Add Maryland to States with a Secession Movement


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Some Western Md. Residents Want To Form Their Own State « CBS Baltimore

A tale of two Marylands: Western Maryland and the rest of the state. Fed up with high taxes and gun control, some people want to break away and go it alone.

Mary Bubala explains why they’re trying to form their own state.

There’s a storm brewing over the beautiful mountains and valleys of Western Maryland. More and more people in those five counties say Governor Martin O’Malley is out of touch and they want to break away from the rest of the state.

Maryland isn’t the only state where frustrated citizens want to break away. It’s happening in Colorado, California, Arizona and Michigan.

“Republican counties are becoming more emphatically Republican; Democratic counties are becoming more emphatically Democratic, which means the divisions between Republican and Democratic counties are becoming all the more sharp,” said Johns Hopkins University professor Matthew Crenson.

Now the movement here is picking up steam. More than 8,000 people like the Facebook page for the Western Maryland Initiative and more than a thousand have signed petitions–but could they really form a new state?

“This is a peaceful way to resolve irreconcilable differences,” Strzelczyk said. “Lots of people out there feel like there is no recourse, there is no hope.”

Rural people are getting so frustrated with libtard urban political machines that they are defying the law and trying to break off and form new states all over the country.

And of course the libtard urban political machines exist because they have been robbing the rural areas blind for over a century. But now its such a bad economy people are doing things that they realize wont work, but they are still organizing to do something.

So what happens when they eventually get denied?
I guess every state has its nutjob rightwingers

What are you going to do?
I guess every state has its nutjob rightwingers

What are you going to do?

The state I live in already had its secession and now we have the state of West Virginia.

BTW, kiss my ass, bootlicking fascist pig.
These secessionist movements are pointless because liberals will do what they always have. Flood the conservative area with liberals then vote for libtards. It will just mean more senators for liberals. Liberals are like locusts. They will consume everything, then move on to a new place to destroy.
These secessionist movements are pointless because liberals will do what they always have. Flood the conservative area with liberals then vote for libtards. It will just mean more senators for liberals. Liberals are like locusts. They will consume everything, then move on to a new place to destroy.

and when they run out of places.....?

I will gladly help rebuild this country after the locusts leave for greener fields, but I think those remaining will lock the door, which is sad as immigration has through most of our history been our greatest strength.
No states, not a one has a secession movement.

Several groups in several states talk secession.

Not the same thing.
If one looks at the where money is raised by taxes and where it is spent, one discovers that URBAN areas typically carry rural areas.


Because providing services to rural populations is naturally more costly.

NOBODY is at fault for this.

If one looks at the where money is raised by taxes and where it is spent, one discovers that URBAN areas typically carry rural areas.


Because providing services to rural populations is naturally more costly.

NOBODY is at fault for this.


So which rural Maryland county gets more state spending than Baltimore/Baltimore county/Montgomery/Pr George/Howard counties, the urban counties of the state?

Fiscal Year 2014 Enacted Capital Budget Map

In total the four urban counties and the city of Baltimore consume $738.7 million, far more than any other set of counties in the state, and the rest of the states counties only get $256.48 million COMBINED.

Which proves you are quite mistaken, dude.
What is the big deal?

When Conservatives don't get their way they try to take their ball and go home. People in their state don't vote the way they like so they want to make their own state

Playground mentality
What is the big deal?

When Conservatives don't get their way they try to take their ball and go home. People in their state don't vote the way they like so they want to make their own state

Playground mentality

Hey, fascist bitch, imagine that this is a third world country and the rural natives are some indigenous tribe being exploited by white elites.

It's the same thing here, but instead of indigenous tribes we have native born populations taken over by a foreign born elite run for the profits of a dying WASP elite.
" I’m really surprised you haven’t gotten to Texas v. White yet, though. The question of secession has actually come before SCOTUS. While many may (and do!) disagree vehemently with that decision, it does, nonetheless, stand. Barring a new ruling from the court, there is no Constitutional right of secession.

Here is the relevant section of the case Texas v White:"

goes on at some length:
There Is No ?Right of Secession? Guaranteed by the Constitution | The Good Democrat
" I’m really surprised you haven’t gotten to Texas v. White yet, though. The question of secession has actually come before SCOTUS. While many may (and do!) disagree vehemently with that decision, it does, nonetheless, stand. Barring a new ruling from the court, there is no Constitutional right of secession.

Here is the relevant section of the case Texas v White:"

goes on at some length:
There Is No ?Right of Secession? Guaranteed by the Constitution | The Good Democrat

I think Article four of the Constitution makes this clear:

Article Four of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

By Section Three, Congress may admit new states to the Union. Admission was planned for Vermont after settlement of border issues with New York. No new state, however, may be formed by joining multiple states, without the consent of all state legislatures concerned.

Maine also seceded from Massachusetts, as well as West Virginia, but the latter did not have the agreement of the state of Virginia.

If these people were serious they could do things to make their inclusion costly to the state governments such that it would agree to their leaving peacefully, such as driving up costs of repairing roads, schools, finding clever accounting methods of not relaying funds to the state capital, etc.
I guess every state has its nutjob rightwingers

What are you going to do?

A "nutjob," in your parlance, must be anyone who objects to being used like a borrowed mule. People who are content with being treated like pack animals are the true "nutjobs."
I guess every state has its nutjob rightwingers

What are you going to do?

The state I live in already had its secession and now we have the state of West Virginia.

BTW, kiss my ass, bootlicking fascist pig.

Rightwinger has already stated his desire to engage in the mass slaughter of anyone who deigns to secede from the United States of Socialist Amerika.
Is there even a Constitutional provision allowing secession?

The Constitution specifically prohibits the secession of counties from a state, which didn't slow the feds down when they set up West Virginia.

Lincoln and the Union Congress simply wiped their asses on the Constitution when they created the state of West Virginia. The Constitution clearly states that Congress cannot create a state from the territory of another state without the later's permission.
SCOTUS interprets the Constitution. What the Constitution or Bill of Rights might say doesn't superceed a latter SCOTUS ruling. Why secessionists and 'soverign citizens' types get into trouble, they think it does. It doesn't.

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