Adam Schiff: The Sacrificial Lamb


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The Democrats’ tireless effort to remove President Trump from office via impeachment will fail. That much, along with death and taxes, is certain. There is no longer a question as to whether the Democrats will lose in their quest to upend 2016, the only remaining unknowns are where, when, and how badly. And, of course, who is to take the blame? If the buzz around Washington is to be believed, it’s Adam Schiff.

Following over a month of both closed-door and public testimony, Democrats have failed to move public perception in their direction. Polls by FiveThirtyEight show support for impeachment consistently dropping since the beginning of the inquiry, while Marquette University Law School polling shows a drop for impeachment in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin. Impeachment is failing because the Democrats’ message simply does not resonate with the public. Despite an ever-shifting narrative, driven by focus groups that prefer “bribery” over “quid pro quo," Democrats have failed to sell their bag of goods to a public whose support they need if their removal fantasies are to remain viable.

Adam Schiff: The Sacrificial Lamb
It never ceases to amaze me how bad Congressional Democrats are at politics and policy.

After months of internal debates about impeaching President Trump, they finally pulled the trigger. Now, we have wall-to-wall, 24/7 impeachment-palooza being cheered on by the left-wing media.

But make no mistake, this decision to impeach had nothing to do with “high crimes and misdemeanors”, and everything to do with attempting to position themselves better for the 2020 election.

Once again, though, they have overreached and miscalculated.

Pundits, across the political spectrum, have warned Speaker Pelosi that, similar to the 1998 impeachment of President Clinton, it would backfire and cost them seats in the next election. Polling by the Marquette University Law School in Wisconsin validates that.

The Democrats Impeachment Conundrum
Adam Schiff: The Sacrificial Lamb, a lamb with huge Ukrainians ties and contributions.

The Duran:
Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers

Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

Adam Schiff: The Sacrificial Lamb, a lamb with huge Ukrainians ties and contributions.

The Duran:
Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers

Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed

Schifferbrains needs to be investigated.

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