"Affluenza teen" Ethan Couch to be released from jail today...

So its because he was RICH not WHITE he was dealt with with kid gloves. If it had been a rich black or latino or asian kid would have been the same.

Nope. That's not how it would have gone.
OK sight seer....I forgot all race baiting libtards know the future and how things will go down. YAWN.
So here we have a white male who killed 4 people after breaking the law by being underage while drinking and driving. He was also speeding. But he is released fro jail after 2 years.


Ethan Couch, the young Texas man at the center of the so-called affluenza case, was released from jail this morning.

Couch, now 20, was sentenced to two years in Tarrant County jail after violating his probation conditions for a 2013 fatal drunk-driving accident that killed four people and injured several others.

His case gained national attention when a psychologist involved in the case said then-16-year-old Couch was a product of "affluenza" -- a term he used to describe Couch's irresponsible lifestyle associated with his affluent upbringing. Couch had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit on the night of the crash.

Check out the excuse.- His being affluent caused him to make irresponsible decisions. He was just too rich to be responsible.

'Affluenza teen' Ethan Couch released from jail
OJ got away with murdering 2 WHITES and he's BLACK!!!!!
not guilty by a mostly racist BLACK jury
and no hate crime charge!!!
blacks love it when a black murders a white
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I heard Tylenol makes a pill for "Affluenza and Cold Symptoms", is that true?

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