were unleashed and set in motion a few decades ago -- at the least

I belief the quality of my life was better years ago. But I also recognize that as we age we hold onto memories, which are incredibly convenient
and just about anyone who lived in California back then till this century has the same opinion....there have been a few threads here talking about just that....
Sure, and most all people in power have advisors and others to assist them. Then we have the man "I alone!" the self-professed stable genius with the world's greatest memory, who posses the best words in order to make the most perfect phone calls...
And now we have tater. My, how far we've fallen in such a short time.
Biden didn't even include All MAGA Republicans lol

[ At a Democratic National Committee meeting in Maryland Thursday night, Biden said, “Extreme MAGA Republicans just don’t threaten our personal and economic rights, they embrace political violence,” referencing the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

“They refuse to accept the will of the people,” he said. “They threaten our very democracy.” ] and trying to stop Pence on Jan 6, was a threat to our democracy
Are they "members of the Republican Party"? Why, yes, they are. You're arguing a point no one tried to make. Can we all say strawman?
And now we have tater. My, how far we've fallen in such a short time.
not sure what all the juvenile epithets are for. Do you feel it makes you look good, smart, knowledgeable? Or worse, do you think it pushes people's buttons -- projecting out how your's are pushed by attacks on your Leader?
Are they "members of the Republican Party"? Why, yes, they are. You're arguing a point no one tried to make. Can we all say strawman?
No, you used the strawman.

Biden holy glare.jpg
not sure what all the juvenile epithets are for. Do you feel it makes you look good, smart, knowledgeable? Or worse, do you think it pushes people's buttons -- projecting out how your's are pushed by attacks on your Leader?
And how does that relate to the elderly men we have running the country?
Old people. Yes. OF course the world has changed, not just California. That is were the myopia sets in
dante if you never lived in Cal back then....then you cant have a fair opinion of the quality of life back then compared to today.......there is a reason so many this century have left California for elsewhere....
Not this elderly and feeble.
but you're not in a position to make a sound judgement. People in the media, foreign leaders, the Congress (both houses), and others are around Biden. None really have claimed what you're claiming.

So I guess that makes you look like a pathetic troll. Are you? A pathetic troll?
dante if you never lived in Cal back then....then you cant have a fair opinion of the quality of life back then compared to today.......there is a reason so many this century have left California for elsewhere....
I have family who lived here since the 40s. I have friends ho have lived her long too. You're looking at California in a vacuum. The world has experienced similar changes. Certainly most all of America shares the changes. It's a matter of degrees. And California is as large and populated as a collection of states in other regions. Compare that.

You're getting far too old to rely on shit like this and be held to be credible

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