Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?

What makes you think people hired by todays affirmative action are not competent? Do you understand how it works?
Because they got the job from skin color, instead of earning it from qualification. Duh!

Who hires off a blind list of objective criteria? No one . So when you say “qualification “ does that mean “being the bosses nephew “?
Who hires off a blind list of objective criteria? No one . So when you say “qualification “ does that mean “being the bosses nephew “?
How is objective criteria "blind" ? It is education, experience, references, etc. Nothing blind about it. Who hires from that ? Intelligent business owners, that's who.
Actually the two instances of AA hires in preference to myself were the same skin color as my own.
So there goes that argument.
No. My argument stays right where it is. If they got the job from anything (ex. skin color, sex, nationality) other than qualification, they could very well be not competent for it.
Actually the two instances of AA hires in preference to myself were the same skin color as my own.
So there goes that argument.
No. My argument stays right where it is. If they got the job from anything (ex. skin color, sex, nationality) other than qualification, they could very well be not competent for it.

You must be a resident of the Special Bus if you think editing out a quote means it never happened.

What you said was, and I quote,

Because they got the job from skin color, instead of earning it from qualification. Duh!

--- And I just explained to you that in these two instances, they did not.
And you agreed.

That means your point FAILS.
My parents did not pay for all my education. They raised four kids and paid around $400 a year in real estate taxes. That didn’t come close to paying for our education

I didn’t pay for my children’s education either. What I paid in taxes didn’t come close to what it cost to educate them

Correct, and do you know why? Because the people with no kids in school were subsidizing you and your children's education. Nothing is free. Free to a liberal means no charge to you, and foot the bill to somebody else.
Education is free in that you don’t receive a bill and receive a good education

I’d rather see my tax dollars go to healthcare, infrastructure and education than to prop up puppet dictators on the other side of the world
Who hires off a blind list of objective criteria? No one . So when you say “qualification “ does that mean “being the bosses nephew “?
How is objective criteria "blind" ? It is education, experience, references, etc. Nothing blind about it. Who hires from that ? Intelligent business owners, that's who.

All kinds of variables come into play . Would you ever hire someone without an interview ? No . Why would you need one if you have this “objective “ criteria in front of you .
Look at it this way

You used the educational system when you grew up and are now paying back the education you received

So why should I pay three fold of what somebody else paid for me? And no, most of my education was in a private Catholic school where the church parishioners footed the bill.

Your parents and your own choices

My choices? Do you think I have a choice in where my property tax goes?
Tax code is written to reward those who have children

You choose to ignore those tax advantages

And how do I take those advantages? Having children I do not want?

The tax code was written to take from some to give to others.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.
As a society, we have decided to encourage the formation of families.
Actually the two instances of AA hires in preference to myself were the same skin color as my own.
So there goes that argument.
No. My argument stays right where it is. If they got the job from anything (ex. skin color, sex, nationality) other than qualification, they could very well be not competent for it.
For hundreds of years, white, male, Christians got jobs just because of their sex and skin color

Minorities or women need not apply
AA is very harmful and racist. It's harmful in that it takes away motivation and the struggle to succeed that everyone should go through in life to build character and integrity. Another liberal failure.

Wrong. Before you post again, go study American history.
Yet, you can't explain why I'm wrong. I lived American history .

It's really something a sane person shouldn't need explained. From 1776 until 1965 by law whites were given every opportunity based only upon skin color by written law. AA does not discriminate unless you think whites deserve every job, every admission or every contract.
I've lost at least two job opportunities to AA, so ..... no, not much "help".
I've lost 2000 (over 50 years) Also lost business loans, job promotions, and college financial aid. Summed up, I've had my economic life ruined, and was only saved by my starting my own business, and building it up. They couldn't discriminate against me there (except in the business loan part)

You haven't lost a damned thing.

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