Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

Not so much "laughable" as "nonexistent", since no such party exists. And if one did, you would have already disqualified yourself from opining on it.

The question stands. WHO is starting all these butthurt threads about whether she's on "vacation", whether she has a place to live, countless jokes trying to sell the "stupid" label, etc etc etc?

Is "The Media" running several sock accounts on USMB then?

So yes -------------- butthurt is exactly the term. TownHall and Hateway Plundit and user-generated Googly Image jokes are not in any definition "The Media".

How far is Queens from New Orleans? Well over thousand miles of pure butthurt.

the girl is a continual source of amusement. Stop trying to cover for her. and yes, we have plenty of idiot politicians here too. Several of them are serving, or have served jail time. Democrat corruption knows no state line limits. and funny, all of our jailed politicians were democrats-------------coincidence? don't think so.

Democrat House leadership will muzzle Cortez. Her yapping is becoming the proverbial turd-in-the-punchbowl for their campaign to appear re-Americanized.

I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Interesting. Most males would immediately pick up on that.

Sure, the ones that actually can't get a women and have to resort to the internet or christian conservativism.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Some folks need a break from the triggereing she has unleashed within them.

Yeah, I can usually only laugh for so long before I need to take a break, catch my breath, and get ready for the NEXT time she makes me laugh.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Some folks need a break from the triggereing she has unleashed within them.

Yeah, I can usually only laugh for so long before I need to take a break, catch my breath, and get ready for the NEXT time she makes me laugh.

Great, don't worry, be laughy.
If you didn't see it the first time, quoting it again won't help you. Here are the options, either you're truly too dense to recognize it or you know perfectly well what it is and you're playing dumb. Either way, I'll have to treat you like a child to help you understand. I'm willing to do that for you if you really need it. Is that what you want?

Sooooooooooo instead of just admitting you can't do it and therefore were WRONG ---- you toss me a word salad and think I'll be distracted. How amusing.

Okay, so you're going with truly too dense. We can work with that. You see, the poster said this:

"Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?"

Adults realize that the first question was intended to set the stage for disapproval over the comments about a female democrat. You know, a girl and stuff. Some day you'll understand that looks are very important to a lot of girls (women too, but I'm keeping this where you'll understand better). Now, here's the tricky part and likely where you got lost. The second question was an allusion to the appearance of Trump's press secretary. Again, a girl and stuff (don't worry, some day you'll start to understand all those strange feelings when you think about girls, or maybe not). He's implying that she's not very pretty and because of that, conservatives shouldn't say things about somebody he wants to protect. I know, it's really stupid, but then, what can you expect?

Are you with me so far? I know I'm using big words you might not have heard before, like woman and comments and disapproval, but I'm teaching you things here, so look them up if you don't understand. So now, do you see the value judgement on a women's appearance or are you still hazy on the concept? I know I've given you a lot to think about so take your time and read it several times.

Once AGAIN your post was, and I quote:

That sounds an awful lot like a value judgement on a woman's appearance.

--- To which I asked, what value he was judging.
You have no answer to that. So I'll give it to you. Free. He was indeed judging a value, that being the very real value judgment of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, in this post he quoted:

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.

---- which by the way isn't even your post in the first place. But before you came charging in on yon white steed he was value-judging the idea of judging women based on appearance ("eye reduction"; "over bite [sic]"). That's advocating the idea that a Congresscritter who lives seven hundred miles away from the poster who posted it, somehow "needs" to transmogrify her facial features to suit him, a non-constituent who lives seven hundred miles away.

RW said nothing about what Sarah Huckabee-Sanders "needs" to do to placate him. He simply called the offending poster out on that poster's own standard. And you'll notice that poster since ran away.

Are we clear now?

By bringing Sanders into it, he clearly made her appearance part of the discussion. So yes, value judgement placed. Did you understand the big words I used?

And he said *WHAT* about Sanders' appearance, oh white knight?

Once again I'll give you the answer. He said the offending poster should consider it given that poster's own standard. That makes it Votto's move.

The only reason to bring her appearance into that context was as a negative example. Are you going to pretend you don't see that?
not butthurt, laughing at the "future of the democrat party".

Not so much "laughable" as "nonexistent", since no such party exists. And if one did, you would have already disqualified yourself from opining on it.

and its true, if the media was not obsessed with this moron, none of us would be aware of her ignorant ramblings.

The question stands. WHO is starting all these butthurt threads about whether she's on "vacation", whether she has a place to live, countless jokes trying to sell the "stupid" label, etc etc etc?

Is "The Media" running several sock accounts on USMB then?

So yes -------------- butthurt is exactly the term. TownHall and Hateway Plundit and user-generated Googly Image jokes are not in any definition "The Media".

How far is Queens from New Orleans? Well over thousand miles of pure butthurt.

the girl is a continual source of amusement. Stop trying to cover for her. and yes, we have plenty of idiot politicians here too. Several of them are serving, or have served jail time. Democrat corruption knows no state line limits. and funny, all of our jailed politicians were democrats-------------coincidence? don't think so.

Democrat House leadership will muzzle Cortez. Her yapping is becoming the proverbial turd-in-the-punchbowl for their campaign to appear re-Americanized.

I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.
the bottom line is if she just took the time and didn't crow about it, it would not ever have been discussed. The arrogant girl brought this on herself from the beginning, and it looks like she cannot shut up and stop making stupid ignorant statements.

Welcome to our planet and the bubblesphere of Twitter. Duh.

What some Rep-elect from a district a thousand miles away from you elects (pun intended) to Twit about affects you exactly how? You're the one whining about what somebody else is doing with her personal time --- who does that make "arrogant"?

the idiot girl from NY has zero affect on me, or you. But she has made herself hard to ignore with her constant gaffes and misstatements, plus the media seems determined to put her on every news outlet as much as possible, even to the point of calling her the future of the dem party. If that's true, the dem party is over.

:lmao: Drama queen much?

Sooooooooooooooooo "the media" is determined, is it.

Who's starting all these butthurt threads then?

not butthurt, laughing at the "future of the democrat party".

Not so much "laughable" as "nonexistent", since no such party exists. And if one did, you would have already disqualified yourself from opining on it.

and its true, if the media was not obsessed with this moron, none of us would be aware of her ignorant ramblings.

The question stands. WHO is starting all these butthurt threads about whether she's on "vacation", whether she has a place to live, countless jokes trying to sell the "stupid" label, etc etc etc?

Is "The Media" running several sock accounts on USMB then?

So yes -------------- butthurt is exactly the term. TownHall and Hateway Plundit and user-generated Googly Image jokes are not in any definition "The Media".

How far is Queens from New Orleans? Well over thousand miles of pure butthurt.

the media covers her and quotes her, without that none of us would be aware of her ignorant statements and pronoucements.
Sooooooooooo instead of just admitting you can't do it and therefore were WRONG ---- you toss me a word salad and think I'll be distracted. How amusing.

Okay, so you're going with truly too dense. We can work with that. You see, the poster said this:

"Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?"

Adults realize that the first question was intended to set the stage for disapproval over the comments about a female democrat. You know, a girl and stuff. Some day you'll understand that looks are very important to a lot of girls (women too, but I'm keeping this where you'll understand better). Now, here's the tricky part and likely where you got lost. The second question was an allusion to the appearance of Trump's press secretary. Again, a girl and stuff (don't worry, some day you'll start to understand all those strange feelings when you think about girls, or maybe not). He's implying that she's not very pretty and because of that, conservatives shouldn't say things about somebody he wants to protect. I know, it's really stupid, but then, what can you expect?

Are you with me so far? I know I'm using big words you might not have heard before, like woman and comments and disapproval, but I'm teaching you things here, so look them up if you don't understand. So now, do you see the value judgement on a women's appearance or are you still hazy on the concept? I know I've given you a lot to think about so take your time and read it several times.

Once AGAIN your post was, and I quote:

That sounds an awful lot like a value judgement on a woman's appearance.

--- To which I asked, what value he was judging.
You have no answer to that. So I'll give it to you. Free. He was indeed judging a value, that being the very real value judgment of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, in this post he quoted:

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.

---- which by the way isn't even your post in the first place. But before you came charging in on yon white steed he was value-judging the idea of judging women based on appearance ("eye reduction"; "over bite [sic]"). That's advocating the idea that a Congresscritter who lives seven hundred miles away from the poster who posted it, somehow "needs" to transmogrify her facial features to suit him, a non-constituent who lives seven hundred miles away.

RW said nothing about what Sarah Huckabee-Sanders "needs" to do to placate him. He simply called the offending poster out on that poster's own standard. And you'll notice that poster since ran away.

Are we clear now?

By bringing Sanders into it, he clearly made her appearance part of the discussion. So yes, value judgement placed. Did you understand the big words I used?

And he said *WHAT* about Sanders' appearance, oh white knight?

Once again I'll give you the answer. He said the offending poster should consider it given that poster's own standard. That makes it Votto's move.

The only reason to bring her appearance into that context was as a negative example. Are you going to pretend you don't see that?

Assuming evidence that doesn't exist.
Just because it's the only thing you can think of NEVER means it's all there is.

The bottom line remains, I challenged you to substantiate your claim with evidence and you can't do it. Because such evidence does not exist. Therefore your claim fall down, go boom.
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Not so much "laughable" as "nonexistent", since no such party exists. And if one did, you would have already disqualified yourself from opining on it.

The question stands. WHO is starting all these butthurt threads about whether she's on "vacation", whether she has a place to live, countless jokes trying to sell the "stupid" label, etc etc etc?

Is "The Media" running several sock accounts on USMB then?

So yes -------------- butthurt is exactly the term. TownHall and Hateway Plundit and user-generated Googly Image jokes are not in any definition "The Media".

How far is Queens from New Orleans? Well over thousand miles of pure butthurt.

the girl is a continual source of amusement. Stop trying to cover for her. and yes, we have plenty of idiot politicians here too. Several of them are serving, or have served jail time. Democrat corruption knows no state line limits. and funny, all of our jailed politicians were democrats-------------coincidence? don't think so.

Democrat House leadership will muzzle Cortez. Her yapping is becoming the proverbial turd-in-the-punchbowl for their campaign to appear re-Americanized.

I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.

Again, I know nothing of what you're talking about and you left no link. Nor would it explain the term "cameltoe" even if it does exist. But I see the subject has now graduated to a proper surname; congratulations on finding your shift key.
Okay, so you're going with truly too dense. We can work with that. You see, the poster said this:

"Why are Conservatives so obsessed with looks?

Seen Huckabee Sanders lately?"

Adults realize that the first question was intended to set the stage for disapproval over the comments about a female democrat. You know, a girl and stuff. Some day you'll understand that looks are very important to a lot of girls (women too, but I'm keeping this where you'll understand better). Now, here's the tricky part and likely where you got lost. The second question was an allusion to the appearance of Trump's press secretary. Again, a girl and stuff (don't worry, some day you'll start to understand all those strange feelings when you think about girls, or maybe not). He's implying that she's not very pretty and because of that, conservatives shouldn't say things about somebody he wants to protect. I know, it's really stupid, but then, what can you expect?

Are you with me so far? I know I'm using big words you might not have heard before, like woman and comments and disapproval, but I'm teaching you things here, so look them up if you don't understand. So now, do you see the value judgement on a women's appearance or are you still hazy on the concept? I know I've given you a lot to think about so take your time and read it several times.

Once AGAIN your post was, and I quote:

That sounds an awful lot like a value judgement on a woman's appearance.

--- To which I asked, what value he was judging.
You have no answer to that. So I'll give it to you. Free. He was indeed judging a value, that being the very real value judgment of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, in this post he quoted:

She needs medical treatment. She needs an eye reduction and somehow fix that over bite.

I would also suggest a lobotomy but I doubt it would change her in any way.

---- which by the way isn't even your post in the first place. But before you came charging in on yon white steed he was value-judging the idea of judging women based on appearance ("eye reduction"; "over bite [sic]"). That's advocating the idea that a Congresscritter who lives seven hundred miles away from the poster who posted it, somehow "needs" to transmogrify her facial features to suit him, a non-constituent who lives seven hundred miles away.

RW said nothing about what Sarah Huckabee-Sanders "needs" to do to placate him. He simply called the offending poster out on that poster's own standard. And you'll notice that poster since ran away.

Are we clear now?

By bringing Sanders into it, he clearly made her appearance part of the discussion. So yes, value judgement placed. Did you understand the big words I used?

And he said *WHAT* about Sanders' appearance, oh white knight?

Once again I'll give you the answer. He said the offending poster should consider it given that poster's own standard. That makes it Votto's move.

The only reason to bring her appearance into that context was as a negative example. Are you going to pretend you don't see that?

Assuming evidence that doesn't exist.
Just because it's the only thing you can think of NEVER means it's all there is.

The bottom line remains, I challenged you to substantiate your claim with evidence and you can't do it. Because such evidence does not exist. Therefore your claim fall down, go boom.

I'm sure you actually think that, but I explained it might be hard for you to understand. Obviously, there is no other reason to bring her appearance into the post, as your inability to create one from your imagination and the poster's silence on it.

Next time I'll try to type slower so it'll be easier to understand.
the girl is a continual source of amusement. Stop trying to cover for her. and yes, we have plenty of idiot politicians here too. Several of them are serving, or have served jail time. Democrat corruption knows no state line limits. and funny, all of our jailed politicians were democrats-------------coincidence? don't think so.

Democrat House leadership will muzzle Cortez. Her yapping is becoming the proverbial turd-in-the-punchbowl for their campaign to appear re-Americanized.

I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.

Again, I know nothing of what you're talking about and you left no link. Nor would it explain the term "cameltoe" even if it does exist. But I see the subject has now graduated to a proper surname; congratulations on finding your shift key.

do you really not know what cameltoe means? Go to the zoo, find the camels, look at the front of their feet, compare it to the female human anatomy (if you have any familiarity with that).
Once AGAIN your post was, and I quote:

--- To which I asked, what value he was judging.
You have no answer to that. So I'll give it to you. Free. He was indeed judging a value, that being the very real value judgment of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, in this post he quoted:

---- which by the way isn't even your post in the first place. But before you came charging in on yon white steed he was value-judging the idea of judging women based on appearance ("eye reduction"; "over bite [sic]"). That's advocating the idea that a Congresscritter who lives seven hundred miles away from the poster who posted it, somehow "needs" to transmogrify her facial features to suit him, a non-constituent who lives seven hundred miles away.

RW said nothing about what Sarah Huckabee-Sanders "needs" to do to placate him. He simply called the offending poster out on that poster's own standard. And you'll notice that poster since ran away.

Are we clear now?

By bringing Sanders into it, he clearly made her appearance part of the discussion. So yes, value judgement placed. Did you understand the big words I used?

And he said *WHAT* about Sanders' appearance, oh white knight?

Once again I'll give you the answer. He said the offending poster should consider it given that poster's own standard. That makes it Votto's move.

The only reason to bring her appearance into that context was as a negative example. Are you going to pretend you don't see that?

Assuming evidence that doesn't exist.
Just because it's the only thing you can think of NEVER means it's all there is.

The bottom line remains, I challenged you to substantiate your claim with evidence and you can't do it. Because such evidence does not exist. Therefore your claim fall down, go boom.

I'm sure you actually think that, but I explained it might be hard for you to understand. Obviously, there is no other reason to bring her appearance into the post, as your inability to create one from your imagination and the poster's silence on it.

Next time I'll try to type slower so it'll be easier to understand.

Hey dood, if you had the ball you could show it to me. You don't.
Democrat House leadership will muzzle Cortez. Her yapping is becoming the proverbial turd-in-the-punchbowl for their campaign to appear re-Americanized.

I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.

Again, I know nothing of what you're talking about and you left no link. Nor would it explain the term "cameltoe" even if it does exist. But I see the subject has now graduated to a proper surname; congratulations on finding your shift key.

do you really not know what cameltoe means? Go to the zoo, find the camels, look at the front of their feet, compare it to the female human anatomy (if you have any familiarity with that).

How revealing is that, comparing women with zoo animal parts.
---- So what you're saying is Kamala Harris (or is it "harris") --- actually has a vagina? Who knew.

And that makes her, lemme guess ..... 'unqualified', amirite?

What are you, like eleven years old?
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?
No I worked pretty much 364 days a year from 1979-2005 when I retired and got out of the states.From 2000-2005 I was open on Xmess too.Now I work only 345 or so.
By bringing Sanders into it, he clearly made her appearance part of the discussion. So yes, value judgement placed. Did you understand the big words I used?

And he said *WHAT* about Sanders' appearance, oh white knight?

Once again I'll give you the answer. He said the offending poster should consider it given that poster's own standard. That makes it Votto's move.

The only reason to bring her appearance into that context was as a negative example. Are you going to pretend you don't see that?

Assuming evidence that doesn't exist.
Just because it's the only thing you can think of NEVER means it's all there is.

The bottom line remains, I challenged you to substantiate your claim with evidence and you can't do it. Because such evidence does not exist. Therefore your claim fall down, go boom.

I'm sure you actually think that, but I explained it might be hard for you to understand. Obviously, there is no other reason to bring her appearance into the post, as your inability to create one from your imagination and the poster's silence on it.

Next time I'll try to type slower so it'll be easier to understand.

Hey dood, if you had the ball you could show it to me. You don't.

I already did but you were confused because you didn't realize balls were actually round. Until the other poster weighs in, your increasingly feeble attempts to provide him cover look, well, increasingly feeble.
I am sure they will try, but they cant muzzle all of them, AOC, Maxine, Pocahontas, Cameltoe harris, Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Schumer, Biden, the Obozos, the list goes on and on.

What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.

Again, I know nothing of what you're talking about and you left no link. Nor would it explain the term "cameltoe" even if it does exist. But I see the subject has now graduated to a proper surname; congratulations on finding your shift key.

do you really not know what cameltoe means? Go to the zoo, find the camels, look at the front of their feet, compare it to the female human anatomy (if you have any familiarity with that).

How revealing is that, comparing women with zoo animal parts.
---- So what you're saying is Kamala Harris (or is it "harris") --- actually has a vagina? Who knew.

And that makes her, lemme guess ..... 'unqualified', amirite?

What are you, like eleven years old?

the woman screwed her way into politics. being female helped her do that. Ignore that reality in one of your idols if you choose. I really don't give a shit.

and pushing the shift key is a simple maneuver, but sometimes the fingers are faster than the keyboard, can you forgive me, Hoppystick?
is it ia Good thing women don't really believe in equality or equal rights and insist we simply get used to modern women in modern times?
What in the friggety fuck is a "Cameltoe harris [sic]"?

Kamela Harris, the ex mistress of Willie Brown, who slept her way into politics. the nickname fits.

Again, I know nothing of what you're talking about and you left no link. Nor would it explain the term "cameltoe" even if it does exist. But I see the subject has now graduated to a proper surname; congratulations on finding your shift key.

do you really not know what cameltoe means? Go to the zoo, find the camels, look at the front of their feet, compare it to the female human anatomy (if you have any familiarity with that).

How revealing is that, comparing women with zoo animal parts.
---- So what you're saying is Kamala Harris (or is it "harris") --- actually has a vagina? Who knew.

And that makes her, lemme guess ..... 'unqualified', amirite?

What are you, like eleven years old?

the woman screwed her way into politics. being female helped her do that. Ignore that reality in one of your idols if you choose. I really don't give a shit.

It would appear fantasy is one of your idols, wouldn't it. I don't really give a shit either but it's just revealing that you'd elect to slam a politician you find yourself at odds with by playing that fantasy with the sex card, a tactic I suspect you'd never even consider for a male. And that means Double Standard.

Summa y'all are funny as a crutch in ways y'all don't even see. If there's a female on the left she's "ugly" and if "ugly" doesn't apply, then she "slept her way to the top". Fantasy covers all bases. Either way she "loses".

and pushing the shift key is a simple maneuver, but sometimes the fingers are faster than the keyboard, can you forgive me, Hoppystick?

You're claiming typo disease now? Doooooon't think so. Were that the case the rest of your text would be replete with misspellings, and it isn't. I doubt you can type faster than I (only ever met one person who could and he was a typesetter), and I don't miss the shift key, do I. Does it make your text incomprehensible? Not at all. It simply belies, again, an inert bias in who you choose to "award" an uppercase to and who you chose to ignore.
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Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

She’s taking a vacation before she starts the job. Most people try to work before they take a vacation from it

A lot of people take time off in-between jobs as they know once they start a new one they will not have the time. it is a very common thing.

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