Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Not being an atheist, I cannot speak for them, but any good and moral person who is not concerned with the promotion of homophobia and misogyny by religions, is an immoral piece of garbage.
Homophobia huh?

which liberals define as an UNREASONABLE fear of sexual perversion

But I dont think the mental disorder known as homosexuality is good for society

and nor have reasonable people throughout history
no, your spirit is involatile its made that way for a reason sad for you to believe otherwise. your sins are yours alone however they may affect others insures your culpability. sinner.

you have to earn your way to the Everlasting. that book will do nothing for you, for that you are correct.

- your servitude is ill conceived.
What a load of rubbish. You gave no way of knowing those scenarios but in fact fabricated it yourself. How arrogant and presumptuous are you godbotherers.
You've yet to prove there is a god but now you can predict what he thinks and says.
Are you kidding.
Could Eve resist Satan?

Could Adam resist Eve?
You do recall from scriptures that Satan was given Dominion of all people. All includes A & E.

No, I don't "recall" that.

Eve could not resist Yahweh's own power running through Satan or the talking serpent.

She did resist God's power and disobeyed, according to the story - hence your claim is false.

Why else do you think god put them in Eden for if not to have Adam, not Eve, sin, so that the death of the redeemer in the wings would not be wasted.

Your own hymn sings of the happy fault of Adam's sin.
Why are Christians two faced on this?

You are the liar when you say Eve seduced Adam.

Get the dialog. There is nothing that shows Eve seducing Adam.


I don't play games of trying to guess the motives of the gods in myths. The story is what it is. Yet you chose to lie about it. The question is why did you lie? Are you in fact Satan?
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Nope. God placed His spirit there. He placed His spirit in all of us. Even you.
you are fundamentally in error - your spirit is yours alone nothing can intervene - that's why reading a book will not help you, it's how you manage your own life is what decides when the physiology expires what comes of you - your teddy bear messiah doesn't exist, sorry - time to grow up.
you are fundamentally in error - your spirit is yours alone nothing can intervene - that's why reading a book will not help you, it's how you manage your own life is what decides when the physiology expires what comes of you - your teddy bear messiah doesn't exist, sorry - time to grow up.

What evidence do you have that this spirit you have invented exists and that there is some sort of ill conceived and poorly defined judgement?
What evidence do you have that this spirit you have invented exists and that there is some sort of ill conceived and poorly defined judgement?
there is no reference for any deity ...
physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet Earth and will exist wherever conditions are conducive for its development and is guided by its particular spiritual content that when removed the physiology dissipates back into the atmosphere from where it came -

evolution is the proof of the dual role physical physiology and its spiritual content are the two components necessary for the living organism - the spiritual content of the above cicada transforms the being from a land creature to an avian and is the example and proof for the mechanism of evolutionary change.

the metaphysical is what sets the rules and is translated for all beings instinctively that must be followed for progression - the religion of antiquity - and the possibility for spiritual life after the physiology expires.
Again... .
you are fundamentally in error - your spirit is yours alone nothing can intervene - that's why reading a book will not help you, it's how you manage your own life is what decides when the physiology expires what comes of you - your teddy bear messiah doesn't exist, sorry - time to grow up.
Incorrect. Again... The spirit of God is not in a book. The spirit of God is in me and everyone. Including you.

Do you love God?
a&e chose their own mission of self determination granted to them for their own destiny without certainty of remission to the Everlasting upon failure in accomplishing their goal -

One cannot make an intelligent free willed choice without knowing the parameters.

Your view is dumb.

- is that suppose to make any sense -

the true mythological accounting would be their initiative - to do what is right ... your accounting throughout is factually absurd as exemplary as a goal for humanity as that is in particular what is missing, as the beginning - in any of the desert renderings, yours included.
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.

Was Adam born alone or first?

If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?

Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

You don't think Adam (mankind) suffered all these ages, because of those false teachings it took from Eve [the church= second bride of man (Adam)]?
Eve (the church) had no evil intent, but facilitated the sin, when it went against the warnings not to partake of the fallen false prophet and his teachings(serpents fruit).
Majority of the people think Adam (man) has suffered or why would they all ask the ultimate question of our suffering(s)?
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- is that suppose to make any sense -

the true mythological accounting would be their initiative - to do what is right ... your accounting throughout is factually absurd as exemplary as a goal for humanity as that is in particular what is missing, as the beginning - in any of the desert renderings, yours included.
Too stupid to get it.

Let me dumb it down for you.

A & E did not know good from evil, --- as they had yet to taste of those.

If I were to ask you to choose between two items to eat, one good and one evil, without you knowing anything of those two choices, --- could you make an informed free willed choice?

If so, choose between a twark and a kaszter.

You don't think Adam (mankind) suffered all these ages, because of those false teachings it took from Eve [the church= second bride of man (Adam)]?
Eve (the church) had no evil intent, but facilitated the sin, when it went against the warnings not to partake of the fallen false prophet and his teachings(serpents fruit).
Majority of the people think Adam (man) has suffered or why would they all ask the ultimate question of our suffering(s)?
Sure religions are guilty as sin.

So are all tribes.

The mainstream religions are asking us to target our own women and gays with hate.

Most other tribes have offered better and that is why the mainstream religions are dying.

Moral people want equality for all.

Too stupid to get it.

Let me dumb it down for you.

A & E did not know good from evil, --- as they had yet to taste of those.

If I were to ask you to choose between two items to eat, one good and one evil, without you knowing anything of those two choices, --- could you make an informed free willed choice?

If so, choose between a twark and a kaszter.

the true mythological accounting would be their initiative - to do what is right ... your accounting throughout is factually absurd as exemplary as a goal for humanity as that is in particular what is missing, as the beginning - in any of the desert renderings, yours included.
If I were to ask you to choose between two items to eat, one good and one evil, without you knowing anything of those two choices, --- could you make an informed free willed choice?
that was their decision, to chose their own destiny - your presumption is they were willing to live in ignorant bliss for all eternity would have been better.

they did make the decision, one that gave them their identity irregardless your rendering that as a sin.
that was their decision, to chose their own destiny
A parent does not let a Satan or talking serpent near their children.

The prick you follow put those there and watched them help write the Christian hymn that calls Adam's sin a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.

Why would you want to derail god's plan?

your presumption is they were willing to live in ignorant bliss for all eternity would have been better.
Your presumption, that I presume that, is not a fact.

Make an ass only of yourself.

I am one of the good Christians. A Gnostic Christian.


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