Adult Children of Gay Couples Suffer Poorer Outcomes

The Regenerus study, however, HAS been disproven repeatedly. :lol:
LOL. No, actually it hasnt. It has been the subject of highly partisan attacks and picked apart to destroy what is an obvious truth.
Im surprised the author hasnt had his house burned down.

Nope. It was universally panned by actual experts in the field. The doofus even had to admit in court that his study was bogus.

Bigots love it, even if it's panned and never peer reviewed though.
LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships, but not the unstable gay relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
The methodology of that study has been criticized.

Regnerus Fallout
The study is controversial because of its methodological flaws, how it was financed, its clear anti-same-sex-marriage motivations, and the suspiciously fast and sloppy way it was published in a peer review journal.

The major religious right groups in the U.S. – many of which are have ties to the Witherspoon Institute – immediately promoted and defended the study, including the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, the National Organization for Marriage, NOM’s Ruth Institute, the Liberty Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom, and, of course, the Witherspoon Institute.

But Regnerus’ stated findings were incredibly misleading. Regnerus did not compare children raised by stably coupled same-sex parents with children raised by stably coupled opposite-sex parents. Remember, he only found two respondents who said they were raised by two lesbian parents for their entire childhoods, but he lumped these respondents in with all of the respondents who said their mother had a same-sex relationship. Thus, his conclusion that he had debunked the “no differences” theory is not supported by the data he analyzed. Instead, Regnerus had effectively measured children raised in stable household to children whose households were characterized by instability. Many critics of this study, including Regnerus’ professional organization, the American Sociological Association, have pointed out that the negative outcomes were predictable rather than revelatory.

The Witherspoon Institute, a conservative think tank based in Princeton, N.J., funded the bulk of the New Family Structures Study, to the tune of nearly $700,000. Initially, the Witherspoon Institute, which has been advocating against same-sex marriage for years, gave Regnerus a $55,000 planning grant and followed it up with a $640,000 grant.

So you want to select out all the screwed up gays and only use the few that are no screwed up?

The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples.

It isn't hard to grasp...if you want to.

The instability of same sex relationships is part of the difference, selecting that out would give you false data.

You have nothing but your own bigotry to show same sex relationships are more unstable than straight relationships.

Every other straight marriage ends in divorce, so I would be very careful with your assumptions.

LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

You just described the OP's study.

Nope, I just describe what the critics WANT to do so they can try to gin up good numbers to support their ideology.

Your buddies are making the demand for that right above.

Here cut and pasted for you.

"The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples."


"Regnerus did not compare children raised by stably coupled same-sex parents with children raised by stably coupled opposite-sex parents. "

That's your side of the debate wanting that.
LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.

Please cut and paste the portion of the article where they describe that.
LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.

Please cut and paste the portion of the article where they describe that.
In my first post in this topic I provided that information.

So, I guess the whole "children need a mother and a father" argument is now blown to shit.

It was 'blown to shit' a while ago. Children need parents.

Well yes, but more than that, children need a loving and nurturing environment. Two parents, identified based on whatever their gender, succeed or fail in the same way as two parents as identified by their race: on the content of their character.

LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.

Please cut and paste the portion of the article where they describe that.
In my first post in this topic I provided that information.

We're on page 17, please provide it again.
LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.

Please cut and paste the portion of the article where they describe that.
In my first post in this topic I provided that information.

We're on page 17, please provide it again.
See post 102.
LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

That is exactly what the OP study did. They selected out the unstable straight relationships.

So you are correct. They created a false picture.

Please cut and paste the portion of the article where they describe that.
In my first post in this topic I provided that information.

We're on page 17, please provide it again.
See post 102.

There is nothing in that post about him selecting out unstable straight relationships.

Must go, will return later.
Adult Children of Gay Couples Suffer Poorer Outcomes

So do Adult Children of Alcoholics
True. Children of dysfunctional people have poorer outcomes. And homosexuals are dysfunctional people.
It's irrational to think that there would be any other outcome....
It's being willfully blind to deny that there are other situations with possible negative outcomes that aren't being mentioned. Also, we're talking averages, so the fact that one child has same-sex parents doesn't automatically mean a child with a traditional upbringing is in a better situation.

1. No. The Gold Standard is the traditional nuclear family. Comparing gay couples to that is certainly called for.

2. Yes, you are completely right about averages. That is incredibly rare for liberals to understand. Are you sure about your choice of a clown avatar?

The so-called traditional family is not diminished by the existence of gay married couples with children, single parent families, couples with adopted children, or anything of the sort.

Funny how my state is one of the first to recognize same sex marriage & my 'traditional nuclear marriage' of 30 years hasn't been affected in the least.
A homosexual couple with children is a nuclear family.

Strange. YOu did not answer my question. YOu dodged it.

Why are you afraid?

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

A homosexual couple with a child is a nuclear family.

Take the inaccuracy and homophobic bias out of your question and I might answer it.

YOu have well internalized the Orwellian liberal tactic of taking control of the language as a dishonest tool of Power.

But, save it for someone who might be fooled.

I haven't forgotten that you refuse to answer a very simple yes or no question.

Now, Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?

I have no idea what your question is asking. I fully support the right of gays to marry, to have children, to adopt children.

Work it out for yourself.

Don't play stupid.

It's a simple question.

I think the answer is yes. You do know of such a couple, someone close to you. That's why you are playing dumb.

And it didn't work out very well. And that's why you want to change the subject so bad.

Because you know the facts are not on your side of this issue.

Oh that's utter bullshit. I KNOW 2 gay couple WITH KIDS & they are intelligent, well adjusted & certainly thriving little boys. ALL 5 of them.
These sorts of attacks on mixed race parents and their children used to be quite common too.

Did you run away from the facts in those discussions too?

Ah, so there it comes out. Your racism.

LOL!! And now you've done it!


The Ultimate sign of a liberal who is losing the debate and desperately wants to change the subject...

But so early...

Do you have personal experiences or observations that have led you to the conclusion yourself that homosexual couples will NOT have good outcomes (compared to nuclear families) for children?
He's another one who likes to deflect...
Judge them to what end? No one is going to make the single mom give up her children to a 'better' set of parents.

I think it is important for people to have good information when making decisions.

IMO, the vast myth that Single Moms are just as good as the Traditional Family has led millions of women to make bad choices and screw up their lives.

Nobody says that. In fact, all studies show that children do best in two PARENT households.
Single mothers 'do just as good a job as couples'

Your post doesn't disprove what I said. Children do best in homes with two parents. That's undisputed.

Remember the way Dan Quayle was savaged by the media for slamming Murphy Brown?

Here is what he said that outraged the pop culture talking heads.

"Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong. Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong and we must be unequivocal about this. It doesn’t help matters when primetime TV has Murphy Brown, a character who supposedly epitomizes today’s intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice. I know it’s not fashionable to talk about moral values, but we need to do it! Even though our cultural leaders in Hollywood, network TV and the national newspapers routinely jeer at them, I think most of us in this room know that some things are good and other things are wrong. And now, it’s time to make the discussion public. It’s time to talk again about the family, hard work, integrity and personal responsibility. We cannot be embarrassed out of our belief that two parents married to each other are better, in most cases, for children than one."

He was figuratively lynched in the media for speaking this heresy.

He was mocked for bitching about a fake character on a TV show more than anything else.
The question is what happens when Muslims encounter the utopia of gay marriage??

I see dead people...
The methodology of that study has been criticized.

Regnerus Fallout

So you want to select out all the screwed up gays and only use the few that are no screwed up?

The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples.

It isn't hard to grasp...if you want to.

The instability of same sex relationships is part of the difference, selecting that out would give you false data.

You have nothing but your own bigotry to show same sex relationships are more unstable than straight relationships.

Every other straight marriage ends in divorce, so I would be very careful with your assumptions.

LOL. Selecting out the higher rate of unstable relationships is a way of creating a false picture of what is going on.

You just described the OP's study.

Nope, I just describe what the critics WANT to do so they can try to gin up good numbers to support their ideology.

Your buddies are making the demand for that right above.

Here cut and pasted for you.

"The children of stable gay couples should be compared to the children of stable straight couples."


"Regnerus did not compare children raised by stably coupled same-sex parents with children raised by stably coupled opposite-sex parents. "

That's your side of the debate wanting that.

Um yes, the study should compare stable couples gay and straight. Regenerus didn't. That's the problem with his "study".

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