"Affording" to have (more) Kids - Extreme Irony


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So here we have a "a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies at Rutgers" [try to control your gag reflex] saying that "white" people are declining to have (more) children because they fear that they will not be able to nurture them into the middle class. Hold that thought.

At the same time, ponder the facts that (a) 70% - roughly - of African American births over the past decade have been to single women, and (b) single parenthood is the single biggest factor in essentially every major social problem in our society, namely, dropping out of school, substance abuse, petty and serious criminality, and of course, daughters of single mothers are dramatically more likely to have illegitimate children themselves.

So follow the logic of this college professor: Rather than saying that Black women ought to take a hint from their "white" sisters and NOT HAVE KIDS THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO NURTURE INTO THE MIDDLE CLASS, she ridicules the aforesaid women for having the timidity to make that entirely logical and proper value judgment.

And is that not the Democracy-hating Stacey Abrams on the stage with her?

On might also be mindful of the peripheral fact that public tax dollars are paying the salary and benefits of a person whose role in life is to teach mainly-Black students about life...that is to say, to highlight how oppressed they are and remind them - hint, hint - of who their oppressors are.

As I said parenthetically above, try to control your gag reflex.
I've been preaching for decades that human breeding in this country needs to be regulated and licensed.

If you can't AFFORD a kid, if you don't have the mental ability to HANDLE a kid, if you don't have the SKILLS to grow a kid, if you don't have the IQ to RAISE a kid with some intelligence level above "GIMME, GIMME, GIMME, MINE, MINE, MINE".....then you get denied.

What groups would this affect the most? Blacks of course. Then all the illegals. Then whites. And all others after that.

So here we have a "a professor of women’s and gender studies and Africana studies at Rutgers" [try to control your gag reflex] saying that "white" people are declining to have (more) children because they fear that they will not be able to nurture them into the middle class. Hold that thought.

At the same time, ponder the facts that (a) 70% - roughly - of African American births over the past decade have been to single women, and (b) single parenthood is the single biggest factor in essentially every major social problem in our society, namely, dropping out of school, substance abuse, petty and serious criminality, and of course, daughters of single mothers are dramatically more likely to have illegitimate children themselves.

So follow the logic of this college professor: Rather than saying that Black women ought to take a hint from their "white" sisters and NOT HAVE KIDS THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO NURTURE INTO THE MIDDLE CLASS, she ridicules the aforesaid women for having the timidity to make that entirely logical and proper value judgment.

And is that not the Democracy-hating Stacey Abrams on the stage with her?

On might also be mindful of the peripheral fact that public tax dollars are paying the salary and benefits of a person whose role in life is to teach mainly-Black students about life...that is to say, to highlight how oppressed they are and remind them - hint, hint - of who their oppressors are.

As I said parenthetically above, try to control your gag reflex.

Okay, how is she wrong? I mean the standard of living is such these days that it seems plausible that some don't want to have children because to do so would seriously impact their ability to make their mcmansion payment and keep two new SUV's in the garage. Coming up with the money for private school would just break them. It is not exclusive to any particular race, but as a general rule, people who are poor are used to being poor, especially blacks. People who are not poor (mostly whites) fear poverty like the plague.
Since even before the advent of The Pill, middle-class Americans have tried to plan their families according to their ability to support children, and the lifestyle that they expect. I know several couples who spaced their kids about four years apart because they didn't want to have more than one kid in college at the same time. This is normal, rational thinking.

To ridicule this sort of thinking in "white" couples is stunningly oblivious to reality.
People who don't carefully consider their financial ability to afford children before having them are disgustingly irresponsible.

The least intelligent and most irresponsible people in our society drop kids as if they were dogs having a litter whenever they please. Then they get on welfare, and the decent people have to pay to raise their fucking kids, through their extorted tax dollars.

Fuckhead Biden, through his child tax credit and other freebies, is encouraging this irresponsible behavior by the least intelligent and least productive members of our population. It's going to cost this nation dearly in future years, in wasted dollars and increased crime.

Biden, Kamelface, and Congressional Dems have to go.

The least intelligent and most irresponsible people in our society drop kids as if they were dogs having a litter ....
Who exactly is doing that? And were YOU birthed to a bitch? Human beings are not dogs.

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