Afghan Newlyweds Stoned To Death

There are actually 300 million muslims in the armed forces at this time. A lot of people don't know that.
Be quiet! Or you will get the invented word Islamophobia slammed down your throat and your freedom of speech squashed because many in the left want to create a world where only they have the right to speak an opinion. You could call it being sentenced to death like Socrates, since the left hates western culture so passionately. :eusa_shhh:

If Islamophobia is a fear of Islam, then I hope it strikes all those who fight Islam.
I don't fear Islam. In fact I am totally unapologetic about western culture. You can by all means destroy buildings, entire western nations even, but western culture can devastate even Islam. I doubt I am the only one pointing out that you could win Europe, only to lose Mecca and all of the middle east to western culture and secularization, thus for every battle you win in the west you lose one against secular Muslims in the middle east :eusa_eh:

American Culture is an oxymoron. It is therefore impossible to destroy it.
If Islamophobia is a fear of Islam, then I hope it strikes all those who fight Islam.
I don't fear Islam. In fact I am totally unapologetic about western culture. You can by all means destroy buildings, entire western nations even, but western culture can devastate even Islam. I doubt I am the only one pointing out that you could win Europe, only to lose Mecca and all of the middle east to western culture and secularization, thus for every battle you win in the west you lose one against secular Muslims in the middle east :eusa_eh:

American Culture is an oxymoron. It is therefore impossible to destroy it.

Yet somehow its still vastly superior to the Islamic culture. Strange how that works. Islam must suck somethin fierce.
WTF did anyone get stoned to death in the US?????

Leave aside the bickering a moment, RetiredGySgt. This didn't happen in secret. Aren't US troops there, engaging in "nation building"? Why didn't they prevent this?
Jim Morrison:razz:.........oooops . He was in France at the time, socializing with socialists.
As far as the heroes in uniform, they were out hunting civilians..
If Islamophobia is a fear of Islam, then I hope it strikes all those who fight Islam.
I don't fear Islam. In fact I am totally unapologetic about western culture. You can by all means destroy buildings, entire western nations even, but western culture can devastate even Islam. I doubt I am the only one pointing out that you could win Europe, only to lose Mecca and all of the middle east to western culture and secularization, thus for every battle you win in the west you lose one against secular Muslims in the middle east :eusa_eh:

American Culture is an oxymoron. It is therefore impossible to destroy it.

Your subculture hasnt even transitioned out of the Middle Ages.

You worship a fake prophet who was a pedophile. Sucker!
So that's what's in the diaper?

Muhammad's 6 year old wife, Aisha, was in the diaper. Your Perfect Man.

So I'm Aisha?

You worship the pedophile Muhammad who was married to 6 year old Aisha. The child molester thighed Aisha until he climaxed in his pants and, as recorded in the hadith, Aisha had to wash the semen off the pedophile's pants.

Muslims are suckers.
The Taliban's interpretation of the Koran authorizes not just death by stoning, but also amputation and other unbelievable punishments...and for acts that I doubt many Westerners can comprehend as "crimes". This is not a "cultural divide" where the two cultures put the age of consent in different places. It seems to me this is the difference between barbarianism and human decency.

Why can't we apply enough pressure to the Afghan government to at least outlaw such horrific punishments?

Because it is part of Islam. So in essence you are asking them to westernize and adopt Christian principles.
It's a time honored muslim tradition to santify the diaper with a little "present". Something Western infidels and non-pedophiles wouldn't understand.
You guys have got to do better. It was under Bush and the Republicans that millions of American jobs moved to China, making that "communist/socialist" country stronger and ours weaker. THINK ABOUT THAT! THINK HARD!

It was Clinton who signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.

That's what you come up with from thinking hard? Nixon also signed agreements with China. So? What does that have to do with shipping American jobs to China? The jobs went there under Bush. Think hard now. Bush.

Rdrool, you're like a fucking virus, infecting every damned thread with your 'Republican' rants. The topic of this thread is a fucking stoning of a young couple in Afghanistan. Prove that, just one time, you can address a topic without blaming Bush or the GOP. Just one time.

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