Additional details about giving rep

Some people enjoy trying to tear others down. Why? Who really knows why. It's just sad that some people have to be that way. Toxicity. :neutral:

What absoulte utter bullshit. If people think taking repping to seriously is silly, why are they not allowed to express that point of view? Toxic? Really? To disagree with someone. Yeah, right.

No, that's not it. There's a difference between opining that repping is silly, and attacking people personally. If you read some of the posts in this thread, they're doing just that. It's that sort of snarky, malevolent behavior that you'd find in immature adults.

When it goes beyond civil disagreement to deliberately trying to injure and insult someone, that's the distinction.

What is even more amusing, some of the ones posting here that being concerned about rep is silly are the same ones that copy and paste sections of their CP that shows how much positive rep they got in one day....:lol:
I've never done or said anyting to or about either one of them. But I do wonder: am I not allowed to have an opinion regarding taking reps too seriously? One is allowed to have a opinion now and then...or maybe not.

I feel your opinion about rep is totally valid and anyone else that said something about rep. I made a joke about it too. That's what this thread is for I think-talking about rep? It just seems that the FZ drama is being brought here also by some folks who wait for certain people to post and pounce on them at every opportunity anywhere they do so.

They need new material badly. :lol:

This, absolutely. I experienced it firsthand, too.

It's sad, it's cruel, and it's desperate. And fueled by boredom, or partisan adversity.

For Pete's sake, he made an informative OP about the rep system. Next thing you know, drama. If some people don't like Stat they should take their bad feelings for him downstairs, instead of using this upstairs thread as an excuse to attack him. We're all adults, right? This kind of juvenility is insulting, and our community deserves better.
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I don't know about you, or anyone else for that matter, but the last thing I looked for when I joined was info about rep, much less the rules.


Which is why I provided this thread!!!


your post doesn't make any sense. someone says that when they joined that last thing they wanted info on was rep and you say...yeah....that is why i spent an hour making this thread about rep.


I'm glad someone besides me caught that. Stat's response to what I said threw me off. I was trying to figure out what I missed.
What is even more amusing, some of the ones posting here that being concerned about rep is silly are the same ones that copy and paste sections of their CP that shows how much positive rep they got in one day....:lol:

Who does that?
What is even more amusing, some of the ones posting here that being concerned about rep is silly are the same ones that copy and paste sections of their CP that shows how much positive rep they got in one day....:lol:

Who does that?

Check the Repository of Neg Rep thread. The thread is supposed to be about negs, but someone decided they needed to brag about their pos rep.:lol:
What is even more amusing, some of the ones posting here that being concerned about rep is silly are the same ones that copy and paste sections of their CP that shows how much positive rep they got in one day....:lol:

Who does that?

Check the Repository of Neg Rep thread. The thread is supposed to be about negs, but someone decided they needed to brag about their pos rep.:lol:

Yeah, Stat does that frequently.
I started doing it because he was bragging about how he went there to score pos rep off his negs.

So I posted all my pos reps in a day to shut him up.

And it worked.

I see Mertex is still following me about. HIYA SWEETIE!!!

I swear. My fans are nuts.
Don't forget...mertex jumps on every sleezy rep bandwagon there is. She's a fan of statist.
So, for you to be pointing fingers at someone for making a thread about rep, and saying that being concerned with rep is silly, why don't you consider that you have done it to, so your comment would be considered hypocritical. No surprise.

When you post chunks of your pos rep....that's proof positive that you are mindful of how much you have and how much you get...quit pretending you are above it.

And you jump on every sleazy denigrating thread, you must be a friend of Amelia.
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Opinions are OK, but also trying to hurt people under that facade isn't. Especially for adults, because adults should know better. They set the example.

Well, I don't know anything about you to say, but Stats is certainly not above taking meanspirited pot shots at people, and doing so quite often.

Anyway, I do not do drama. Unfortunately, expressing my opinion in this thread has somehow become drama, so I'm out of here.

Way to drive people away because they have an opposing opinion. Bravo.

My posts do not exclude Stat, either. It applies to everyone including me.

A benign opinion, even one that vehemently disagrees, is OK. Posts meant to ridicule and attack others is beneath mature adults. That's not how good people behave, by being mean-spirited and vicious. People can be nasty and hateful and envious of other people, true, but that will never make it alright. We should treat people better than that, in my own fallible opinion.

Hey, he put his informational data up and people are telling him what they think about it. Anyone runs that risk posting on a daily basis.
I've never done or said anyting to or about either one of them. But I do wonder: am I not allowed to have an opinion regarding taking reps too seriously? One is allowed to have a opinion now and then...or maybe not.

I feel your opinion about rep is totally valid and anyone else that said something about rep. I made a joke about it too. That's what this thread is for I think-talking about rep? It just seems that the FZ drama is being brought here also by some folks who wait for certain people to post and pounce on them at every opportunity anywhere they do so.

They need new material badly. :lol:

This, absolutely. I experienced it firsthand, too.

It's sad, it's cruel, and it's desperate. And fueled by boredom, or partisan adversity.

For Pete's sake, he made an informative OP about the rep system. Next thing you know, drama. If some people don't like Stat they should take their bad feelings for him downstairs, instead of using this upstairs thread as an excuse to attack him. We're all adults, right? This kind of juvenility is insulting, and our community deserves better.

:eusa_boohoo: good lord lighten up.

And our community DESERVES far, far worse. Thank goodness we AREN'T dealt what we deserve!
What is even more amusing, some of the ones posting here that being concerned about rep is silly are the same ones that copy and paste sections of their CP that shows how much positive rep they got in one day....:lol:

Who does that?

Check the Repository of Neg Rep thread. The thread is supposed to be about negs, but someone decided they needed to brag about their pos rep.:lol:

No need to check it now. I get back from lunch, read up on this thread, and see where the answer has already been given.

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