Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)

So, it appears that other posters on this thread find it impossible for white women to accomplish anything on their own through hard work and determination. Pretty sexist to think men are the only ones with brains. Pity.

So, it appears that other posters on this thread find it impossible for white women to accomplish anything on their own through hard work and determination. Pretty sexist to think men are the only ones with brains. Pity.

you are responding to black males, the lowest of the low. consider the source you will be going around in circles with them and their pea brains

just a word of warning

This is a laugh, coming from one of the most uneducated, misinformed individuals who posts in this forum.

The white female that you are responding to is undoubtedly head and shoulders above you in all categories, as are the few black males who post here.

Now......go finish sweeping the floor and cleaning the restrooms.
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I don't deny that it happened and that it was wrong. What I said is that trying to make up for it using the same factor that was used is denying it is also wrong.

Your logic is just wrong because what you're doing is using the "Intolerance" argument that goes

"Its intolerant to be intolerant or intolerance"

No helping the people who were adversely affected by a policy is not a bad thing. Its an apology or sorts.

A weak one at that since AA isnt only for Blacks.
Your logic is that it's OK to use a factor to benefit someone that if used against them would be wrong. That's retarded.

Since I didn't do them wrong, I don't owe them an apology. It's not my place to help someone I didn't wrong because I happen to be the same race as those who did.

AA damn sure isn't for whites.

You keep saying IF used against them. IT WAS used against them. Now how do you fix that? By ignoring it? Give 'em a pat on the back?

AA is used by more white women than any other group. Messed up, Blacks should have a program for blacks. Wouldnt you agree?

Proof please about white women. Also, you should focus on the women part not the white.

I agree that people should be hired based on qualifications and race isn't one of them.
I agree. I don't see how white women have benefitted the most. I went back to school and earned my degree. There were more black women in my classes than white. I worked hard all my life, starting at the bottom. Nothing was handed to me.
Good for you
If you got a job as a nurse, teacher or secretary you probably were not helped by affirmative action. Anything else and you were
You say you started at the bottom? Prior to affirmative action, you would have stayed there
So, it appears that other posters on this thread find it impossible for white women to accomplish anything on their own through hard work and determination. Pretty sexist to think men are the only ones with brains. Pity.
It's not that women before affirmative action didn't work hard or have brains but that their efforts were not recognized. It was a mans world and women had their place in it
Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.

It is not my choice to be agreed with in an anonymous forum, so I will say that you sound like a hard working woman who made it on her own.

Truthfully, some of best and brightest individuals that I have ever had report to me before retiring were women in general. Black, white and brown. In most cases they were focused and committed, and also brought another dimension with their skill set...compassion for people.

The truth us that AA, has helped get women as a collective out of the kitchen and leveled the playing field.

The weak and spineless white males in general who oppose AA, in general are the ones who are insecure, and cannot effectively compete without preferential treatment.

That being said, congratulations and hats off to your success.
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So, it appears that other posters on this thread find it impossible for white women to accomplish anything on their own through hard work and determination. Pretty sexist to think men are the only ones with brains. Pity.

you are responding to black males, the lowest of the low. consider the source you will be going around in circles with them and their pea brains

just a word of warning
Yes we have led you around in circles because you are not too bright and easily toyed with. Typically women are smarter than men and since you struggle to keep up with a toddler in most areas she should be able to converse easier than you.

the Bell Curve was never debunked

and Carib Gal wiped the floor with you

You're presence, and obvious deficiencies along with some of your other cartoon pals here is enough in itself to debunk the "Bell Curve".

Go get a GED.
Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.

The weak and spineless white males in general who oppose AA, in general are the ones who are insecure, and cannot effectively compete without preferential treatment.

Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.
But it is okay for whites to assume blacks benefit from AA?

we don't assume are just a failure...we know why you are jealous of the blacks.

Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.
But it is okay for whites to assume blacks benefit from AA?

we don't assume are just a failure...we know why you are jealous of the blacks.

Hey stupid ass, which "IQ" tests were these results extrapolated from????

Hint: Not a single one...
Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.

The weak and spineless white males in general who oppose AA, in general are the ones who are insecure, and cannot effectively compete without preferential treatment.


And those test results have nothing to do with you as an INDIVIDUAL. Being part of a collective does not by default make you a part of the more intelligent percentage of that collective.

If you had a complete brain cell you would know that.
Just because I am a white woman, this in no way makes it probable that I obtained degrees, jobs, etc. just because of my race and gender. Nobody handed anything to me. It is racist for anyone of another race to think so.

The weak and spineless white males in general who oppose AA, in general are the ones who are insecure, and cannot effectively compete without preferential treatment.


And those test results have nothing to do with you as an INDIVIDUAL. Being part of a collective does not by default make you a part of the more intelligent percentage of that collective.

If you had a complete brain cell you would know that.

I already know that and have stated as such

just don't wonder why blacks as a collective are behind in SES

Affirmative action is for you b/c of your collective stupidity

you are the prime example ******
Thats weird. White males have unfettered AA for 400 years and they are whining about Blacks having partial AA for 50 years? Squeeze ancestors had all that time to build a legacy and still couldnt get it done. :laugh:
Thats weird. White males have unfettered AA for 400 years and they are whining about Blacks having partial AA for 50 years? Squeeze ancestors had all that time to build a legacy and still couldnt get it done. :laugh:

link to my 400 years of AA
Chart of the Thirteen Original Colonies - Basic Information on the Founding of the 13 Colonies

hint stupid

I'm not 400 years old
Where did I say you were stupid?
Affirmative action ended the monopoly that white males had on top level jobs
Why should AA go away?
You're so-called "peaceful revolution" could have been attained by supplying AA for those who NEED it (based on economic class), without being racist, based on race, and sexist, based on gender. Them within, that context, the jobs could be given based on qualifications.

It should go away, because it is a disgrace to America, that has maliciously, racistly discriminated against (by far) more people than anything else, for 50 years, and reparations should be now paid to compensate the victims of it.

AA is supplied to those that need it. The problem seems to be that you have determined that millions of beneficaries of that policy didnt really "need it"...Whatever that means.

And the entire reason you think it should go away is think so. You have anything else or thats the gist?
You have it wrong. AA is NOT supplied to those who NEED it. I happen to support AA based on economic class, ie. financial NEED. AA is instead, based on race and sex, and thereby can (and often is) given to minorities * women who are OK financially (if not wealthy) people who DON'T NEED IT, while discriminating against poor Whites who DO NEED IT. Got it now ?

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