Adam Schiff tries to play mental gymnastics with reporter...

It looked like that pencil neck vagina was just about to cry again.

In the old days, the women of the village would fling a sissy like that off the cliff and then laugh about it with the men when they got back from hunting.

I miss the old days.

And gets his mind, body and soul REKT on live TV

Shifty and the Dems were actively promoting Russian misinformation. The only question, and frankly it’s hard to not to believe, were they doing it on purpose?

He even lied in us a answer…Manafort was not giving polling data to russia intelligence…he shared polling data with an employee of his firm that is Ukrainian.

And gets his mind, body and soul REKT on live TV

How do you incite an erection?

That was a classic deflection.
Attempt to get the spotlight off of your own behind by bringing up something unrelated to the topic being discussed.

Schiff is the guy that was meeting with and hiding the "Whistle-Blower" they used to impeach Trump with.
Turns out that he was in on the scam that caused the first impeachment....and lied about it.
He should be indicted and charged with criminal fraud.
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How do you incite an erection?

That was a classic deflection.
Attempt to get the spotlight off of your own behind by bringing up something unrelated to the topic being discussed.

Schiff it the guy that was meeting with and hiding the "Whistle-Blower" they used to impeach Trump with.
Turns out that he was in on the scam that caused the first impeachment....and lied about it.
He should be indicted and charged with criminal fraud.
That reporter certainly incited my erection, Awww c'mon!
Russian Collusion was fake. So Schiff-face tries to move on to Jan 6th.
Jan 6th is fake too.
Click on the link in my signature for the proof.
Capital Police instigated a riot with the help of paid instigators in the crowd.

And here's the proof of Hillary's involvement in Russian Collusion:


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