Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

What? Eve went to the tree being beguiled by the serpent.
Could she resist the serpent/Satan, and why did Yahweh put her in Eden?

Was Adam supposed to sin, so that Christians could sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's plan?

Don't bad mouth God. His judgments are fair. Jesus the Father judges as to who has his Spirit in them, and who does not have his spirit in them. Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow is this: Be good to both of them. Money, being used, makes people to be bad to both of them.
What is the criteria for the Father to deny any of usw his vile genocidal Spirit?

Why does he create less valuable souls?

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And all "evil" is
coming from WITHIN people and we can do something to change that?
It all comes from within us, yes, but to stop our natural evolution by stopping competing and doing what the losers would see as evil, would have us go extinct.

I hope the religious stop doing harm to the innocent.

We can mitigate the evils in religions. We cannot stop their evil ways.

You might want to re read that. Eve was the one manipulated by Satan...then she Manipulated Adam. hmm...i see an analogy there to modern times. It's always this way. 'Eve' is an easy mark for Satan.

Note the order of punishment.

Come on.
Nothing to do with actual trees or apples.
Its an analogy, with it being the tree of "knowledge".
And the problem it explains is technology to make weapons and free will to do what we want instead of just animal instinct.
We are condemned to worry about the future instead of contently living in the present like animals.

The idea of an arbitrary restriction, etc., like an actual apple tree, makes no sense.
And in fact apples were not at first edible until hybrid.
Approximately 750,000 years ago: early Paleolithic food gatherers in (modern) Kazakhstan, central Asia, discovered sour crab apples growing wild in the forest.
Approximately 8,000 years ago: Neolithic farmers in (modern) Asia cultivated wild apples.

Let us show how stupid we are by discussing avatars, James stupid Bond.

You can't even answer a simple question. I am james bond because I can analyze and investigate as well a shoot a gun accurately. Could I be a spy and spy on Commies or terrorists who are known threats to this country? What do you think :biggrin:?
well you just showed that you don't know the difference. If you kill someone because you're curious about how it makes you feel? how it changes things for the other person's that curiosity and therefore not murder?
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

Shitstain, according to the Bible, they both ate fruit from the tree. So how is it a crazed nut like you thinks Adam sinned but Eve didn't? And how many threads have you started based on your ignorance?
No she did not.
She had curiosity, which is not a sin.
Denying something arbitrarily is a sin, not experimenting out of natural curiosity.
Was eating from that tree not a sin? Did Eve not eat from that tree? So how on Earth do you say Eve didn't sin.
well you just showed that you don't know the difference. If you kill someone because you're curious about how it makes you feel? how it changes things for the other person's that curiosity and therefore not murder?

When you kill someone, that is not out of curiosity.
You already know how you feel about you dying, so then you know how the person you intend to kill would feel about being killed.
So you already know empathy and fear.
You do not have to kill someone to know that.
The point is no harm could be done by eating the apple from the tree of knowledge.
Ignorance is not bliss.
Humans have the need to learn, built in.
It is NEVER wrong to want to learn.
Committing a crime in order to learn would be one thing, but Eve committed no crime.
Denying humans the fruit of knowledge is the only crime.
Was eating from that tree not a sin? Did Eve not eat from that tree? So how on Earth do you say Eve didn't sin.

Because eating fruit from the tree of knowledge can NOT possibly be a sin.
It is human nature to desire knowledge.
It is not our choice.
So therefore it can not be a sin.
It does not harm anyone else.
There is no way is can be defined as a sin.
The only sin would be to deny knowledge to humans who have an innate need to know.
Because eating fruit from the tree of knowledge can NOT possibly be a sin.
It is human nature to desire knowledge.
It is not our choice.
So therefore it can not be a sin.
It does not harm anyone else.
There is no way is can be defined as a sin.
The only sin would be to deny knowledge to humans who have an innate need to know.
The sin was not obeying the mentor.
Because eating fruit from the tree of knowledge can NOT possibly be a sin.
It is human nature to desire knowledge.
It is not our choice.
So therefore it can not be a sin.
It does not harm anyone else.
There is no way is can be defined as a sin.
The only sin would be to deny knowledge to humans who have an innate need to know.
What is a sin if not going against G-d's orders?
The sin was not obeying the mentor.

Obedience is a sin if it is blind.
There has to be a good reason for what you are told to do or not, and if there is not one, then it is wrong to obey.
It is evil to demand obedience arbitrarily.
What is a sin if not going against G-d's orders?

Human nature is the divine order.
Nothing can be superior to that.
An arbitrary order to do or not do something, without any good reason, is evil and never to be obeyed.
Where does the Bible say it was an apple? It was fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I doubt if your average apple tree has anything to do with the knowledge of good and evil.

Exactly, and one who would deny knowledge to those with inherent curiosity, is evil.
Where does the Bible say it was an apple? It was fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I doubt if your average apple tree has anything to do with the knowledge of good and evil.

it's called.....a joke! Dude.
Obedience is a sin if it is blind.
There has to be a good reason for what you are told to do or not, and if there is not one, then it is wrong to obey.
It is evil to demand obedience arbitrarily.
I'm sure you never listen to your!

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