Admit it: GOP has no plans to help anyone except the rich and corporations

There are loony right and left, out there in this country.
Just because this guy says this, does not mean all right wingers want this.


You got the proof and you trivialize it..

In any case..I've actually travelled.

Third world and developing nations are generally very conservative.

And that's what they have there.

Third world and developing nations are all strong, centralized governments that are authoritarian or outright tyrannical.

Certainly not a conservative point of view. More like a liberal one. One government to rule them all!

I have traveled to 28 foreign countries, several of them third world shitholes, and you are exactly right.
You start these dumbass threads just to get attention.

You need to buy some fish.

Come on USMB right wingers, admit it. Just come out and admit it. The GOP has no plans to help anyone except the rich and corporations.

We know what they want to do to the:

Middle Class

It's not about about "redistribution of wealth, but about resource organization. Besides, the wealth has already been "redistributed" to the "needy" top 1%.

But how will what they want to do actually help the country?
If you want to prove how powerful you are to me despite my knowledge of how pitiful you are then you will need to come to me. I tend to have spent large amounts of my youth playing war games of all sorts, and though i am not the best, I have played with them. I tend not to have to drive across the county to satisfy my ego anymore, but if you do feel that need i always love a good game.
War games? Dood -- seriously? Playing war games makes you intimidating?

Can you think of a good reason I shouldn't laugh in your face? Because I sure can't.


I think it's a she.
Meh. The female leftist vibe and the male leftist vibe are practically indistinguishable.
If you want to prove how powerful you are to me despite my knowledge of how pitiful you are then you will need to come to me. I tend to have spent large amounts of my youth playing war games of all sorts, and though i am not the best, I have played with them. I tend not to have to drive across the county to satisfy my ego anymore, but if you do feel that need i always love a good game.
War games? Dood -- seriously? Playing war games makes you intimidating?

Can you think of a good reason I shouldn't laugh in your face? Because I sure can't.

My stepson plays a mean game of Mech War.....Ranks up there pretty high too....I guess I should be afraid of

Oh don't worry, if it were to occur, and if circumstance brought me to your poorly fortified home, I am not worried about the small resistance you will put up.



Yeah, i do have a knowledge of about how worthwhile the majority of americans are including the police and military. Yes, i do also like MLP. Yes, I have run opposition to tactical training for the military and police. That is not to mention seeing a rather large range of people who do war simulations. I actually do have quite the extensive experience in these areas. This is not to mention knowledge in weapons, explosives, and how to turn a car into a reinforced offroad tank. I have hung out with the crazy survivalist fringe crowd, police, and military for large parts of my life. Trust me, the crazy friends I have are not going to be fighting for the rich or the republicans. They won't be fighting for the dems either so don't think they will get away with anything.
Still not intimidated. Did you know anyone can say anything on the internet?
When people don't need clean air, clean water, electricity, sewers, safety standards, a military and so on, then we can live in the Republican "every man for himself" utopia they imagine somehow actually works.
Hyperbole much? Limited government will not cause those things to emerge. Nice try though. Here is an idea...Cut lose the strings and take a deep breath of the clean, FREE, air of liberty. It is invigorating!

If Republicans had their way, NO ONE would be free. Especially women. Because their bodies would need 24 hour policing. We would be living in a kind of right wing Christian Taliban Plutocracy.
Your victimhood fantasies are amusing. The reality is you're not worth the effort to oppress. :lol:
Its borderline retarded to post such a stupid title no? Does Mitt wake up saying lets screw people over? Insane and the government doesn't create prosperity it taxes and takes it or in a communist democraps administration they try to regulate the closure of businesses like coal it doesn't like. Yes Mitt or anyone with a brain can help our economy grow by slashing scumbag government!

Actually he doesn't. Mainly because he has no idea they exist. It's not in his sphere of understanding.

That's why he doesn't understand or really care one whit what his actions do..or how they impact people outside his economic strata.

That kind has never helped grow the economy.
Don't change the subject to Obama.
When people don't need clean air, clean water, electricity, sewers, safety standards, a military and so on, then we can live in the Republican "every man for himself" utopia they imagine somehow actually works.

Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

Well no.

Republicans do want all these things..but for themselves..only. They wouldn't mind sectioning off the US into gated communities.
Go be stupid somewhere else.
Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

Well no.

Republicans do want all these things..but for themselves..only. They wouldn't mind sectioning off the US into gated communities.

Most folks in gated communities in California are liberals.
Which president put all that money into AIDS research and medication for the world's most poor?

He only did that because he hated science and wanted poor people dead!

Yes, that's really what some leftists use instead of rational thought.
Come on USMB right wingers, admit it. Just come out and admit it. The GOP has no plans to help anyone except the rich and corporations.

We know what they want to do to the:

Middle Class

It's not about about "redistribution of wealth, but about resource organization. Besides, the wealth has already been "redistributed" to the "needy" top 1%.

But how will what they want to do actually help the country?
Who hires the poor and makes them rich?

Oh. Private industries.
Who hires most of the middle class?
Oh. Private Industries.
Who hires most women?
Oh. Private Industries.
Who hires most minorities?
Oh. Private Industries.
Who hires the unemployed and makes them employed?
Oh. Private Industries.
Who hires the most elderly?
Oh. Private Industries.
What happens to Private Industries when they can't make money any more?
They go bankrupt.
When enough Private Industries are bankrupt over failure to be profitable, what happens?
The unemployment rate goes up.
What's the best way to fix unemployment?
Tax profitable businesses? - nope
Raise gas prices? - nope
Expand welfare - nope
Raise taxes higher than they've ever been before? - nope
Tax profitable businesses? - nope
What were we doing when unemployment was at its lowest levels?
Giving businesses incentives to hire? - yep
Encouraging Americans to buy American-made products? - yep
Giving American businesses technological encouragement? - yep
Training jobless people to fill positions in successessful businesses? - yep
Why are we repeating bad policies of the past?

Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

Well no.

Republicans do want all these things..but for themselves..only. They wouldn't mind sectioning off the US into gated communities.

hey in California there is many gated Communities with plenty of Democrats living in them.....what the fuck happened to you?....geezus....
Head trauma?
When people don't need clean air, clean water, electricity, sewers, safety standards, a military and so on, then we can live in the Republican "every man for himself" utopia they imagine somehow actually works.

Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

And Republicans never said, "Let him die", "feed the poor and they'll breed" and applauded executions. I imagined it all.

you did what you usually do or a few Far Right people say something.....and you attribute that to everyone on the Right,like your doing here....then you wonder why no one takes you seriously.....and i have to laugh at those times when you whine about how no one you get called names.....your a joke thats why....
Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

And Republicans never said, "Let him die", "feed the poor and they'll breed" and applauded executions. I imagined it all.

And Republicans never said, "Let him die"

That is a lie and you are a liar....

Republicans never said that.

I know because I am a Republican and i never said those words.... :eusa_hand:
one guy said it somewhere....he was a "Righty"....Dean saw it....and of course every person to Deans right, either agrees with the guy or is a least thinking the same thing.....when you see a Dean post.....just think of the guy in my was taken in Chicago....its gotta be Dean.......Dean is from there.....who else could it be?....
When people don't need clean air, clean water, electricity, sewers, safety standards, a military and so on, then we can live in the Republican "every man for himself" utopia they imagine somehow actually works.

Do you realize that the things you just said are left wing political rhetoric,in order to get you vote for Dem's?
Just like the right does, in order to get you to vote Repub's?
You got to get in there and look for actual facts.
Not the lies that both parties spew just to get the votes.

How about using some common sense, instead of listening to the left and right propaganda.

I mean come on.
No one wants to drink dirty water, everyone wants clean air,electricity, sewers, safety standards, and military.
The every man for himself is left wing, not true, propaganda.

And Republicans never said, "Let him die", "feed the poor and they'll breed" and applauded executions. I imagined it all.

No, you read the political spins in reports,and blogs.

No Republicans did not say that.
One extreme far right audience member said it.

feed the poor and they will breed;
Andre Bauer, lieutenant governor of South Carolina
and candidate for S.C. governor

His thesis is that government assistance actually causes poverty because it subsidizes and encourages irresponsible actions. “In government, we continue to reward bad behavior,” he said. “Any time we give somebody money we’re rewarding them. We’re telling them to keep doing what they’re doing.”

Cut off those subsidies, in other words, and poverty will decrease.

This is what he actually said;
The framers were somewhat afraid of democracy, the people would vote themselves all the goodies, they believed, but it hasn't happened. It seems the rich, somehow, seem to have convinced a large segment of the poor not to vote for themselves but for the wealthy and corporate interests.
That is the Social Science question of all time: how did the wealthy pursuade so many poor to vote for policies that make the wealthy stronger and richer?
The upper class have now embarked on programs to prevent the poor from voting, remove power from labor unions, make education questionable, let the rich keep more money and so on. How do they do it?

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