Adam Schiff what happen to your evidence


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?
Democrats (AKA neo-commies) lie. They will say anything they believe advances their political agenda.
"House Intel Chairman, impeachment ringleader and serial liar Adam Schiff was spotted at Charlie Palmer in DC Tuesday night celebrating and drinking with fellow evil Democrat lawmakers."
If making impeachment a common thing every president will go through, and it hurts America, Democrats (AKA neo communist) will support it.
Just saw him on tv, making this statement: in 2017, there was no problem with Ukraine receiving funds, in 2018, there was no problem with Ukraine receiving funds, but in 2019, there was a problem with Ukraine receiving funds, what changed? Joe Biden is what changed.

Really, Adam?

I thought I heard something about a new president in the Ukraine being elected, and a company that hired Joe's son was being investigated for corruption.

Adam, you should read the news more often.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Adam Schiff is a great American patriot. History will judge him kindly.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Adam Schiff is a great American patriot. History will judge him kindly.


I've been watching this farce all day, and it looks to me as tho Schiff and Nadler are more guilty of obstructing justice than Trump is.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Schiff could not hit the floor if he fell on it.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Adam Schiff is a great American patriot. History will judge him kindly.
Stop smoking crack it is really bad on your TDS.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Pencil Dick was lying the whole time
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?

Pencil Dick was lying the whole time
Yes he was
Adam Schiff is a great American patriot. History will judge him kindly.
How do you come up with such incredibly proven false bullshit? I am guessing these talking points are fed to you by your 'masters'.

Schiff willfully engaged in Sedition for 2+ years by intentionally falsely claiming to have direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, evidence even Special Counsel Mueller did not have.
-- He was finally forced to admit he had no evidence.

Schiff willfully engaged in Sedition and providing false evidence when during a House Intel Meeting he was chairing he attempted to present as 'evidence of a crime' a self-authored fictional account of the phone call between the President of the United States and the Ukraine PM.
-- The attempt to manufacture / falsify evidence was quickly exposed, and Schiff and the Left Wing fake news media were forced to attempt to claim he was presenting a 'parody' to the House Intel committee.

Schiff was caught spending approx. 10 hours preparing Michal Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer, for his repeat testimony under oath before Congress...on his way to prison for Felony Perjury perpetrated the 1st time he testified before Congress.
-- Cohen managed to completely destroy the Democrats' false narrative against the President...before again Perjuring himself before Congress.

Schiff personally manufactured an Impeachable Offense out of a complaint filed by a partisan, anti-Trump, Democrat-supporting, Biden-connected, Brennan--employed, Deep State CIA Agent who failed to qualify as a 'Whistle Blower' according to the Whistle Blower Law - a complaint that had been DISMISSED by the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ for failing to include a crime and for not providing any witnesses to what was reported.

-- Schiff revealed he and his staff had talked to the non-Whistle Blower PRIOR to their filing their complaint, the complaint - again - that had already been dismissed by the DOJ.

-- Schiff justified this communication as the right thing to do....then refused to recuse himself from the Impeachment process in the House despite the fact that his contact with the non-Whistle Blower had made him a 'CONTACT WITNESS' in the case, demanding his recusal due to the Conflict of Interest.

-- Schiff threatened to punish anyone who revealed the identity of the individual, stepped in to cut testimony off during his committee's hearings to prevent the identity from being revealed....then ridiculously claimed he had no idea who the person was.

Schiff was exposed for having taken large sums of money from a Russian arms dealer connected to corrupt Ukraine officials and from Burisma reps. The day before the House Intel Impeachment hearings began Schiff publicly declared he would protect the Bidens and any Democrat who had worked with corrupt previous Ukraine officials to obtain 'dirt' on Trump and his team during the Intel Committee hearings.

All of this has been documented, reported, testified under oath to.......
I'll answer the question -

the evidence refused to testify and got it's fat ass impeached.
Adam Schiff is a pathetic piece of shit. for almost two years Schiff said he had evidence that the President colluded with Russia to influence the election. Where is the evidence impeachment defenders? Why are our elected officals allowing the piece of shit to run the show?
I'll answer the question -

the evidence refused to testify and got it's fat ass impeached.
No russian collusion as Schiff said happened
Why did Schiff lie and what else did he lie about?
Maybe he's the whistleblower.

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