Admitted Failures: Obama Administration Admits They Always Knew Syria Still Had Chemical Weapons


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama's 'Syria LOSER' Squad

Former top Obama official admits: ‘We always knew’ Syria still had chemical weapons, lied anyway

"A former top official in the Obama administration admitted in a report Sunday that the United States government “always knew” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad still had chemical weapons following a 2013 agreement, despite routinely boasting otherwise."

Obama routinely, shamelessly lied to Americans all the time to make himself seem better, more successful. As this latest bit of news comes out, it just adds to the mounting evidence of how most of his 'successes' were all self-touted LIES!

“We always knew we had not gotten everything, that the Syrians had not been fully forthcoming in their declaration,” Tony Blinken, former deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser, told the New York Times recently.

Blinken’s comments directly refute those his bosses made between 2014 and as recently as this January."

The dude who swore to run the most transparent administration evuh lied his ass off from before he ever won the election and is still lying now.
Their foreign policy was ridiculous.
Don't get me wrong, though. Its not like that amount of failure is something different than what we are used to.
The Obama Administration was the most corrupt administration in U.S. history and the only one which continues to be plagued even after the end of the administration...

Evidence suggests Obama admin knew Syria still had chemical weapons but lied about it anyway

The lies were obvious for anyone willing to open their eyes and pull their tongue out of Obama's ass.

If the prez was Pub, the media would have been all over FAST AND FURIOUS, BENGHAZI,. NSA SPYING, VA fraud, IRS corruption, SPying on the AP, spying on James Rosen... goes on and on and on.

The best lie was when Obama said over and over that there was NOT ONE SCANDAL DURING HIS ENTIRE PRESIDENCY.

Hmmm....why did OBAMA invoke EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE and prevent 1300 pages of documents related to the FAST AND FURIOUS from being released to Congressional Investigative bodies ?

Eric Holder was held in criminal contempt of Congress, on a BIPARTISAN VOTE rather than cooperate in the investigation.

Seems odd if there was NOTHING wrong.
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The Obama Administration was the most corrupt administration in U.S. history and the only one which continues to be plagued even after the end of the administration...

Evidence suggests Obama admin knew Syria still had chemical weapons but lied about it anyway
Reagans admin has a shitload of arrests. Does that not count?

The DOJ wasn't a fully owned subsidiary of the Admin and DNC as it was under the obummer Admin. In other words they still did their job way back then.
What specific foreign policy successes did Obama have?


What was the problem, and how did Obama solve it?
I do believe they believed their philosophy of the world was right, and if implemented everyone would sing kumbya. Unfortunately they lied every time it failed. And left the world a much more dangerous place.
What specific foreign policy successes did Obama have?


What was the problem, and how did Obama solve it?
Evidence suggests Obama admin knew Syria still had chemical weapons but lied about it anyway

"There exists evidence to suggest the Obama administration knew the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria still had a stockpile of chemical weapons despite continued claims they made a deal with the regime to give them up.

Indeed, top Obama administration officials routinely boasted during Obama’s second term that they secured a deal with Assad’s regime that removed “100 percent of the declared chemical weapons out of Syria,” according to then-Secretary of State John Kerry
in 2014.

The administration celebrated the deal because it took pressure off them after Obama failed to uphold his “red line” policy. The policy, implemented in 2012, promised to take military action in Syria if Assad used chemical weapons against his people. And once he did later in 2013, Obama didn’t respond, weakening the U.S. in the Middle East. The “deal” to allegedly get chemical weapons of out Syria was Obama’s out."

In fact, many in the Obama administration knew the “deal” with the Assad regime was merely a sham."

...Just like Obama's 'Agreement' with Iran is a 'sham'.

Obama's whole Presidency was a 'sham'.
Obama and Kerry got duped by Assad and Putin?

I'm shocked, I tell you, just shocked...
Did anyone ever really believe that Putin who never wanted Assad out of power would make sure all of Assads chemical weapons were accounted for and destroyed?
I do believe they believed their philosophy of the world was right, and if implemented everyone would sing kumbya. Unfortunately they lied every time it failed. And left the world a much more dangerous place.
What specific foreign policy successes did Obama have?


What was the problem, and how did Obama solve it?

The world is NOT a like the USA.

Bush GROSSLY miscalculated the Iraqi people's desire to be free.

Freedom has consequences for the results of your free will. Some people would rather be cradle to grave slaves.

The Iraqi people were largely not motivated for fight for Iraq against their evil dictator.
If Susan Rice lied about chemical weapons isn't it likely she lied about Banghazi and the mysterious you tube video?
They did miscalculate. And you can't blame the Iraqi's really. Most had known nothing but an evil dictator, and one that convinced them the US was even worse. They were scared shitless, in my opinion.
I do believe they believed their philosophy of the world was right, and if implemented everyone would sing kumbya. Unfortunately they lied every time it failed. And left the world a much more dangerous place.
What specific foreign policy successes did Obama have?


What was the problem, and how did Obama solve it?

The world is NOT a like the USA.

Bush GROSSLY miscalculated the Iraqi people's desire to be free.

Freedom has consequences for the results of your free will. Some people would rather be cradle to grave slaves.

The Iraqi people were largely not motivated for fight for Iraq against their evil dictator.
Bush GROSSLY miscalculated the Iraqi people's desire to be free.

I disagree in this way:

I have no doubt the people of Iraq wanted to be free. THEY DID NOT HAVE THE KNOW-HOW TO BE FREE.

These were a people who couldn't take a sh!t without Hussein telling them they could do so and even then had to do it in a way that was pleasing to Hussein and his f*ed up kids.

These were people who were arrested, tortured, gassed, etc.

Their govt was run 1 way - however Saddam wanted. There was no 'legislature', no discussion / debate / negotiations / compromises.

Their lives were totally controlled one day by a dictator, and the next day the US was telling all these tribes to 'come together and work it out'.

Yah, uh-huh...

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