Steve Garvey leading Adam Schiff in bright blue Dem owned state occupied by Mexico’s people…how? Are hispanics fed up?

Garvey v Schiff will be one test.

Getting rid of scumbag Gascon here in LA will hopefully be another.

The big problem is the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Dems are spending to keep these dipshits in office.
Politically, this state is an absolute shit-show from top to bottom. Democrats have manufactured the perfect (for them) electorate here in Mexifornia. All they have to do now is duplicate the CA model across the nation…The open border is how they’ll do it.
If he advances and goes head to head against Pencil Neck it will be epic
It's been since 1988 that CA elected a Republican to the Senate (Pete Wilson)

It takes the top 2 primary candidates to run head to head in the General, and why Garvey thinks he has a chance seems pretty far-fetched.
Maybe hispanics are in-fact planning to leave the plantation. Never would I have thought a white Republican male could have a chance to win in North Mexico/California…I’ve refused to buy the hype but if this poll is accurate I may stand corrected.
I certainly hope Hispanics as well as all other Americans are fed up with the likes of Adam Schiff whose behavior is certainly among the top five of the most dishonest and unethical people in Washington.

I won't hold my breath because it is California not known for ethics or fairness in general at least for some time now. I think the probability high that Schiff will win. But how sweet it would be to see Schiff give up a secure congressional seat in a district that would elect a ham sandwich with a D after its name and then lose in a general state election for the Senate. And we would finally hopefully be rid of him.
It's been since 1988 that CA elected a Republican to the Senate (Pete Wilson)

It takes the top 2 primary candidates to run head to head in the General, and why Garvey thinks he has a chance seems pretty far-fetched.
The Shit is gonna hit the fan ( More than the Stratospheric levels now ) and Regular Californians ( Not Rabid Marxists ) will be more than fed up .
Maybe hispanics are in-fact planning to leave the plantation. Never would I have thought a white Republican male could have a chance to win in North Mexico/California…I’ve refused to buy the hype but if this poll is accurate I may stand corrected.
I think you are reading too much into this. The poll that shows Garvey leading is a poll for the primary. After that the two top candidates square off in November and Schiff is ahead of Garvey in that matchup once all of the other dems are filtered out but Schiff. I wouldn't go betting the farm on this.
The Shit is gonna hit the fan ( More than the Stratospheric levels now ) and Regular Californians ( Not Rabid Marxists ) will be more than fed up .
You got all the bs words down. What does that make you... DAF
Garvey may come in first in the jungle primary with 20-something percent, but the Democratic Party partisan voters will coalesce around Shiff (assuming he's the 2nd place candidate in March) for the November election.

I wish Garvey well, but he will be fortunate to make 40% in the general election.
Garvey may come in first in the jungle primary with 20-something percent, but the Democratic Party partisan voters will coalesce around Shiff (assuming he's the 2nd place candidate in March) for the November election.

I wish Garvey well, but he will be fortunate to make 40% in the general election.
Things will get so fucking Apocalyptic here that run of the mill Democommies will think twice about voting Marxist
Things will get so fucking Apocalyptic here that run of the mill Democommies will think twice about voting Marxist
Most of Lost Angeles already is an apocalyptic shithole… The problem is, where the populace is the electorate is trained to be single issue voters. The purple hair freaks vote on faggotry, trannies and abortions and the dark people vote on free shit / take shit from Whitey.
These people aren’t smart enough to vote themselves out of the shitter. California is gone!

Most of Lost Angeles already is an apocalyptic shithole… The problem is, where the populace is the electorate is trained to be single issue voters. The purple hair freaks vote on faggotry, trannies and abortions and the dark people vote on free shit / take shit from Whitey.
These people aren’t smart enough to vote themselves out of the shitter. California is gone!
Fucking leave already
Fucking leave already
Oh I already have one foot out the door…I’m almost done using the filthy fucks here and then I’ll be gone for good…I can’t wait to watch you burn this disgusting shithole to the fucking ground.
Oh I already have one foot out the door…I’m almost done using the filthy fucks here and then I’ll be gone for good…I can’t wait to watch you burn this disgusting shithole to the fucking ground.
Sociopaths like you are welcome to go sooner.
I think you are reading too much into this. The poll that shows Garvey leading is a poll for the primary. After that the two top candidates square off in November and Schiff is ahead of Garvey in that matchup once all of the other dems are filtered out but Schiff. I wouldn't go betting the farm on this.
Yeah. Except in strongly GOP congressional districts in California, and there aren't very many of those, California is going to elect the hard core woke leftist pretty much every time. I would be amazed if enough people in Los Angeles and San Francisco broke ranks to vote in somebody sensible and honorable and those two metro areas pretty much decide the fate of whomever is running there.

Most of Lost Angeles already is an apocalyptic shithole… The problem is, where the populace is the electorate is trained to be single issue voters. The purple hair freaks vote on faggotry, trannies and abortions and the dark people vote on free shit / take shit from Whitey.
These people aren’t smart enough to vote themselves out of the shitter. California is gone!
There is always hope, slim hope. SF did oust some extreme Progressives.
There is always hope, slim hope. SF did oust some extreme Progressives.
Alas, if hope or even common sense was enough to oust extreme Progressives and elect responsible leadership, Donald Trump would be winding down his second term now, we would have a majority of good MAGAS in both chambers of Congress, there wouldn't be mega millions of illegals overrunning the country, most likely prices would have returned to normal, Russia wouldn't have invaded the Ukraine, Hamas would not have attacked Israel, China, North Korea, and Iran wouldn't be saber rattling, and everybody except maybe the political grifters and other bad actors would be a hell of lot better off.

But hope is always better than despair. If by some miracle Schiff loses his election, I would very much like to toast you and your optimism.

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