Afghan Newlyweds Stoned To Death

500 years ago, Christians burned witches at the stake.

Parts of the world are still 500 years ago.

Yep, it should only take 8 more years, and $700B, then Afganistan should be ready to enter the 19th century.


Does our military have anything better to do?
The "thinking man's soldier" stated: "We can not kill or capture our way out of an industrial strength insurgency" while pointing out it would be "a number of years" before Afghans can manage on their own.

What he didn't volunteer and what the hypocrites on the Senate committee he was appearing before didn't ask is how long would war exist if it earned no profits for Wall Street?

The US elites apparently believe they can use tools like Petraeus and Obama to lay the foundation for long-term occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan modeled on those in Korea, Japan, and Germany.

US taxpayers/voters would have to FLUSH the US Congress of all Republicans AND Democrats and then impose a 100% Death Tax on all war profits in order to bring the American Empire home.

And then the hard part starts...

Petraeus Warns It Could be Years...
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.

I seem to be forever reading of muslim men who claim they have the right to rape western women, because they were asking for it by dressing as they do. You fucking hypocritical excuse for a human being. Seems muslim males like walking the two way street. Do as we say...not as we do. I spit on pigs like you!

Mostly, I just feel shocked and saddened.

Good. That's the first step. It means the truth of the matter is finally starting to sink in. Islam is a horrible, filthy, bloody, violent, murderous bastard religion. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.

And I hope you die next, so that there's one less shit stain on earth that thinks the way you do.
This crime, if true, is truly horrendous. How insanely backwards are these diaper heads? There probably aren't enough teeth in the whole village to make up one normal dental patient. And what is this crazy sex obsession these guys have? I don't understand but I suspect the camels are in at least as much danger as the women.
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.

I seem to be forever reading of muslim men who claim they have the right to rape western women, because they were asking for it by dressing as they do. You fucking hypocritical excuse for a human being. Seems muslim males like walking the two way street. Do as we say...not as we do. I spit on pigs like you!

So what if I have white girlfriends for sex?

I will not be marrying them, since they are not Muslim.
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.

I seem to be forever reading of muslim men who claim they have the right to rape western women, because they were asking for it by dressing as they do. You fucking hypocritical excuse for a human being. Seems muslim males like walking the two way street. Do as we say...not as we do. I spit on pigs like you!

So what if I have white girlfriends for sex?

I will not be marrying them, since they are not Muslim.

So, you admit you are a rapist, huh!
Anybody can claim to be a Muslim having sex with white girls when it's obvious those toothless rascals have a big problem getting any no matter where they live. I think there are some not particularly convincing agent provocateurs around trying to stir things up.
Islam, a religion of peace. Just keep saying that while you and others make excuses for their actions, all SANCTIONED by their religious leaders.

The RELIGION is the problem. It teaches people to behave this way. It teaches them that only Islam is acceptable. It teaches them to treat women like property. To murder people that disobey religious edicts.

All of you dumb asses that keep claiming only a small part of Islam is dangerous explain why you can not understand they want us converted or dead by ANY means. They murder their own people for MARRYING each other. They murder women for daring to go in public without a male family member escorting them. They murder their own FAMILY members when ordered to by Islamic clerics.

Yet you have a problem understanding how they could murder unbelievers, How they could lie to unbelievers. You all need to WAKE the FUCK UP.

You are being disingenuous or you're an idiot. Our laws are the ONLY thing that keeps such things from happening here AND YOU KNOW IT.

It the Christians here weren't held back by our laws, feminists would somehow be made an "example" to other women. Gays would be publicly and gleefully executed.

The problem here is Afghanistan is a primitive country. They were doing this before we went there and they will do it after we leave. Only their own people can stop what happens there. And us being there means they will never change. We are different. We are the enemy.

Besides, now that the Republican supported Iraqi Constitution is in place making "Sharia" THE law, you are going to see more and more of that happening in Iraq. It's unavoidable. You have already seen it with woman and the gays.

Many American Christians aren't particularly concerned with what happens to the women, because women are supposed to be subservient to men, according to the Bible. As far as the gays being murdered, how many in this country see that as a plus? Seriously?

We've done nothing to change Afghanistan and won't. We should declare victory for, well, uh, we could say we chased Bin Laden around a little bit and showed how strong we are, and then come home.

And fuck Iraq. We got rid of Saddam and replaced his secular government with a far right wing religious theocracy that now hates our guts, enslaves it's women, kills it's gays and chases it's Christians out of the country. Let's declare victory and come home.

Notice how Republicans brought this same type of success to the economy? To the environment? To the Justice System? To education? Live by ideology, die by ideology.
Notice how Republicans brought this same type of success to the economy? To the environment? To the Justice System? To education? Live by ideology, die by ideology.
You blame this on Republican's after Obama has nearly destroyed the US economy bringing in money from China for his health care plan, and to feed his campaign donors?

You blame the Republicans for ruining the environment when it was under Bill Clinton, Obama and the Democrats that legislation was passed to stop people growing their own food, and legislating an elite group of corporations to control all agriculture in the US occurred?

You blame the Republicans for the state of the US education system when Democrats equally did nothing (if not less) during their time in office?

Finally you blame the Republicans for a bad justice system when you appoint radical Islam loving, western hating, constitution violators to judge the rights and liberties of the American people?

Where do you live, or rather where do you want to live?


Likely you live (or want to live) in the communist delusion they call Cuba. :rolleyes:
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Notice how Republicans brought this same type of success to the economy? To the environment? To the Justice System? To education? Live by ideology, die by ideology.
You blame this on Republican's after Obama has nearly destroyed the US economy bringing in money from China for his health care plan, and to feed his campaign donors?

What the fuck are you even talking about. The CBO says this health care plan will SAVE 150 billion over the next 10 years. You can't name a single policy from that bill much less one that's bad. FOR EXAMPLE: You know that a visit to an emergency room costs over 600 bucks. And if you are over 40, over a thousand bucks. A visit to a clinic or a doctor is 60 to 200 bucks. Just that alone is an enormous savings. And believe me, I could go one endlessly about this bill. It is over 1,500 pages and is nothing but "good" for the middle class. Do some research. Don't just believe Republican lies.

You blame the Republicans for ruining the environment when it was under Bill Clinton, Obama and the Democrats that legislation was passed to stop people growing their own food, and legislating an elite group of corporations to control all agriculture in the US occurred?

Wrong again. It was during the first term under Bush that the EPA and OSHA were defanged. In fact, "fracture" mining for natural gas was completely deregulated by Bush and the Republicans. This will be the next big "BP". You heard it here first. Republicans will try to blame it on Obama and the Democrats, but the truth will be known. Lies only work for a while.

You blame the Republicans for the state of the US education system when Democrats equally did nothing (if not less) during their time in office?

It's not the Democrats delegitimizing science and education by pushing magical creation and rewriting text books. NEXT!

Finally you blame the Republicans for a bad justice system when you appoint radical Islam loving, western hating, constitution violators to judge the rights and liberties of the American people?

You don't even know what the fuck the constitution says. In the last year, Republicans have introduced 42 amendments wanting to change the constitution they hold so dear. What a laugh riot.

Where do you live, or rather where do you want to live?


Likely you live (or want to live) in the communist delusion they call Cuba. :rolleyes:

You guys have got to do better. It was under Bush and the Republicans that millions of American jobs moved to China, making that "communist/socialist" country stronger and ours weaker. THINK ABOUT THAT! THINK HARD!
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Notice how Republicans brought this same type of success to the economy? To the environment? To the Justice System? To education? Live by ideology, die by ideology.
You blame this on Republican's after Obama has nearly destroyed the US economy bringing in money from China for his health care plan, and to feed his campaign donors?

What the fuck are you even talking about. The CBO says this health care plan will SAVE 150 billion over the next 10 years. You can't name a single policy from that bill much less one that's bad. FOR EXAMPLE: You know that a visit to an emergency room costs over 600 bucks. And if you are over 40, over a thousand bucks. A visit to a clinic or a doctor is 60 to 200 bucks. Just that alone is an enormous savings. And believe me, I could go one endlessly about this bill. It is over 1,500 pages and is nothing but "good" for the middle class. Do some research. Don't just believe Republican lies.

You blame the Republicans for ruining the environment when it was under Bill Clinton, Obama and the Democrats that legislation was passed to stop people growing their own food, and legislating an elite group of corporations to control all agriculture in the US occurred?

Wrong again. It was during the first term under Bush that the EPA and OSHA were defanged. In fact, "fracture" mining for natural gas was completely deregulated by Bush and the Republicans. This will be the next big "BP". You heard it here first. Republicans will try to blame it on Obama and the Democrats, but the truth will be known. Lies only work for a while.

You blame the Republicans for the state of the US education system when Democrats equally did nothing (if not less) during their time in office?

It's not the Democrats delegitimizing science and education by pushing magical creation and rewriting text books. NEXT!

Finally you blame the Republicans for a bad justice system when you appoint radical Islam loving, western hating, constitution violators to judge the rights and liberties of the American people?

You don't even know what the fuck the constitution says. In the last year, Republicans have introduced 42 amendments wanting to change the constitution they hold so dear. What a laugh riot.

Where do you live, or rather where do you want to live?


Likely you live (or want to live) in the communist delusion they call Cuba. :rolleyes:

You guys have got to do better. It was under Bush and the Republicans that millions of American jobs moved to China, making that "communist/socialist" country stronger and ours weaker. THINK ABOUT THAT! THINK HARD!

It was Clinton who signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China.
The couple were behaving like western sex dogs. Their highly immoral behaviour was rightly punished in line with Sharia. It is better to do this than allow them to spread their AIDS.

If only I thought you were not deliberately trying to make Islam look bad by acting like an idiot.

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