Affordable Care Act

Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

Lying through omission? It is tbe PPACA not the ACA for reasons that expose you as ignorant and wildly uninformed.

The PPACA/The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Try this, then please....

‘subpart i--general reform
‘Sec. 2704. Prohibition of preexisting condition exclusions or other discrimination based on health status.

‘Sec. 2701. Fair health insurance premiums.

‘Sec. 2702. Guaranteed availability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2703. Guaranteed renewability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2705. Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status.

‘Sec. 2706. Non-discrimination in health care.

‘Sec. 2707. Comprehensive health insurance coverage.

‘Sec. 2708. Prohibition on excessive waiting periods.

...go away or stfu until you know what ypu are talking about.

Throw an idiot a bone, give him a a couple of talking points and he thinks he knows something:cuckoo: 2700 page law, 10,000 pages of regulations with more coming, you're just way too smart for your own good. Maybe you can help them with that 600 million dollar web-site genus
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Is neither "affordable" nor does it "care" about your indisputable right to free choice.

Lying through omission? It is tbe PPACA not the ACA for reasons that expose you as ignorant and wildly uninformed.

The PPACA/The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Try this, then please....

‘subpart i--general reform
‘Sec. 2704. Prohibition of preexisting condition exclusions or other discrimination based on health status.

‘Sec. 2701. Fair health insurance premiums.

‘Sec. 2702. Guaranteed availability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2703. Guaranteed renewability of coverage.

‘Sec. 2705. Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status.

‘Sec. 2706. Non-discrimination in health care.

‘Sec. 2707. Comprehensive health insurance coverage.

‘Sec. 2708. Prohibition on excessive waiting periods.

...go away or stfu until you know what ypu are talking about.
All the "guarantees" beg 2 questions-
at whose expense?
and by what right?

There should be a complete separation (laissez-faire capitalism) of the government & the economy. It's never been tried & is the only economic system which supports an individual's right to his own life & property. Anything else is slave labor.
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