Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Human nature is the divine order.
Nothing can be superior to that.
An arbitrary order to do or not do something, without any good reason, is evil and never to be obeyed.
So in your opinion, Hitler was superior.
Human nature is the divine order.
Nothing can be superior to that.
An arbitrary order to do or not do something, without any good reason, is evil and never to be obeyed.
Great, now try answering my question...

Is going against G-d's orders a sin?

Having sex outside of marriage is human nature. G-d vehemetly forbids that. Is adultery not a sin?
it's called.....a joke! Dude.
True. However many people actually believe it was an apple in the story because that was the fruit the artists pictured.


Hendrick Goltzius The Fall of Man, 1616​

I'm sure you never listen to your!

Yeah, that is one of my sins.
I find the customer is wrong so often, I rarely listen to them.
I find out what the users actually want and need, and bypass the manager who hired me.
Makes for successful products, but makes me unlikely to get permanent hires.
So curiosity negates obedience.

Obedience is almost ALWAYS wrong.
That is how we ended up murdering 3 million innocent Vietnamese.
The only time obedience is of any value is with children who do not yet understand the dangers.
Yeah, that is one of my sins.
I find the customer is wrong so often, I rarely listen to them.
I find out what the users actually want and need, and bypass the manager who hired me.
Makes for successful products, but makes me unlikely to get permanent hires.
So tell me why creator who gave a couple the entire universe with one exception is so cruel.
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

Good to be questioning the popular delusions of churchianity.
The Apostle Paul said Eve was deceived.
From my reading of the matter in Genesis, Eve was not condemned, but told the consequences of what Adam did to her.

Adam was the snake. Adam's seed is like little serpents, and Adam's first son from that initial conception reveals the mind of Adam, who having full access to He who knows all and Created everything, did not consult with that Creator, but, instead Adam murdered the Creator in his mind when He deliberately cast the Creator out and chose Adam's own lust, desire, opinion.
This murderous, deceptive behavior of Adam was transfered to the first son, Cain, and Cain murdered Abel.

Apples and talking snakes are not part of the original story, save that Adam was like a snake in his thoughts, speech and behavior.
Yes to all the above.

In embracing one another as equal children of the Heavenly Kingdom we uplift each other, becoming better people with more unity in relations and clarity of vision, so we help each other to be more effective in improving ourselves and society at the same time. Both individually and collectively. Thank you BreezeWood more power and grace to you as you reach out to help others in this greater process of establishing Truth Peace and Justice for all humanity. Amen!

Thank you @BreezeWood more power and grace to you as you reach out to help others in this greater process of establishing Truth Peace and Justice for all humanity. Amen!

the prescribed religion of antiquity is for humanity ... there is a chance that all must accomplish the triumph required for admission to the Everlasting - or none will be admitted.

you refuse to answer, you are no longer a sinner - that's what it takes, nothing less - that is not the desert religions - they abandon the true religion in the very beginning by their accounting of a&e - who sought their own destiny and were granted their wish ...

or do you believe they became sinners, emily - that is the difference between you and me.
Rigby5...she disobeyed her creator. Satan knows womens' weakness. They're easily manipulated.

Anyone can claim to be a creator, but a real creator would know how essential curiosity and knowledge is to all human beings.
My good sense tells me your opinion will lead to death.

Obedience is where you burn witches because someone with power scared you into it.
Obedience is when slavery is accepted as normal.
Obedience is where you pay 30% taxes and extreme wealthy only pay 15%.
So tell me why creator who gave a couple the entire universe with one exception is so cruel.

Because knowing humans are inherently curious, it would be impossible to then obey such an arbitrary, and therefore even, order.
And no, it is not ONE exception.
It was symbolic of the tree of knowledge, so it was ALL information.
It was everything.
It was math, history, logic, chemistry, physics, biology, etc.
To deny all that is cruel beyond belief.
The whole topic is based on foolishness. I think i may have said i'm done with this. I'll keep that in mind this time.
you guys fail to realize that she knew and told the snake that if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge they would surely die. She knew nothing about that was nothing BUT curiosity.
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you guys fail to realize that she knew and told the snake that if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge they would surely die. She knew nothing about that was nothing BUT curiosity.

I never heard that Adam and Eve were immortal until then. But even is that is true, what is the point of immoral life, or life at all, without knowledge and the quest for knowledge?
True. However many people actually believe it was an apple in the story because that was the fruit the artists pictured.

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Hendrick Goltzius The Fall of Man, 1616​

Shouldn't they have been at least more Semitic looking?
Now we know the original humans were Black, but even in the Dark Ages, they should have at least expected our ancestors to be at least Semitic in darkness.

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